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Higher colleges of technology Bachelor of Education programmer LSC 1503 2012-2013 Done by: Aayda Ali - H00224964 - AE2.

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Presentation on theme: "Higher colleges of technology Bachelor of Education programmer LSC 1503 2012-2013 Done by: Aayda Ali - H00224964 - AE2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Higher colleges of technology Bachelor of Education programmer LSC 1503 2012-2013 Done by: Aayda Ali - H00224964 - AE2

2 - Out line - What is low self esteem - The causes of Low Self Esteem - The consequences of Low Self Esteem - The solution of Low Self Esteem

3 ▫ What is low self-esteem Children with low self-esteem feel ; - They judge from the important adult - Performances and successes - Sadness, unhappiness, and low confidence.

4 Neglected from the Parents Physical Appearance Achievements Causes of Low Self Esteem ◊ Causes of Low Self Esteem

5 ◊ The consequences of Low Self - Esteem -Child agree with others’ negative evaluations has difficulty in tasks & often compare themselves to others.

6 - School shy and uncomfortable answer direct questions and prefer to keep their opinions to themselves reduce interactions with other ◊ The consequences of Low Self - Esteem

7 - Community they wait to be invited to play or join others. join others. ◊ The consequences of Low Self - Esteem

8 ◊ The solution of Low Self Esteem Face their fears Focus on their strengths Work to achieve their goals. Always avoid negative situations. Tips to Fight Low Self-Esteem Issues


10 Click on me to help you to discover your self esteem level

11 References a.Self Esteem build it and improve your confidence, (2003),Retrieved 2 March 2012 at 4:41, from b. Self-Esteem Activities, Programs, and Protocols, Retrieved 2 March 2012 at 6:15, from c.Self Esteem Issues, (2000-2008), Retrieved 3 March 2012 at 2:28, from %20difficulties.pdf d.Fennel, M, (2009). Overcoming Low Self-Esteem. Constable: Robinson Limited e.Lawrence, D. (1991). Enhancing Self-Esteem in the classroom.(2th ed). UK. London.

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