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Phylum Annelida Segmented Worms Leech Christmas tree worm Fireworm

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Presentation on theme: "Phylum Annelida Segmented Worms Leech Christmas tree worm Fireworm"— Presentation transcript:

1 Phylum Annelida Segmented Worms Leech Christmas tree worm Fireworm
Feather duster worm

2 Annelid Characteristics
Segmentation = Metamerism metameres (=somites, segments) Show true segmentation - both internal and external Allows for specialization

3 Annelid Systems All systems found in Annelids but skeletal
Complete digestive tract - some specialization - crop and gizzard Closed circulatory system - is segmentally arranged dorsal and ventral vessels aortic arches (hearts)

4 Annelid Systems All systems found in Annelids but skeletal
Excretion Nephridia - segmentally arranged

5 Annelid Systems All systems found in Annelids but skeletal
Nervous system ladder shaped pair of cerebral ganglia double ventral nerve cords pair of ganglia in each segment several sensory structures taste buds tactile organs eyes in some statocyst

6 Annelid Systems Reproduction some are monoecious, others dioecious
marine species have trochophore larvae some have asexual reproduction by Budding fragmentation

7 Annelid Systems Respiration across body surfaces some have gills
some use parapodia

8 Class Polychaeta Make up 2/3 of phylum
most primitive annelids; ancestral to other two classes almost all are marine, few freshwater species

9 Polychaet Characteristics
differentiated head Tentacles first segment Prostomium Peristomium Mouth Palps eyes

10 Polychaet Characteristics
Parapodia- lateral appendages notopodium- dorsal neuropodium- ventral acicula- rods Respiration By parapodia

11 Polychaet Characteristics
Reproduction sexes separate no permanent gonads egg and sperm form from coelomic peritoneum pass out of nephridia or burst thru body wall fertilization is external in sea free swimming larva- trochophore

12 Polychaet Ecological Types
free living- all are predators tube dwelling- all are filter feeders secrete their own tube burrow into substrate

13 Class - Oligochaeta Terrestrial or Freshwater
No distinct head - but contains pro- and peri- stomium Clitellum - present at all times Used in copulation Cocoon production

14 Class - Oligochaeta Reproduction Monoecious Copulation
Internal fertilization Eggs laid in cocoon no larval stage

15 Class - Oligochaeta Digestive system - well differentiated mouth
pharynx crop gizzard intestine - Typhlosole Anus

16 Class - Oligochaeta Circulatory system Respiration Excretion Closed
5 pairs of aortic arches Hemoglobin Respiration Body surface Excretion Nephridia

17 Class - Hirudinea Freshwater or terrestrial Have suckers
Segmentation fixed (34 segments) Clitellum only during season Digestive tract large crop Anticoagulant Medically important

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