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Goals and Objectives. The Program Hypothesis is Made up of Two Sets of Sub-hypotheses: A hypothesis of etiology (cause and effect relationships). Because.

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Presentation on theme: "Goals and Objectives. The Program Hypothesis is Made up of Two Sets of Sub-hypotheses: A hypothesis of etiology (cause and effect relationships). Because."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goals and Objectives

2 The Program Hypothesis is Made up of Two Sets of Sub-hypotheses: A hypothesis of etiology (cause and effect relationships). Because of the following factors..... The result is..... A working intervention hypothesis to address root causes. If the following actions are taken..... Then the following results can be expected.....

3  Helps focus programs on issues rather than on activities. To what extent did we achieve the proposed results? Did we actually implement the program we designed?  Can link program activities to outcomes. Requires the planner to think beyond the present (this year) and focus on the long-term.  Can provide a framework for continuous monitoring and evaluation of the service provision process. Describes different levels of outcome—final and intermediate. We can measure intermediate outcomes sooner than final ones.  Can provide a database for cost-benefit and cost effectiveness studies. Is program cost-effective? Could we get the same results for less?

4 Mission Goals Objectives  Program Goals and Objectives are Influenced by the Agency’s Mission Statement (overall purpose). Sanction of missions are given by legislators in public agencies and by boards in private agencies.  The Purpose of the Mission Statement: Provides a continuing philosophical perspective. Makes explicit the reason for the existence of the organization.  The mission statement includes: A target population Statement of the agency’s vision for what ideally might be achieved to benefit the target population. A focus on what lies ahead for its clients if the agency is successful in addressing their problems and meeting their needs.

5 Program Goals Are:  Compatible with the agency’s mission.  Statements of expected outcomes—the ultimate outcome objective.  Provide programmatic direction.  Not necessarily measurable or achievable.  Stated as action verbs-- To improve.... To increase.... To promote....

6  The end toward which the journey is going.  The ideal condition that will exist if we eliminate, prevent, or improve the problem situation.  The overall long-term condition desired for our target group.

7  Goals move the agency a few steps towards furthering the mission of the organization, understanding that the mission is never fully achieved.  Still, goals should be statements of expected long-range accomplishments.  Goals should be ambitious and idealistic, as long as they meet the afore-mentioned criteria.  Goals do not propose any time limits nor are they capable of being measured as written.

8  They serve the same function for the program that the mission statement serves for the agency. Provide a beacon that serves as a constant focal point and lends a sense of direction to the program. They are the reasons for which the program is funded. They are statements of preferences and values.  Goals are also political statements intended to build consensus. Become rallying causes around which we attempt to gather support for the program. We don’t want disagreement at the goal level. We want cooperation through co-optation.

9 Problems Identified:  Need for Emotional Support/ Social Support  Anxiety and Depression  Re-abuse Related Goals:  To provide women experiencing DV emotional support  To de-stigmatize help-seeking.  To educate women about mental health sequlae and financial dependence

10 Example: Women experiencing DV  Women experiencing  Low self esteem and general anxiety disorder  Social isolation from friends, family and community  Lack of financial resources to meet basic needs  Lack of education and marketable skills to get and hold steady job with salary that meets basic needs;  Result is that some women experience DV due to  Combination of personal, emotional and psychological needs  Isolation from social supports  Dependence on partner for financial support  Severe limitations in ability to secure and succeed in a steady job

11 Objectives make explicit, two things about the program:  The results that are to be achieved—outcome objectives or ends.  The manner in which these results will be achieved— process objectives or means. ◦ Specific activities that represent a further breakdown or refinement of the details of program implementation.

12  A time frame for the service.  Specific target group.  Number of clients to be reached.  Expected measurable results or benefits.  The locality of program.

13  Clear Does it mean the same thing to anyone who reads it?  Specific Does it specify results to be achieved, including numbers and changes in conditions?  Measurable Is it written in such a way that it can be measured?  Time Limited Does it indicate a time limit within which, or a target date by which it will be achieved?  Realistic Is it realistic given our technology and knowledge, as well as available resources?  Commitment Does it identify who has responsibility for achieving the process objectives and their subsets of activities?

14  Clarity—(observable, behavioral aspects identified). Which is better, “To improve mental health” or “To increase the number of mental health visits by 50%”  Time Frames—(serves as points for monitoring progress towards outcome objectives). By June 30, 2011. By the end of the sixth month.  Target of Change—(outcome objectives focus on populations, process objectives focus on inanimate objects such as reports). “100 women” or “20 groups of women” “mental health providers will be hired” or “An interim report will be produced”.

15  Products and Results—(identify process milestones and changes to be achieved). Process: 100 women will receive counseling Outcome: 50 women will decrease financial dependency (or depression, or..)  Criteria for Measurement—(sets criteria for acceptable performance and includes terms such as as measured by or as documented by). To reduce depression by 25% as measured by BDI in 50 soldiers by 6/12 To recruit 100 women at risk for repeated DV episodes as documented by reports on intake (process objective).  Responsibility—(accountability for implementation of the objective). “By June 1, 2012, to complete the first phase of the outreach, screening, and assessment of 50 women who have been identified as being survivors and at high risk of repeated DV as documented in a report written by the social work supervisor”.

16  Flow directly from the problem analysis phase in a number of ways: A statement that is intended to reflect a reduction in the incidence of problem A clear statement of what effect the intervention is expected to have on the target population. To increase the mental health outcomes for soldiers as they leave the service.  Establish the outside limits for the program (number of clients to be served during a given time period). By June, 30, 2012, to increase the number of women receiving counseling ( or mental health services) by 50%, as documented in intake records.  Are thought of in hierarchical terms, written as a system and not as discrete objectives. Final Outcome-- To reduce the rate of women’s repeated experience of DV by 20% over the next year; Intermediate Outcomes--Change values, educate about DV, improve mental health services, reduce depression, increase participation in services.

17  The vehicles by which we describe how the outcomes will be achieved.  What it is that we will do: E.g. We will hire 2 additional staff by 3/12; screen 50 women by 6/12 etc.  Always related to the lowest levels of outcome objectives. We assume the highest-level objectives will be achieved through the attainment of the lower-level outcome objectives.  Are intended to spell out the milestones necessary to achieve the intermediate outcome objectives.  Establishing dates for process measures before outcomes.

18  Goal: To reduce new episodes of abuse among women clients at the agency;  Outcome objective: Reduce new episodes of abuse by 50% in 2012;  Intermediate outcome objectives: Reduce depression in 50 women by 9/12 as measured by BDI Reduce financial dependency among 25 women by 9/12 as measured by assessment of employment status  Process objectives: Screen 100 women for counseling and support services by 6/12 Provide counseling and employment securing services to 100 women by 6/12

19  Takes each process objective and breaks it down into specific tasks that must be completed to achieve the process objectives. Process Objective: By Sept. 1, 2012, to develop a screening process for all soldiers in Iraq, as documented by the completion and approval of a screening instrument and a flowchart of the process. Activities: 1.Convene a task force to develop a screening instrument by July 1. 2.Draft a screening instrument and flow chart by July 22. 3.Circulate draft instrument and flowchart for review and comment by July 29. 4.Incorporate feedback by August 5. 5.Finalize instrument and flowchart by August 15.

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