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SOAPSTONE A Way to Analyze Poetry.

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Presentation on theme: "SOAPSTONE A Way to Analyze Poetry."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOAPSTONE A Way to Analyze Poetry

2 SOAPSTONE S: Speaker - Who is talking in the poem?
O: Occasion - What is the time and place of the poem? A: Audience - To whom was the poem written? P: Purpose - Why was the poem written? S: Subject - What is the poem about? TONE: Tone - What is the attitude in the poem?

3 SOAPSTONE All of your answers must be backed up by specific examples from the poem.

4 Tone Words angry ecstatic dejected sarcastic agitated excited sweet
sympathetic desperate harsh seductive superficial cheerful hollow sad pleasant humorous artificial sharp passive authoritative disgusted persuasive surprised haughty afraid ironic soothing tired consoling melancholic happy friendly depressed disappointed

5 Tone Words content numb instructive hurt cynical disinterested
confused facetious cheery questioning hating manipulative inquisitive nervous contradictory arrogant loving aggravated condescending scornful serious coarse enthusiastic calm romantic snooty proud upset dreamy  apathetic paranoid lighthearted encouraging pleading humble

6 Tone Words loud brash apologetic appreciative joyful miserable vibrant
whimsical whistful

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