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Dagnija Ūdre Project Manager Vidzeme Planning Region Võru, Estonia, 19.09.2012 Implementation of Estonia – Latvia Programme Projects in.

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Presentation on theme: "Dagnija Ūdre Project Manager Vidzeme Planning Region Võru, Estonia, 19.09.2012 Implementation of Estonia – Latvia Programme Projects in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dagnija Ūdre Project Manager Vidzeme Planning Region Võru, Estonia, 19.09.2012 Implementation of Estonia – Latvia Programme Projects in Vidzeme Planning Region

2 2 Vidzeme Planning Region

3 3 Basic data on VPR Area: 15 246 km 2 (23.6 % of the country) Population: 234 thousand (9.5 % of the country) Nationality: 85 % Latvians Density: 15 people per km 2 (58 % live in rural areas) Municipalities: City of Valmiera + 25 municipalities (novadi) GDP per capita: 4503 LVL (63% of the average) Institution – Development Council (decision-making body) and Administration (executive body)

4 4 Supported projects Priority 1. Increased cohesion of the Programme area – 13 projects (completed – 4, running – 9) Priority 2. Higher competitiveness of the Programme area – 6 projects (completed – 4, running – 2) Priority 3. Active, sustainable and integrated communities – 13 projects (completed – 6, running – 7) Total – 32 projects related to Vidzeme PR Total ERDF financing – 2 386 800.67 EUR (out of total 17 177 299.12 EUR in Latvia)

5 5 Project fields under Priority 1 Road reconstruction Energy efficient construction Health services (emergency, regenerative medicine) Fire and rescue operations Protection of environment (cultural heritage sites, landscape diversity, water resources, environmental education)

6 6 Project fields under Priority 2 Development of tourism services (winter tourism, cycling tourism) Help to local SMEs and start-ups to access cross-border market Improvement of attractiveness of public areas Growing organic potatoes

7 7 Project fields under Priority 3 Cultural exchange (art education, handicraft skills, singing and dancing, classical music) Sports activities and infrastructure (skiing and biathlon, orienteering, football and other ball sports) Media study programmes for local schools Activities for senior people

8 8 Lead partners Alūksne Regional Council (Cross Border Ball, Cultural Cooperation for Intermediates) Ape Municipality (Developing of Cross-border Trade Network, Sportborder) Madona Regional Council (Active Tourism – attractive feature of Madona and Põlva) Valka Municipality (Art School “Walk”) Cēsis Culture and Tourism Centre (Artists for Development) Vidzeme Tourism Association (ViSoEst by Bike)

9 9 Municipalities involved as partners Ape – 5 projects Valka – 4 projects Alūksne – 4 projects Madona – 3 projects Strenči Gulbene Cēsis Naukšēni

10 10 Involved regional institutions Vidzeme Hospital – 2 projects North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve Administration Vidzeme Tourism Association Euroregio Pskov-Livonia Latvian Section Vidzeme Region Vocational Education Development Competence Centre State Plant Breeding Institute in Priekuļi Gauja National Park Foundation

11 11 Involved national institutions – regional impact Ministry of Transport (road reconstruction projects) State Fire and Rescue Service (Valga-Valka Joint Rescue Capacity) Latvian Fund for Nature (Eagles) Latvian Orienteering Federation (Est-O-Lat League) Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology (Gauja/Koiva) Nature Conservation Agency (Green Corridor) Latvian Radio (Radio Classics) Latvian Community Initiative Foundation (Still Active)

12 12 Involved local NGOs FB Gulbene 2005 and NGO FK Abuls Smiltene – Festival “Friendship Through Football” Mount Ķoņi Life School and Support Club for Ape Development – Still Active (senior people engaged in different activities)

13 13 Impact (I) Improved infrastructure – roads, sports facilities, recreation places, technical documentation for future investments New equipment, e.g., rescue vehicles, snow machines Preservation of cultural heritage sites and objects – electronic database

14 14 Impact (II) Wider possibilities for cultural, educational and sports activities – joint events, camps, competitions, trainings, study programmes New knowledge and skills through exchange of experience Increased public awareness about environmental issues, e.g., energy efficiency, biological and landscape diversity, water resources

15 15 Impact (III) Better health care services – emergency medicine, regenerative medicine Improved rescue and fire fighting services New contacts in the neighbouring country Improved language skills

16 16 Conclusions A great variety of project activities in different fields; most popular – cultural exchange, sports, environmental issues Municipalities located in border areas are more active “Inland” municipalities are less involved National institutions work for the benefit of border regions Limited capacity of NGOs Poor involvement of the private sector

17 17 Suggestions To promote co-operation in education and support to business development To motivate the private sector to get involved To promote more active participation of “inland” municipalities To increase capacity of NGOs and facilitate their involvement in co-operation projects To generate larger-scale projects with involvement of greater areas of the Programme territory

18 18 Priorities for the future Business development and collaboration Strengthening regional businesses and innovation support systems Energy independency Increased attractiveness of remote territories Competitive vocational and higher education Innovative and inclusive provision of public services

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