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Model-Based Design & Analysis

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1 Model-Based Design & Analysis
Dr. Steven P. Miller Advanced Computing Systems Rockwell Collins 400 Collins Road NE, MS Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52498

2 What Problem are We Solving?
Safety-Critical Software Is Too Expensive Safety-Critical Software Is Often Wrong DO-178B Certification Is Too Expensive Cut Development Costs/Cycle Time in Half Find 10x More Errors than Current Methods Already Applying This to DO-178B Developments

3 Then and Now Five Years Ago Today
Model-Based Development Routinely Dismissed Widespread Acceptance 787, FCS 5000, ARJ, MUE, FMS … Formal Methods Viewed as Impractical & Too Expensive “This is Buck Rogers!” actual customer quote Created Models by Hand Using Research Notations Automatically Translate Models from Leading Commercial Tools Verifying Representative Examples Finding Real Errors in Real Systems - in Weeks - in Seconds Tools were Research Prototypes Tools being Matured for Enterprise Use and Support

4 Outline of Presentation
Introduction Our Approach Developing the Technology Making Technology Transfer Happen Recent Successes What’s Next?

5 Who Are We? Communications Navigation Automated Flight Control
A World Leader In Aviation Electronics And Airborne/ Mobile Communications Systems For Commercial And Military Applications Communications Navigation Automated Flight Control Displays / Surveillance Aviation Services Some of the systems we build include communications, navigation, flight control, displays, in-flight entertainment, and information management system. Perhaps of more interest here, … In-Flight Entertainment Integrated Aviation Electronics Information Management Systems

6 Rockwell Collins Headquartered in Cedar Rapids, Iowa
16,000 Employees Worldwide

7 RCI Advanced Technology Center
Commercial Systems Government Systems Advanced Technology Center The Advanced Technology Center (ATC) identifies, acquires, develops and transitions value-driven technologies to support the continued growth of Rockwell Collins. The Automated Analysis group applies mathematical tools and reasoning to the problem of producing high assurance systems.

8 Automated Analysis Section
1992 AAMP5 Microcode Verification (PVS) NASA LaRC Funded NSA Funded AAMP-FV Microcode Verification (PVS) 1994 AFRL Funded AAMP5 Partitioning (PVS) Tech Transfer 1996 JEM Java Virtual Machine (PVS) FGS Mode Confusion Study (PVS) 1998 FCP 2002 Microcode (ACL2) 2000 NASA AvSSP AAMP7 Separation Kernel (ACL2) FGS Safety Analysis (RSML-e) FGS Mode Confusion (RSML-e) NSA 2002 AFRL 2004 FCS 5000 FGS Verification (NuSMV) SHADE (ACL2) vFaat (ACL2, PVS) GreenHills Integrity RTOS (ACL2) Displays Verification (NuSMV) 2006

9 Methods and Tools for Flight Critical Systems Project
Five Year Project Started in 2001 Part of NASA’s Aviation Safety Program (Contract NCC-01001) Funded by the NASA Langley Research Center and Rockwell Collins Practical Application of Formal Methods To Modern Avionics Systems This project is a five year effort that started in It is part of NASA’s Aviation Safety Program, and is funded by the NASA Langley Research Center and Rockwell Collins The project has a very heavy emphasis on requirements modeling and validation, because that is where we feel we can gain the greatest benefit. Dr. Mats Heimdahl of the University of Minnesota leads a team that provides tool support for the project. To demonstrate that these tools scale to real world problems, engineers at Collins are concentrating on applying these tools to two problem domains, Flight Guidance and Flight Management. To ensure the long term transfer of these techniques and tools to industry, we have started working with commercial tool vendors, particularly Esterel technologies.

10 Outline of Presentation
Introduction Our Approach Developing the Technology Making Technology Transfer Happen Recent Successes What’s Next?

11 Convergence of Two Trends
Model-Based Development Automated Analysis A Revolutionary Change in How We Design and Build Systems

12 Model-Based Development Examples
Much of our interest in model-based development has been driven by claims of dramatic reductions in cost and improvements in quality by some of our customers and competitors. For example, large portions of the Airbus A340 and Eurocopter were developed using the SCADE toolset from Esterel. What I find exciting about this is that the most successful examples seem to be those in which the modeling language has a precise, formal semantics. Even though these are called model-based development, they are really examples of the large-scale industrial use of formal methods.

13 Does Model-Based Development Scale?
Airbus A380 Systems Developed Using MBD Flight Control Auto Pilot Fight Warning Cockpit Display Fuel Management Landing Gear Braking Steering Anti-Icing Electrical Load Management Length ft 6 in Wingspan ft 10 in Maximum Takeoff Weight 1,235,000 lbs Passengers Up to 840 Range 9,383 miles

14 How Do We Reduce Costs and Improve Quality?
Requirements Elicitation Reuse 15% Autotest Modeling 10% Reduces Cost of Testing Enables More Testing Clear Specifications Improves Communication 5% Autocode Simulation 10% The first phase in model-based development is elicitation. This is where the broad needs of the customer are identified. This is usually done through informal techniques such as writing requirements in English, developing use cases, or creating mock-ups. To demonstrate how this approach can be integrated with existing practices, we took a very simple, traditional approach to elicitation. Eliminates Manual Coding Makes Model Primary Artifact Easy Validation Finds Errors Early Automated Analysis 10% - 20% Cheaper Than Manual Analysis Finds the Really Hard Errors

15 Outline of Presentation
Introduction Our Approach Developing the Technology Making Technology Transfer Happen Recent Successes What’s Next?

16 Flight Guidance System Mode Logic
Reuse Requirements Elicitation Modeling Autotest Simulation Autocode The first phase in model-based development is elicitation. This is where the broad needs of the customer are identified. This is usually done through informal techniques such as writing requirements in English, developing use cases, or creating mock-ups. To demonstrate how this approach can be integrated with existing practices, we took a very simple, traditional approach to elicitation. Automated Analysis

17 Captured Requirements as Shalls
We decided to simply capture the requirements as shall statements in a DOORS database, much as is currently done on a large number of projects. While this probably seems very mundane, later I’ll show you how we changed this into something that I think is very exciting.

18 Modeling Requirements Reuse Elicitation Modeling Autotest Simulation
Autocode In the next phase, modeling, we start with the informal statement of needs identified during during elicitation, and begin creating a model that defines the desired behavior. When we started this project back in 1999, we didn’t fee that there was a suitable commercial modeling tool available, so we decided to use a derivative of the RSML language that was used by Nancy Leveson’s group to specify TCAS, called RSML-e. RSML-e is a synchronous, data flow language designed for the specification of requirements that includes support for hierarchical finite-state machines. We’ve used RSML-e to model the mode logic of a Flight Guidance System and the vertical navigation component of a Flight Management System. Each of these specifications are about 150 pages long. I should also point out that they are representative examples, and don’t describe the behavior of an actual fielded product. Automated Analysis

19 Textual (Lustre, PVS, SAL, …) Graphical (Simulink, SCADE)
Modeling Notations Tabular (RSML-e, SCR) Textual (Lustre, PVS, SAL, …) node Thrust_Required( FG_Mode : FG_Mode_Type ; Airborne : bool ; In_Flare : bool ; Emergency_Descent : bool; Windshear_Warning : bool ; In_Eng_Accel_Zone : bool ; On_Ground : bool) returns (IsTrue : bool) ; let IsTrue = (FG_Thrust_Mode(FG_Mode) and Airborne) or (Airborne and Emergency_Descent) or Windshear_Warning or ((FG_Mode = ThrottleRetard) and In_Flare) or (In_Eng_Accel_Zone and On_Ground) ; tel ; Graphical (Simulink, SCADE) This shows a fragment of the RSML-e specification for the Flight Guidance system that defines when the Flight Director Guidance cues are to be turned on. RSML-e was designed to be both readable and mathematically precise. To achieve this, it makes heavy use of tabular specifications that are easily understood by both engineers, pilots, and customers. While this works quite well, its been our observation that most engineers want a graphical, not tabular, specification. While we’ve been very happy with RSML-e, it appears that the merger of Esterel and SCADE has produced a commercial tool that will meet our needs, and we’re now in the process of converting over to the SCADE toolset on our project.

20 Simulation Requirements Reuse Elicitation Modeling Autotest Simulation
Autocode While we show simulation is shown as the phase after modeling, simulation and modeling are actually closely intertwined. During simulation, we combine our models with an execution engine and mock-ups of the user interfaces. This gives the developers a quick and easy way to validate their model of the requirements. Automated Analysis

21 Simulation This slide shows an example of our simulation environment. Here we see the Flight Guidance System mode logic and the Flight Management System Vertical Navigation function executing in the RSML-e simulator. The simulator is displaying a high-level summary of the state machines associated with each model. We also have a three-dimensional model of the flight-plan and the aircraft, and mock-ups of the Flight Control Panel and the Primary Flight Displays. Time doesn’t allow me to run the simulation right now, but I’d be happy to demonstrate it for you later if you’d like. We’ve found the simulation of requirements models valuable for at least two reasons. First, we can find many specification errors quickly and relatively cheaply. Second, it makes makes the design accessible to everyone, not just the engineers. This can be invaluable in getting customer feedback early in the life-cycle. However, simulation suffers from the same problem that testing does, which is “How do you know when you’re done?” Just as with testing, we can’t expect to find all errors through simulation.

22 Automated Analysis Reuse Requirements Elicitation Modeling Autotest
Simulation Autocode However, since our models have a sound formal semantics, this opens the door for us to apply formal analysis tools such as theorem provers and model checkers to detect many of the errors that simulation would miss. Unlike simulation, which checks only for inputs we select, analysis offers the benefit of checking our models for all possible combinations of inputs. For this reason, it is much better at looking in the dark corners for those problems that you would only stumble across during simulation. We are using the NuSMV model checker and the PVS theorem prover from SRI. Automated Analysis Model Checkers Theorem Provers

23 What Are Model Checkers?
Breakthrough Technology of the 1990’s Widely Used in Hardware Verification (Intel, Motorola, IBM, …) Several Different Types of Model Checkers Explicit, Symbolic, Bounded, Infinite Bounded, … Exhaustive Search of the Global State Space Consider All Combinations of Inputs and States Equivalent to Exhaustive Testing of the Model Produces a Counter Example if a Property is Not True Easy to Use “Push Button” Formal Methods Very Little Human Effort Unless You’re at the Tool’s Limits Limitations State Space Explosion (10100 – States)

24 Advantage of Model Checking
Testing Checks Only the Values We Select Even Small Systems Have Trillions (of Trillions) of Possible Tests!

25 Advantage of Model Checking
Model Checker Tries Every Possible Input and State!

26 Model Checking Process
SMV Spec. Does the system have property X? Automatic Translation SMV Automatic Translation SMV Properties Counter Example Automated Check Yes! The ideal process for checking properties using NuSMV would be to first write both the model and the properties in RSML-e, then translate the properties and the model into NuSMV. The University of Minnesota has written a translator from RSML-e to NuSMV for us. The automated verification we get naturally by using the NuSMV model checker. We have not developed a translator for the properties simply because it has been so straightforward to just write the properties in NuSMV, but this could be added at any time. Of course, for specifications that involve integers or real numbers, some sort of abstraction may be needed to keep the state space to a reasonable size. The University of Minnesota is currently working automating this process. Properties Engineer

27 Translated Shalls into SMV Properties
At first, we started by only verifying properties of the mode logic that we considered safety properties, which is to say, those that could put the aircraft in a hazardous state, but we soon realized that all our functional requirements written as shall statements could be specified as properties over our model. So we went back to our DOORS database and translated each of our shall statement into a CTL property.

28 Validate Requirements through Model Checking
We are able to prove all 280 requirements of the mode logic using the NuSMV model checker in about an hour. In the course of doing this, we discovered several errors that had been missed during the elicitation, modeling, and simulation phases. One entire class of errors were related to what the system should do if more than one input variable should change in the same step. For example, what is the correct behavior if the FMS requests a mode change at the same time that the pilot presses a button on the Flight Control Panel. This demonstrates how formal analysis complements the more traditional verification activities, and can do it before a single line of code is written. Proved Over 280 Properties in Less Than an Hour Found Several Errors Some Were Errors in the Model Most Were Incorrect Shalls Revised the Shalls to Improve the Requirements

29 What are Theorem Provers?
Available Since Late 1980’s Widely Used on Security and Safety-Critical Systems Use Rules of Inference to Prove New Properties Also Consider All Combinations of Inputs and States Also Equivalent to Testing with an Infinite Set of Test Cases Generate An Unprovable Proof Obligation if a Property is False Not Limited by State Space Applicable to Almost Any Formal Specification Limitations Require Experience - About Six Months to Become Proficient Constructing Proofs is Labor Intensive Theorem provers are the other class of advanced analysis tools we’ve investigated. Theorem provers have been available since the 1980’s. They’ve been widely used on security and safety-critical systems. Like model-checkers, theorem provers consider all possible combinations of inputs and states, and are equivalent to testing with an infinite set of test cases. However, instead of conducting a search of the global state space, they use rules of inference to prove new properties about a given specification. As a result, they are not limited by the size of the state space and can be used on almost any formal specification. Their primary limitation is that they require considerable expertise to use them correctly. It usually takes about six months to become proficient. And even for an experienced user, constructing a proof can be quite labor intensive compared to a model-checker.

30 Theorem Proving Using PVS
Does the system have property X? Model Automatic Translation PVS Spec. PVS Why not? Guru Automated Proof The process for verifying properties using a theorem prover such as PVS looks much the same as for a model checker, but there are some important differences. Just as with a model checker, we translate the RSML-e model into the PVS language with the translator written for us by the University of Minnesota. Just as with NuSMV, we’ve found it is not a problem to state properties directly in PVS, so we’ve deferred the development of property translator. One of the advantages of theorem proving is that since we won’t be doing a state space exploration, we don’t need to first perform any abstractions on the model. While we would like the proof process to be fully automated, the price we pay for this is that we still need a human being to guide the theorem prover. Properties Automatic Translation PVS Properties Engineer

31 Searching for Potential Sources of Mode Confusion
Used Theorem Proving to Search For Entry and Exit of Off Normal Modes Ignored Operator Commands Certain Forms of Lack of Feedback Hidden Modes Unintended Side Effects Lack of Feedback from Multiple Operators Discrepancy between the perceived and actual state of an automated system.

32 Validate Requirements Using Theorem Proving
Proved Several Hundred Properties Using PVS More Time Consuming that Model-Checking Use When Model-Checking Won’t Work Models that are Numerically Intensive Automated Safety (Fault Tree) Analysis We have used the PVS theorem prover to prove several hundred properties of the FGS. Some of these are quite complex, but most are very simple properties that are used to automated the proofs of the larger properties. For the mode logic, proving properties using PVS was harder than using a model checker. But this is largely because the mode logic consists entirely of Boolean and enumerated types. In other domains, such as our Vertical Navigation model, that make heavy use of integers and reals, a model checker is much harder to use. Those are the problems where a theorem prover can prove valuable.

33 Outline of Presentation
Introduction Our Approach Developing the Technology Making Technology Transfer Happen Recent Successes What’s Next?

34 Original Tool Chain NuSMV Model Checker RSML-e PVS Theorem Prover
RSML-e to NuSMV Translator NuSMV Model Checker RSML-e PVS Theorem Prover RSML-e to PVS Translator Rockwell Collins/U of Minnesota SRI International

35 Conversion to SCADE NuSMV SCADE Lustre PVS Safe State Machines Design
Verifier Rockwell Collins Esterel Technologies SRI International

36 Extension to MATLAB Simulink
Gateway StateFlow NuSMV SCADE Lustre PVS Safe State Machines Design Verifier Rockwell Collins Esterel Technologies SRI International MathWorks

37 Lustre Translator Framework
Lustre Code Target Code Translator Small Source-To-Source Transformations Deal with One Language Aspect at a Time Product Family of Small Translators Supports Reuse

38 Current Tool Chain Simulink StateFlow NuSMV SCADE Reactis Lustre PVS
Gateway StateFlow NuSMV SCADE Reactis Lustre PVS SAL ICS Symbolic Model Checker Bounded Infinite Safe State Machines Design Verifier Rockwell Collins Esterel Technologies SRI International MathWorks Reactive Systems

39 Translator Optimizations for NuSMV
Model CPU Time (To Compute Reachable States) Improvement Before After Mode1 > 2 hours 11 sec Mode2 > 6 hours 169 sec Mode3 14 sec Mode4 8 minutes < 1 sec 480x Arch 34 sec 34x WBS 29+ hours 1 sec 105,240x

40 Original Tool Chain NuSMV Model Checker RSML-e PVS Theorem Prover
RSML-e to NuSMV Translator NuSMV Model Checker RSML-e PVS Theorem Prover RSML-e to PVS Translator Rockwell Collins/U of Minnesota SRI International

41 Current Tool Chain Simulink StateFlow NuSMV SCADE Reactis Lustre PVS
Gateway StateFlow NuSMV SCADE Reactis Lustre PVS SAL ICS Symbolic Model Checker Bounded Infinite Safe State Machines Design Verifier Rockwell Collins Esterel Technologies SRI International MathWorks Reactive Systems

42 Outline of Presentation
Introduction Our Approach Developing the Technology Making Technology Transfer Happen Recent Successes What’s Next?

43 Counterexample Found in
Example 1 FCS 5000 Mode Logic Mode Controller A 6.8 x 1021 Reachable States Mode Controller B Requirement Mode A1 => Mode B1 Counterexample Found in Less than Two Minutes! Found 24 Errors to Date

44 Example 2 – ADGS-2100 Adaptive Display & Guidance System
883 Subsystems 9,772 Simulink Blocks 2.9 x 1052 Reachable States Requirement Drive the Maximum Number of Display Units Given the Available Graphics Processors Counterexample Found in 5 Seconds! Checking 373 Properties Found Over 60 Errors

45 Outline of Presentation
Introduction Our Approach Developing the Technology Making Technology Transfer Happen Recent Successes What’s Next?

46 Extending the Verification Domain
Numerically Intensive Systems Infinite Bounded Model Checkers Decision Procedures for Integers and Real Numbers Non-linear Arithmetic Automatic Extraction of Conservative Abstractions Applications Spacing & Trajectory Required Navigation Performance (RNP) Collision Avoidance Advanced Flight Control Theorem Provers Arbitrary Models Labor Intensive Infinite Bounded Model Checkers Infinite State Models using k - Induction Implicit State < 10 200 Reachable States Model Checkers

47 Requirements Based Test Case Generation
Properties Create Requirements Based Tests Test Case Generator Requirements Based Testing State Requirements as Properties Use Bounded Model Checker to Generate Test Cases Goal is to Cover the Requirement Create Model Model Conformance Testing Autogenerate Test Cases From Model Commercial Tools Available (T-VEC, REACTIS) Show Code Conforms to the Model Goal is Structural Coverage (MC/DC) Test Case Generator Create Additional Structural Tests Code Generator Code

48 System Architectural Modeling & Analysis

49 Model-Based Safety Analysis
Plant Model AntiSkid Command Braking + Green Pump Blue Pump Isolation Valve Shut Normal System N O R M A L T E Accumulator Pump Meter Valve Mechanical Pedal Selector Valve Power A Pedal 1 Feed back Plant Fault Tolerant Control Unit ( BSCU ) Braking System System A Power B Pedal 2 B Steve’s slide Model the Digital Controller Architecture and the Physical System Add Fault Model for Physical System and Digital Controller Architecture Integrates System and Safety Engineering About a Common Model Automation Enables “What-If” Consideration of System Designs

50 Model-Based Safety Analysis
Common Model for Both System and Safety Engineering Safety Analysis Based on a Formal System Model Facilitates Consistency & Completeness in Safety Analysis Reduced Manual Effort in Error-prone Areas Automated Support for Safety Analysis Explore Various Failure Scenarios Focus on Review on Assumptions in the Models Is the System Model Correct? Is the Fault Model Complete? Assume the (Automated) Analysis is Trustworthy Wide Applicability (Aircraft, UAVs, Shuttle, Space, …)

51 Verification of Adaptive & Autonomous Systems

52 Summary Five Years Ago Today
Model-Based Development Routinely Dismissed Widespread Acceptance 787, FCS 5000, ARJ, MUE, FMS … Formal Methods Viewed as Impractical & Too Expensive “This is Buck Rogers!” actual customer quote Created Models by Hand Using Research Notations Automatically Translate Models from Leading Commercial Tools Verifying Representative Examples Finding Real Errors in Real Systems - in Weeks - in Seconds Tools were Research Prototypes Tools being Matured for Enterprise Use and Support

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