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CREATING AFFORDABLE HOUSING Mounting need for low income and affordable housing Areas most conducive to building new affordable housing are the older parts.

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Presentation on theme: "CREATING AFFORDABLE HOUSING Mounting need for low income and affordable housing Areas most conducive to building new affordable housing are the older parts."— Presentation transcript:

1 CREATING AFFORDABLE HOUSING Mounting need for low income and affordable housing Areas most conducive to building new affordable housing are the older parts of town Affordable land prices, physical & human infrastructure present, more walkable, better access to new jobs that are being created Planned revitalization produces mixed income, mixed use neighborhoods and brings new residents, maintenance, retail, and service jobs within walking distance Redevelopment must be strategic. Unplanned revitalization results in gentrification, and economic expulsion of even more low income people from housing, exacerbating homelessness.


3 BARRIERS TO CREATING AFFORDABLE HOUSING Assembling land in large enough tracts to make redevelopment economically feasible Infrastructure and development costs Presence of a large homeless population that discourages both investment and home buyers

4 PRIME REVITALIZATION AREAS Areas most likely to see affordable housing revitalization efforts close to transportation, services & jobs. Staples Corridor between Six-Points and Government Plaza Leopard/Agnes Corridors Westside Ayers Corridor *These areas of the central city have the most potential for creating affordable housing that is close to transportation, services and jobs.



7 WORKFORCE NEEDS Corpus Christi has a growing shortage of labor and skilled trades in construction An estimated 12,000-15,000 construction workers will be needed by 2015 Housing construction will be in addition to this Current status more important then record

8 BARRIERS TO ADDING LABOR TO WORKFORCE Lack of able bodies Lack of skills Lack of training and apprenticeship programs Lack of clean drug & felony free record Lack of transportation Lack of housing

9 INTERCONNECTED ISSUES Transportation Needs Housing Shortage Worker Shortage High Homeless Population

10 SOLUTIONS TO INTERCONNECTED ISSUES 1.Better coordination and delivery of homeless services 2.City policy changes 3.Address Transportation/Connectivity Issues 4.Build more Affordable and Low Income Housing 5.Increase Construction Workforce

11 1. STRATEGY: BETTER SERVICE DELIVERY Differentiate service streams for families/single adults Enhance/support homeless prevention/intervention Coordinated MH, SA & workforce rehabilitation Identify/subsidize transitional and temporary/rapid re-entry housing

12 1. STRATEGY: SERVICE PROVISION COORDINATION Single adult rehabilitation services all in one location, shared operation and services, MH, SA, & workforce prep Single Adult Transition Halfway House – Training or employment Entry at Rehab facility only for single adults Entry at any family facility for family services All providers use a shared data base and service coordination system

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