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Fascists and Nazis Prelude to WW2. Fascists and Nazis Rise of Dictators.

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Presentation on theme: "Fascists and Nazis Prelude to WW2. Fascists and Nazis Rise of Dictators."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fascists and Nazis Prelude to WW2

2 Fascists and Nazis Rise of Dictators

3 Turn to a Partner What should the role of government be in your life and the lives of others?

4 Italy after WW1 Italy was promised territorial gains after ww1 it did not receive Workers went on strike, demanding rights. Bad for Business An economic collapse after WW1 had many Italians favoring communism Inflation, strikes, and Socialists speaking of revolution plagued Italy

5 Rise to power Benito Mussolini was a former newspaper man familiar with propaganda Mussolini formed bands of Blackshirts, armed Fascists that attack socialists (paramilitary organization) Blackshirts attacked communists and striking workers in the streets Mussolini played on Nationalism in demands for more land and played on socialist fears

6 Turn to a Partner What is more important, the individual or the whole society?

7 Fascism Extreme Nationalism - Fascism is a political philosophy that places the state above the individual Extreme Militarism Single Party Rule - Emphasizes the need for a strong central government led by a dictator Return to traditional Italian Values The people are controlled by the government, and any opposition is suppressed (Anti- Democracy)

8 Which category would Mussolini fall under? Left Wing – Liberals who want change and an active role for the government in helping it’s citizens Right Wing – Conservatives who want stability, traditional values, and no change

9 Who supported the Fascists? Small Business owners/farmers Social Conservatives The middle class Extreme Nationalists wanting war

10 “March on Rome” Secret deal with Italian king and the Pope allowed him to be Prime minister New laws gave Mussolini unrestricted authority to arrest and jail anyone for either nonpolitical or political crimes Fascist youth groups wore military uniforms and practiced drills.

11 Conformity

12 Mussolini invades Ethiopia – League of Nations fails to stop him Spanish Civil War – Mussolini supports the Fascists, Stalin supports the communists

13 Lost German territory and displaced Germans in other countries

14 Germany Faces Economic Collapse

15 Germany (called Weimar Republic) owed Reparations to the winners, printed money Inflation: When a currency loses it’s value and purchasing power Store owners would not accept money, high unemployment

16 With inflation, what happens to your savings? (The money you’ve saved over the years?)

17 This map clearly depicts Germany's view of the their standing in the world after W.W.I and the Treaty of Versailles

18 The Rise of Adolph Hitler Hitler was born in Austria in 1889 Failed Artist Army Corporal Bitter at Versailles treaty

19 The Rise of Adolph Hitler

20 National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazi Party) in 1921 Appealed to middle class, conservatives. Nazi Beliefs: German racial Purity –Aryan Race “Master race” to rule Reject Versailles, re-arm Germany Anti-Communist Used “Brown Shirts to Practice intimidation in streets

21 Brown Shirts – Soon outnumbered German Army

22 Turn to a partner If Democracy were to disappear in America, do you think you would see it coming? How would it look?

23 How does democracy die? 1928-1932 Nazis were elected to Germany’s Government Hitler voted “Emergency Powers” -rule by decree Fuehrer – Dictator of Germany 1932 Hitler appointed to Government Nazi’s Pass laws Outlawing other Parties



26 The Rise of Adolph Hitler Hitler was popular in Germany because he promised economic recovery and more land (territorial expansion) He put German’s back to work with public works programs and through military build up Turned Society into an US vs THEM situation through mass propaganda

27 "Cheating Jews"Cheating Jews"Jewish Cruelty"Jewish Cruelty "Jewish God is money”Jewish God is money

28 The sign reads, "Germans defend yourselves against Jewish atrocity propaganda, buy only at German shops!" April 1, 1933. A "brown shirt" (member of the SA) throws some more fuel--"un-German" books-- into a roaring fire on the Opernplatz in Berlin.

29 The Rise of Adolph Hitler 1936 Hitler passed the Nuremberg Laws 1) Jewish people were forbidden from marrying non-Jewish Germans 2) Jewish people were forbidden from holding government or university jobs 3) Jewish People were forced to wear the Star of David on their clothes


31 The Rise of Militarism in Japan

32 Fascist dictator Tojo took control of Japan in the early 1930’s Tojo expanded Japan’s control in Asia in order to take over Asia’s rich natural resources

33 The Rise of Militarism in Japan 1931: Japan invaded Manchuria: a part of Northern China rich in coal and iron

34 The Rise of Militarism in Japan Comfort Women: Japanese military often forced young girls in colonized regions to serve as sex slaves for hundreds of soldiers a time The Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis: 1936: Japan formed a military alliance with Germany and Italy

35 The Rise of Militarism in Japan Japan continued to invade smaller countries in Asia through out the late 1930’s

36 The Rise of Militarism in Japan U.S. Response: President Roosevelt spoke out publicly against Japan’s aggression in Asia Moral Embargo: Forbade U.S. from trading oil and scrap metal (used in war) with Japan

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