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Non-parametric Statistics EDRS 5305 Educational Research & Statistics.

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Presentation on theme: "Non-parametric Statistics EDRS 5305 Educational Research & Statistics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Non-parametric Statistics EDRS 5305 Educational Research & Statistics

2 When to Use Non-parametric statistics are used when: 1data are not normal (i.e., not normally distributed) 2assumptions inherent in parametric statistics are not met

3 Chi-Square ÊA non-parametric technique used to analyze the results of research in which categorical data are present. ËA most versatile and popular non- parametric method.

4 Chi-Square ÊDifferent types of chi-square tests but all deal with frequencies, proportions, or percentages. Ë Types are: chi-square goodness-of-fit test; chi-square test of homogeneity of proportions; and a chi-square test of independence.

5 Requirements for a Chi-square ÙFrequency data must be used (e.g., counts of persons or events) ÙExpected value in any cell should never be less than 5 ÙSum of observed frequencies must equal the sum of the expected frequencies ÙEach score must be independent of every other score

6 Sample Research Question What is the effect of gender on seating preference among college students? In this question, gender is dichotomous, seating preference was a 5-item Likert question (front; left side; right side; middle; back). Chi-square table would be a 2 x 5.

7 Sample Research Question What is the effect of theoretical orientation on instructional units taught among classroom teachers? In this question, theoretical orientation was categorical and instructional units taught was categorical.

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