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Pityriasis Rosea Husein Oozeerally.

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Presentation on theme: "Pityriasis Rosea Husein Oozeerally."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pityriasis Rosea Husein Oozeerally

2 Pityriasis rosea Pityriasis: fine scales Rosea: rose coloured or pink
Originally described by Camille Melchior Gibert in 1860 Pityriasis: fine scales Rosea: rose coloured or pink Benign Self limiting but associated with increased miscarriage in first 15 wks of pregnancy

3 Pityriasis Rosea 2 % of OP visits F>M
Children and young adults (10-35yr) 0.15% prevalence No racial variation (lesion colour) Seasonal outbreaks and climatic variation Institutional outbreaks

4 Pityriasis Rosea Uncertain cause Possible viral trigger
HHV 6 HHV 7 Not contagious Life long immunity after outbreak

5 Initially…. Prodromal symptoms Malaise Headache
Mild constitutional symptoms Respiratory infection in 69%

6 Then.. “Herald patch” Cluster of small oval spots (mimic acne)
Large (2 - 10cm) Isolated Single or multiple Oval Pink Scaly Central clearing occasionally (mimic tinea) Cluster of small oval spots (mimic acne) Location abdomen (occn armpit)

7 Images

8 5 to 10 days later Smaller lesion appear on the body
Trunk (sometimes thighs) Occasionally on face, palms and soles African american boys Termed inverse pityriasis

9 Progression Small round papules > enlarge to1-2cm ovals
Scaly surface Raised or flat Hyper or hypo pigmented Run along dermatomal lines/ribs giving Christmas tree distribution


11 4 to 6 weeks Begins to fade Lasts average months

12 Differential Viral Exanthems Measle like drug eruptions
Secondary syphilis Tinea (KOH test negative) Guttate psoriasis

13 Diagnosis Experienced Clinician!!!
A biopsy of lesion show erthrocytes with dermal papillae and dyskeratotic cells within the dermis

14 Management No treatment but……. Symptom relief from itching
Avoided soap Oral erythromycin UVB light (used in the first week)may hasten the disappearance

15 The END Summary Common Benign Self limiting (no tx)

16 References Atlas of Pedistric Physical Diagnosis Zitelli 5 ed
Emedicine Medscape www

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