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Engaging learners with low self- esteem and those with negative behaviour enabling them to reach their potential.

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2 Engaging learners with low self- esteem and those with negative behaviour enabling them to reach their potential

3 Combining an ‘Adventure Club’ with mentoring, pastoral care and support, enabling targeted young people to enjoy and achieve in their learning experience Mark Goldring AST PE & Psychology Comberton Village College Cambridge

4 In summary: how one school has used ‘Adventurous Activities’ to help and support some of our most needy and vulnerable students Bear Gyrlls Chasing a shark - Man vs Wild [].flv

5 School context High achieving 87% A*-C 77% Including Maths and English 50% EBacc High CVA (1035)

6 ‘Adventure Club’ The evolving process 7 Years – 1 Group 2012 – 4 Groups

7 Key Aims: Development of: 1. Self-esteem 2. Achievement motivation 3. Personal responsibility (positive work habits) 4. Positive attitudes towards school 5. Interaction skills 6*. Positive behaviour (greater awareness)

8 2 Groups Challengers & Explorers Process Liaison with HOY & Tutors Meeting with pupils Letters to parents Start training sessions

9 Year 8 (24 pupils) 5 training sessions & one-day trip 3 day expedition (Edale, Derbyshire) Year 9 (24 pupils) 1 x 50 minute lesson every fortnight 2 x 1 day-trips Activity week trip, 4 nights

10 What next…. BTEC Sport OAA option Additional trips DofE (for some)

11 Impact School report data Generally positive (not in all cases) Measures of attainment and effort Quantitative Data?

12 Impact 2 Feedback from tutors Feedback from parents Feedback from pupils Qualitative - much more positive

13 Support provided Regular meetings and mentor sessions

14 Focus Areas Learning-2-Learn Skills 5 Abilities Goal Setting Views of Intelligence Competition

15 Other positive outcomes Advances in PE curriculum KS3/4 Partnerships Other departments DofE LA providers (counselling service) Partner schools HE (Cambridge University)

16 Specific Challenges Parental engagement Student engagement Perception/Image Costs Support What next?

17 Where to start? Key staff (including admin) Target groups Time allocation Financial allocation (cost/benefit analysis) Training ‘With the end in mind’ – what would you like to achieve?

18 Questions?

19 Lunch?? Bear Grylls Eats Best moments [].flv

20 Benefits of Adventurous Activities Positive change through: Change of environment - independence/inter-dependence Leadership abilities Unity and belonging Overcoming fear (comfort/adventure/panic) Improve self-esteem Essential life skills - ‘Classroom without walls’

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