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Higher RMPS Euthanasia so far.

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1 Higher RMPS Euthanasia so far

2 General Definition?

3 General Definition Good death or mercy killing
Termination of a person life for a medical reason Carried out by the patient, medical staff or other person

4 Different Types?

5 Different Types? To do with how it is carried out...
Active Passive Others include double effect , assisted suicide To do with why it is done... Voluntary In-Voluntary Non-Voluntary

6 Medical conditions and reasons that could lead to people requesting euthanasia?

7 Medical conditions and reasons that could lead to people requesting euthanasia?
Terminal illness – no chance of survival e.g. Cancer Degenerative conditions like Muscular dystrophy or Motor Neuron Disease Conditions that cause prolonged suffering and pain Loss of quality of life e.g. persistent vegetative state Burden on loved ones e.g. Medical conditions or general process of aging

8 Law and legal debate in UK...?

9 Law and legal debate in UK...?
Illegal due to 1961 Suicide Act ... Illegal to assist a person to kill themselves Classed as form of murder In Scotland charge is culpable homicide and sentence is 14 years Act allows case by case review – up to DPP if it will be tried Sentencing often not harsh – judge may give suspended sentences or conditional discharges

10 Law and legal debate in UK...?
Tony Bland in PVS was passively euthanized under court ruling by dehydration and starvation Diane Pretty wanted it legalised ... All her attempts failed Attempts made to pass laws relating to Physician assisted dismissed by HOL and HOC in 1997 and 2005 Recent developments are that in Sep 2009 it was stated that an assistant to euthanasia would not be charged on the return of a trip where a person was euthanized abroad

11 Critique of UK Law?

12 Critique of UK Law? Strengths...
Fair as each cases is taken by own merits Generally protects the right to life Removes burden from medical staff on making such a difficult moral decision Works as a halfway house on legislation – neither fully legalises nor bans it.

13 Critique of UK Law? Weaknesses...
Inconsistent as each cases is taken by own merits Prolongs the suffering of dying both in terms of illness and fear of consequences if euthanasia is taken Forces the practice of euthanasia underground – where it could be abused or carried out incorrectly Vague and thus ineffective– neither fully legalises nor bans it.

14 Law in Holland...?

15 Law in Holland Legalised in April 2002 although common practice for 25 years prior Sets out regulations and stipulations on the candidate and the practitioners. Patients condition must be classed as unbearable without prospect of improvement Must be voluntary and persistent request by patient Each case referred to Review committee 2 doctors consent - one fully independent of case prior Carried out in proper medical fashion by doctor or with doctor present If conditions not met they doctor is liable – can be prosecuted

16 Critique of Dutch Law?

17 Critique of Dutch Law? Strengths... Offers choice to all
Benefits the patient - Allows people to die with sense of dignity, less suffering or sense of control over death Stipulations act as safeguards from abuse Reduces the cases of underground acts of euthanasia

18 Critique of Dutch Law? Weaknesses... Devalues life
Puts pressure on people to consider euthanasia Puts pressure on medical staff to act in way they may deem immoral or wrong Stipulations do not act as safeguards from abuse e.g. Advanced directives can mean people who change their minds or made uniformed choices are euthanized

19 Essay Question time ... To what extent do you agree with the laws of both the UK and Holland on the issue of euthanasia. 10 AE What the question is looking for... 2 or 3 in-depth points on the strengths and weaknesses of UK law and the same for Dutch Law with a general conclusion including your statement of personal opinion.

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