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WP7 Minerals Geological Survey of Ireland Maria Judge, Charise McKeon, Ali Robinson, Janine Guinan, Archie Donovan, Koen Verbruggen Objective To identify.

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Presentation on theme: "WP7 Minerals Geological Survey of Ireland Maria Judge, Charise McKeon, Ali Robinson, Janine Guinan, Archie Donovan, Koen Verbruggen Objective To identify."— Presentation transcript:

1 WP7 Minerals Geological Survey of Ireland Maria Judge, Charise McKeon, Ali Robinson, Janine Guinan, Archie Donovan, Koen Verbruggen Objective To identify and map the occurrences of mineral deposits (including aggregates, oil and gas and metalliferous minerals), within the EEZ of participating countries, based on information available to the project partners, including publicly‐available information (those not held under commercial restrictions) Description/deliverables Compile mineral deposit information and develop web mapping services for sharing spatial data between public organisations and authorities including EC and EU research, policy making institutions and commercial stakeholders for the sustainable geo-energy and mineral supply of Europe.

2 Phase 1 – Aggregate & Hydrocarbons Published Data

3 WP7 Task Guide circulated March 11 th 2014 A guide to the deliverables associated with EMODnet- Geology Phase II work package 7: Minerals; where ‘minerals’ refer to marine mineral deposits on or under the seabed. The types of mineral deposits that occur on and/or beneath the seafloor, to be included in EMODnet work package 7 are: aggregates hydrocarbons gas hydrates marine placer deposits phosphorite deposits evaporite deposits polymetallic sulphides polymetallic nodules cobalt rich ferromanganese crust

4 AggregatesHydrocarbonsGas Hydrates Marine Placer PhosphoriteEvaporitePolymetallic Sulphides Polymetallic Nodules Cobalt Rich Fe- Mn Crust EstoniaDenmarkPortugalLatviaPortugalEstoniaPortugal FinlandIrelandRussiaPolandSpainLatviaSpain France SpainRussia IrelandLithuaniaSpain LatviaNorway Poland Romania PortugalRussia Spain Sweden Phase II Deposit Types Received (By Country) September 2014

5 FieldInformation CodeTwo letter country code, which corresponds to ISO3166- code e.g. FI, SE, LV, IE Deposit TypeName of deposit type UnitsQuantitative measurement of deposit if available StatusE.G. License, exploration, exploitation etc. OperatorOperating company Exploitation TypeMining Method Block NameName of the block, concession or deposit area Block NumberNumber of the block, concession or deposit area Data ProviderName of organisation providing data Data Provider ContactWhat are the organisation/institute information contact details – email is required Area Extent (Sq. Km) Area of deposit Depth to seabed (m)Depth to deposit from sea surface Aggregate Deposits

6 FieldInformation CodeTwo letter country code, which corresponds to ISO3166- code. e.g. FI, SE, LV, IE Deposit TypeName of deposit type (Oil, Gas, etc) UnitsQuantitative measurement of deposit StatusE.G. License, under exploration, production OperatorOperating company Exploitation TypeProduction Method (Platform, seabed completion etc) Block NameName of the block, concession or deposit area Block NumberNumber of the block, concession or deposit area Data ProviderName of organisation providing data Data Provider ContactWhat are the organisation/institute information contact details – email is required Area Extent (Sq. Km)Area of block Depth to Reservoir (m)Depth to reservoir from sea bed Host Rock Formation & AgeHost rock formation & age Hydrocarbon Deposits

7 FieldInformation CodeTwo letter country code, which corresponds to ISO3166- code. e.g. FI, SE, LV, IE Deposit TypeName of deposit type (Gas Hydrates) UnitsQuantitative measurement of deposit, if available. StatusE.G. License, under exploration, exploitation OperatorOperating or exploring company if appropriate. Exploitation TypeProduction Method if relevant Area NameName of the area, concession or deposit area Area NumberNumber of the area, concession or deposit area Data ProviderName of organisation providing data Data Provider ContactWhat are the organisation/institute information contact details – email is required Area Extent (Sq. Km) Area of deposit Depth to deposit (m)Depth to deposit from sea bed Gas Hydrate Deposits

8 FieldInformation CodeTwo letter country code, which corresponds to ISO3166- code e.g. FI, SE, LV, IE Deposit type Deposit: Placer, Type: (e.g. ilmenite, rutile etc) UnitsQuantitative measurement of resource or reserve, if available. StatusE.G. License, under exploration, exploitation OperatorOperating or Exploring company Exploitation TypeMining Method if applicable Area NameName of the area, concession or deposit area Area NumberNumber of the area, concession or deposit area Data ProviderName of organisation providing data Data Provider ContactWhat are the organisation/institute information contact details – email is required Area Extent (Sq. Km) Area of deposit Depth to deposit (m)Depth to deposit from sea surface Marine Placer Deposits

9 FieldInformation CodeTwo letter country code, which corresponds to ISO3166- code e.g. FI, SE, LV, IE Deposit Type Deposit: Phosphorite, Type :Nodular/Bioclastic/Phosphatization SettingEpeiric/Continental margin/Seamount/Insular; if known UnitsQuantitative measurement of deposit if available. StatusE.G. License, under exploration, exploitation OperatorOperating company Exploitation TypeMining Method Area NameName of the area, concession or resource area Area NumberNumber of the area, concession or resource area Data ProviderName of organisation providing data Data Provider ContactWhat are the organisation/institute information contact details – email is required Area Extent (Sq. Km) Area of deposit Depth to deposit (m)Depth to deposit from sea surface Phosphorite Deposits

10 FieldInformation CodeTwo letter country code, which corresponds to ISO3166- code e.g. FI, SE, LV, IE Deposit TypeName of deposit type (Polymetallic nodules) Main MorphologyMorphology type/ commentary on nodule size Main MineralsMain minerals All other commoditiesSecondary minerals (gangue) StatusE.G. License, exploration, exploitation etc OperatorOperating company Area NameName of the area, concession or deposit area Area NumberNumber of the area, concession or deposit area Data ProviderName of organisation providing data Data Provider ContactWhat are the organisation/institute information contact details – email is required Area Extent (Sq. Km) Area of deposit Depth to deposit (m)Depth to deposit from sea surface Polymetallic Nodules

11 FieldInformation CodeTwo letter country code, which corresponds to ISO3166- code e.g. FI, SE, LV, IE Deposit TypeName of deposit type (Cobalt rich ferromanganese crust) SettingDescription of geological setting Main CommodityCommodity type All other commoditiesSecondary commodities UnitsQuantitative measurement StatusE.G. License, under exploration OperatorOperating company Area NameName of the area, concession or deposit area Area NumberNumber of the area, concession or deposit area Data ProviderName of organisation providing data Data Provider ContactWhat are the organisation/institute information contact details – email is required Area Extent (Sq. Km)Area of deposit Depth to seabed (m)Depth to deposit from sea surface Cobalt rich Ferromanganese Crusts

12 WP7 Phase II – What's Next?? Assess Phase I deposit types V’s Phase II deposit types submitted to date for: Any duplication of deposit type areas Deposit type areas submitted to Phase II which may no longer be viable/exist (as per submitted to Phase I) Published deposit types which have not been submitted to date by project partners Following from the data assessment the following will be addressed: Keep Phase I and Phase II deposit types separate for publishing or update for Phase II based on Phase I? Add additional deposit types? Timelines for data publication? TimelineDeliverable MarchGSI to circulate WP 7 Minerals Task Guide to all partners. May 31 st First round of data collation. Updates and new, readily available (in-house) data to submit, in shapefile format, by all partners to the GSI. May 31 st - September 30th Available third party data compilation and submission. September 30th EMODnet progress meeting. GSI to present updated draft distribution maps of: Aggregates, Hydrocarbons, and the “new” deposit types. September 30th EMODnet progress meeting. GSI to present update and initial draft compilation of mineral deposits layers November 1 st Final data submission form all partner November 30 th 2014 Completed draft of layers published and hosted live on the EMODnet viewer Post November 2014 Case studies and six monthly updates thereafter

13 Please submit your data!!! We ask that once your shapefiles and attribution data are complete, to please deliver these data to Charise McKeon at the GSI ( by November 1 st On receiving your data, GSI will standardise these data, then author WMS service layers, which will be consumed within the EMODnet viewer. If you require comment or advice at any time, on any aspect of WP7, then feel free to contact the relevant personnel. Please submit your data for compilation to Charise McKeon ( cc’ing: Maria Judge ( Thank You for Listening

14 International Seabed Authority International Seabed Authority Data Gaps- examples of data mapped on the ISA viewer

15 International Seabed Authority International Seabed Authority Data Gaps- examples of data mapped on the ISA viewer

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