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And this short guy with the funny name: Napoleon Bonaparte

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1 And this short guy with the funny name: Napoleon Bonaparte
French Revolution And this short guy with the funny name: Napoleon Bonaparte

2 Causes of the revolution
The French Revolution was a struggle between a powerful monarch and the people. The American Revolution had just occurred in By 1780, the French people were also struggling against oppression. Today’s Meet Discussion

3 Why did 3rd Estate NOT want to vote as one body?
(Before 1789) Old Regime- largest most powerful nation in Europe Society divided into estates-classes 1st- 2nd- 3rd- VIEW Causes of Revolution Why did 3rd Estate NOT want to vote as one body?

4 Events and Consequences
while Louis allowed all Estates to meet together-he moves troops into Paris and Versailles ppl thought Louis was going to drive out ______________________ (3rd Estate) ppl of Paris July 14, 1789 capture ___________________ symbol of oppression prison in Paris-looted and destroyed it Events and Consequences

5 Changing Landscape VIEW Estates General King is forced into prison
Eventually he and wife victims of Reign of Terror At war with __________ and ____________ By 1792 on 4th government Changing Landscape

6 Reign of Terror 3 way division in new gov’t
1 group wanted all power in Paris Few radicals Arrested anyone on suspicion of working against new gov’t Many reforms left out majority and poorest of French population Economic troubles still plagued France Reign of Terror

7 1. __________ was already a popular military hero when the French politicians turned to him.
A. Robespierre B. Marseilles C. Jacobins D. Napoleon A Brief Break

8 In 1792, radicals took control of the Assembly, abolished the monarchy, and
A. rejected constitutional government. B. surrendered to the Prussian army. C. declared France a republic. D. ended the war with the other nations of Europe. A Brief Break

9 A Brief Break The __________ was a symbol of horror. A. suffrage
B. Marseilles C. guillotine D. nationalism A Brief Break

10 How was life changed as a result of the Reign of Terror?

11 Enter: Napoleon Did Napoleon hold up the ideals of the revolution?
What was the revolution all about?

12 CONSIDER Was Napoleon’s failure Europe’s success?
Government Update

13 From Battlefield to Throne
VIEW Napoleon Becomes Emperor Why is new government, Directory, worried about Napoleon’s popularity? “I found the crown of France lying on the ground, and I picked it up with my sword.” From Battlefield to Throne

14 Napoleon Makes his Mark
Reforms Expansion Renews war with Austria and Russia Emperor for life Places family as heads in conquered countries What did Napoleon do for French nationalism? Outside of France? Napoleon Makes his Mark

15 Napoleon’s Government

16 How the Mighty Fall Why go after Russia?
VIEW Napoleon’s Doom to Russia How did nationalism both help AND hurt Napoleon? How the Mighty Fall

17 What policy did Russia follow when retreating back during France’s initial invasion?
What advantage did that give the Russian’s? A Brief Break

18 Exile, Return, Exiled again, Death
Napoleon gives up throne in exchange for ________ to the island of Elba Grows restless-as do French people of new king Escapes and returns for __________ days Attempts to relive glory days Blunder at Battle of Waterloo Gives up throne again-exiled again to remote Pacific island of St. Helena 1821 Exile, Return, Exiled again, Death

19 Where does this leave France?
Set up to establish __________ for Europe Representatives from France’s enemies to follow rule of ___________ Return of ___________ Goal to suppress ______________ RECALL Congress of Vienna prezi Where does this leave France?

20 Discuss Did Napoleon’s actions make him a traitor?
Was Napoleon’s failure Europe’s success? What or where did Napoleon add the wrong ‘ingredient(s)’to his reign of power ? What were the problems that stemmed from the Congress of Vienna? Discuss

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