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Research Questions By:Dr.Awatif Alam Associate Professor Department of family &community Medicine, KSU.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Questions By:Dr.Awatif Alam Associate Professor Department of family &community Medicine, KSU."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Questions By:Dr.Awatif Alam Associate Professor Department of family &community Medicine, KSU

2 Background to Academic Project: - A strong research base is as fundamental to general practice, as to any academic discipline. - Research and education are not different kinds of academic activity but complementary, ( the two sides of one coin). “ Research is organized curiosity ” - Curiosity involves asking questions; -If others do not know the answers, research is needed.

3 Background to Academic Project:  Education in which the answers are not based on research is not countable.  The advance of general practice as an academic discipline depends on the ability to integrate research and education in the pursuit of excellence in clinical care.

4 The specific project goals are as follows: 1- To stimulate creativity & original thought based on questions by the residents during practice. 2- To learn fundamentals of critical appraisal while reviewing the literature. 3- To develop the ability & initiate skills to continue asking & answering questions that are important & relevant. 4- To communicate results clearly to others.

5 DEFINING A GOOD QUESTION:  Research is organized curiosity.  Questions arise from interaction with patients & can be generated by clinicians in the field.  Research can be incorporated into the usual process of care, and can actually assist the physician in obtaining an orderly history.  The essential ingredient for any study is a well-defined research question.

6 QUALITIES OF A “GOOD” QUESTION? 1-Interesting:- select a topic of interest. -find someone interested in the topic 2-Important/Relevant/Worthwhile/ Sensible - important enough to be worth answering - related to experiences that are alive - important to individuals/groups - the scope of the research& the sophistication of the design depends on the uses to which the results will be put 3-Answerable/Feasible/Fundable/Ethical

7 Criteria of research questions: - Reflect the theoretical rationale on which the study is based - Specify the sample/population to be studied - Refer to the manoeuvre, exposure or behavior under investigation - Specify the primary outcome of interest and preferably other important outcomes

8 Stages of an investigation: 1- Preliminary steps: a. Clarifying the purpose. b. Formulating the topic. 2- Planning. 3- Preparing for data collection. 4- Collecting the data. 5- Processing the data. 6- Interpreting the results. 7- Writing a report.

9 The Planning Phase:- 1. Formulation of study OBJECTIVES. 2. Planning of methods: a. Study population: - Selection & definition. - Sampling. - Size. b. Variables: - Selection. - Definition. - Scales of measurement. c. Methods of collecting data. d. Methods of recording & processing.

10 The PLANNING phase:- Formulation of objectives: - investigators should know WHY? study is undertaken. - Proceed to details of study objectives. i.e. what “K” would the study yield? - Such details will further determine the methods to be used.

11 PLAN THE METHODS:- 1- Study population: - Whom is it proposed to study ? - Will a sample be used ? - How will sampling be used ? - What will be the sample size ?

12 2. Variables to be studied:- - What characteristics will be measured? - How will the variables be defined? - What scales of measurements will be used ?

13 3. METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION:- - direct observation ? - documentary sources ? - interviews ? - self- administered questionnaires ? “What are the detailed procedures and questions to be used ?”

14 4. Methods of recording and processing:- - How will the data be recorded ? - What data-processing techniques will be used ? - What is the analysis plan ?

15 WORKSHEET FOR DEFINING A QUESTION : 1-State the general research question/project topic. 2-What are your objectives in doing this project ? 3-What do you hope to achieve by doing this project ? What will you do with the end product ? 4-Estimate the feasibility of conducting the project by comparing the resources needed with those available. “ BE REALISTIC “ “ Identify potential collaborates/ resources/ personnel.”

16 4. What methods are you planning to use? a) Does this study/project pertain to a particular population group? If yes, define the population to be studied. b) Define the period of time for the study/project. (Create a time-line). c) Select the variables/components to be measured/ described/reviewed. d) Change the nonspecific variables/components to specific. e) Determine what you want to know about each of these components/variables.

17 “Example of refining a research Question”: 1. General research question: What is the role of physician in disease prevention & health promotion? 2. Population to be studied: -all pts. attending a particular practice? -only new pts. attending over over 6/12 m.? 3. Study period: -2 wks., 6 wks., 6 months ? What is meaningful & feasible ? 4. Variables to be measured / described:

18 5. Refined Research Questions: a-What lifestyle issues do adolescent pts. attending a family practice clinic in an urban setting expect to discuss with their physician? b-What do pts. attending a suburban hospital expect in terms of frequency & composition, regarding regular health check –ups? Cont. example refining ?:

19 5. Refined Research Questions: c- What do adolescents know, and what do they need to know, about the prevention of STDs.? - What educational materials are available/ should be available? - How are they being used? - How effective are they in terms of changing practices? d-What is the physician’s role in community/public health promotion vs individual patient health promotion? -What are the physician’s ethical responsibilities regarding HIV ve’+ patients ?

20 “ If you do not know where you’re going, it is difficult to select a suitable means for getting there”. and in fact “ If you are not sure where you are going, you are liable to end up some place else”.


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