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Presented by the 4 Seeds E nrique Garcia S teven Scileppi The Learning Team Experience D arlene Daws HOMEPAGE E lizabeth Allen.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by the 4 Seeds E nrique Garcia S teven Scileppi The Learning Team Experience D arlene Daws HOMEPAGE E lizabeth Allen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by the 4 Seeds E nrique Garcia S teven Scileppi The Learning Team Experience D arlene Daws HOMEPAGE E lizabeth Allen

2 Product Research TEC/SOFT/INTEG1 What would a student need to know about Product Research and what resources might be helpful in your research? Please read and follow the Tutorial Guide for your learning experience.

3 SIC Industry Codes Product Categories Companies Tutorial Guide HOME Product Research Portal Online Market Places

4 ENT Tutorial Guide

5 Product Research The first step is to identify the type of product you wish to research. There are several ways to get a topic idea to research. You could use journals or go to Galileo, a library database, or ask your peers or the librarian to get ideas. This is the first step in order to gather information on what product you would like to know more information about. Tutorial Guide ENT/CORP/VAL2

6 Product Research by SIC Codes You can start your product search by SIC Codes which are Standard Industrial Classifications. These codes classify establishments by the type of activity in which they are engaged. The Standard Industrial Classification was a United States government system for classifying industries by a four-digit code. Established in the 1930s, it was supplanted by the six-digit North American Industry Classification System in 1997. For a detailed explanation of SIC codes go to the SIC Codes Icon in the Main Menu. Tutorial Guide ENT/CORP/VAL2

7 Product Research by Online marketplaces Online marketplaces: Web-based trading exchanges are the e- hot e-spots for buyers and sellers to meet and conduct business, from simple catalog presentations to, in the future, fully integrated back-office transactions. An Online marketplace is like an online shopping mall. For examples of Online Marketplaces go to the Online Marketplaces Icon in the Main Menu. Tutorial Guide ENT/CORP/VAL2

8 Product Research by Product Categories Product Categories: There are several resources Online that have lists of product categories and subcategories. Some sites even show you the commercial brand of such categories. For examples of Product Category sites go to the Product Categories Icon in the Main Menu. Tutorial Guide ENT/CORP/VAL2

9 ENT Product Categories

10 Product Research by Product Categories There are detailed online web pages that provide search capabilities by product categories. These sites can be found by conducting a search thru Google using text search words such as “product categories”. Some of these online web pages are provided by companies who have created an online gathering place for multiple vendors and customers, both in the business to business or business to consumer markets. An example of such online web pages can be found at Which starts with a general category all the way to a specific brand and detailed specifications. Product Categories ENT/CORP/VAL2






16 TEC Companies

17 Product Research by Company There are several resources Online that list Companies and corresponding products. Online Web pages such as Hoovers Show key company information, products and competitors in similar industry SIC codes. Another powerful resource to start a product research is to use company financial reports such as financial annual report and SEC filing reports such as the 10-Q reports. These reports main contain great general product information. Companies ENT/CORP/VAL2




21 TEC SIC Industry Codes

22 What are SIC Codes? Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are four digit numerical codes assigned by the U.S. government to business establishments to identify the primary business of the establishment. The classification was developed to facilitate the collection, presentation, and analysis of data; and to promote uniformity and comparability in the presentation of statistical data collected by various agencies of the federal government, state agencies, and private organizations. The classification covers all economic activities: agriculture, forestry, fishing, hunting, and trapping; mining; construction; manufacturing; transportation; communications, electric, gas, and sanitary services; wholesale trade; retail trade; finance, insurance, and real estate; personal, business, professional, repair, recreation, and other services; and public administration. SIC Industry codes ENT/CORP/VAL2

23 Reading SIC Codes The first two digits of the code identify the major industry group, the third digit identifies the industry group, and the fourth digit identifies the industry. For example: 20 Food and Kindred Products 209 Miscellaneous Food Preparations and Kindred Products 2096 Potato Chips, Corn Chips, and Similar Snacks SIC Industry codes ENT/CORP/VAL2

24 Reading SIC Codes To make it easier to identify specific industries or even particular products, some sources, such as the Predicasts F&S Index, expand the code to as many as seven digits. For example: 36 Electronic and Other Electrical Equipment and Components, Except Computer Equipment 367 Electronic Components and Accessories 3674 Semiconductors and Related Device 3674125 Random Access Memory Circuits SIC Industry codes ENT/CORP/VAL2

25 Where to find the SIC Codes Where Do You Find the SIC Codes? Standard Industrial Classification Manual DOCS REF HF 1042.A55 (1987 is the latest edition) Industry codes for specific companies can also be found in: Directory of Corporate Affiliations DOCS REF HG 4057.A217 SIC Industry codes ENT/CORP/VAL2

26 North American Industry Classification North American Industry Classification System What is NAICS? NAICS is an industry classification system that groups establishments into industries based on the activities in which they are primarily engaged. It is a comprehensive system which covers the entire field of economic activities, producing and nonproducing. There are 20 sectors in NAICS and 1,170 industries in NAICS United States. SIC Industry codes ENT/CORP/VAL2

27 Example of NAICS 1997 NAICS Name Classification Level 31-33 Manufacturing Sector 316 Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing Subsector 3162 Footwear Manufacturing Industry Group 31621 Footwear Manufacturing Industry 316211 Rubber and Plastics Footwear Manufacturing (e.g. Athletic shoes, plastics/rubber or plastics/rubber soled fabric upper manufacturing) U.S. Detail Industry Where Do You Find NAICS? North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) DOCS REF HF 1041.5.N674 1997 [On Business Index Table] SIC Industry codes ENT/CORP/VAL2

28 SIC Industry codes ENT/CORP/VAL2 There are 802 Companies in Atlanta who market Lawn & Garden Services

29 ENT Online Marketplaces

30 Product Research by Online Marketplaces Online marketplaces: This is a new trend of Web-based trading exchanges that have being placed by Industry organizations to provide an e-hot e-spots for buyers and sellers to meet and conduct business, from simple catalog presentations to, in the future, fully integrated back-office transactions. You can use Google or any other online search engine to find these online market places. In the next slide we present an example of an online marketplace for the Pharmaceutical industry: Online Marketplaces ENT/CORP/VAL2




34 References ENT/CORP/VAL2 SIC Codes:

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