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How is Bear Creek Elementary creating a positive school climate to reduce bullying? Learn the myths and facts about bullying and your child’s school!

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Presentation on theme: "How is Bear Creek Elementary creating a positive school climate to reduce bullying? Learn the myths and facts about bullying and your child’s school!"— Presentation transcript:

1 How is Bear Creek Elementary creating a positive school climate to reduce bullying? Learn the myths and facts about bullying and your child’s school!

2 2 What is the Olweus Definition of Bullying? “ “A person is bullied when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons, and he or she has difficulty defending himself or herself.” Olweus et al., 2007 © The Olweus Bullying Prevention Group, 2007 Tab 2: Doc 1

3 3 “Bullying is when someone repeatedly and on purpose says or does mean or hurtful things to another person who has a hard time defending himself or herself.” In everyday language… © The Olweus Bullying Prevention Group, 2007 Tab 2: Doc 1

4 The Elizabethtown Area School District strives to provide all students with a quality education that prepares them to successfully transition from grade level to grade level, as well as graduates to live, learn, and thrive in a global community. To do so, it is necessary to have a school environment where all students feel safe, secure, and ready to learn.

5 As such, the District uses the internationally-recognized Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP). The OBPP is not a curriculum, but a program that deals with bullying at the school-wide, classroom, individual, and community levels. OBPP has proven effective at reducing bullying and making schools a safer, more positive place for students to learn. Each school has the opportunity to develop the program to fit its needs and students.

6 As part of the OBPP, students pledge to follow these four anti-bullying rules: We will not bully others. We will try to help students who are bullied. We will try to include students who are left out. If we know that somebody is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school and an adult at home.

7 Goals for Bear Creek 1. Address hotspots, specifically bully behavior on the bus. 2. Decrease bullying behaviors during the school day. 3. Increase student awareness and student reporting.

8 Did you know… research shows students who bully do not have low self esteem? bullying is considered “peer abuse” and students cannot just “work it out on their own”? a school-wide commitment to end bullying, can reduce it by half or more? most children and youth who observe bullying want to get involved Bear Creek students annually complete the anonymous Olweus Bullying Questionnaire providing the staff with valuable information about bullying which is used to help implement the program

9 9 Prevalence of Bullying at Bear Creek School, 2011 13.3% of students reported being bullied 2-3 times a month or more often. (119 students) 1.8% of students reported bullying others 2-3 times a month or more. (16 students)

10 10 Bear Creek School Bullied Students by Grade, 2011 Grade 4 12% were bullied 2-3 X/mo. or more (36 students) Grade 5 15% were bullied 2-3 X/mo. or more (43 students) Grade 6 13% were bullied 2-3 X/mo. or more (40 students)

11 Bear Creek School Students Bullying Others by Grade, 2011 Grade 4 1% bullied others 2-3 X/mo. or more (1 student) Grade 5 2% bullied others 2-3 X/mo. or more (5 students) Grade 6 3% bullied others 2-3 X/mo. or more (9 students) 11

12 What have we learned about cyberbullying at Bear Creek? Girls (2011): 9 students have been cyberbullied 2-3 X/mo. or more 0 students have cyberbullied others 2-3 X/mo. or more When asked HOW they cyberbullied (using data from students who said they have done it 1-2x) 3 students did it with cell phone, 1 with internet, 1 with internet and cell 12

13 Boys, 2011: 6 students had been cyberbullied 2-3 X/mo. or more 2 students had cyberbullied others 2-3 X/mo. or more When asked HOW they cyberbullied (including those who had done it 1-2x) 3 students had done so on the cell phone, 1 students only on the internet, and one student with both cell and internet

14 The Olweus Bullying Questionnaire was given in mid-October, 2011.How did the staff at Bear Creek use this information Teachers participated in trainings in order to facilitate class meetings. Class meetings take place once per cycle. Fifth grade anti-bullying club promoting student involvement established.

15 Back to School Activity for 2012 This activity was developed to establish school- wide expectations for behavior, including how we interact with each other. Activities included: Review and preview of school expectations and cafateria, walking path and bus procedures, team building activities, play on the ‘new’ playground equipment, bully circle activity and team discussion of Bear Time with Band, chorus and orchestra facilitating where appropriate along with opportunities to join the Bear Creek News Club.

16 The OBQ was administered again in October, 2012. Here’s what students had to say after the first year of program implementation…

17 17 Prevalence of Bullying at Bear Creek School, 2012 11.9% of students reported being bullied 2-3 times a month or more often. (99 students) 1.1% of students reported bullying others 2-3 times a month or more. (9 students)

18 18 Bear Creek School Bullied Students by Grade, 2012 Grade 4 15% were bullied 2-3 X/mo. or more (43 students) Grade 5 9% were bullied 2-3 X/mo. or more (25 students) Grade 6 12% were bullied 2-3 X/mo. or more (31 students)

19 Bear Creek School Students Bullying Others by Grade, 2012 Grade 4 2% bullied others 2-3 X/mo. or more (3 students) Grade 5 1% bullied others 2-3 X/mo. or more (2 students) Grade 6 3% bullied others 2-3 X/mo. or more (4 students) 19

20 What have we learned about cyberbullying at Bear Creek? Girls (2012): 7 students have been cyberbullied 2-3 X/mo. or more 1 student has cyberbullied others 2-3 X/mo. or more (she stated she does this about once a week) When asked HOW they cyberbullied (using data from students who said they have done it 1-2x) 5 students did it with cell phone, 1 with internet, 20

21 Boys, 2012: 11 students had been cyberbullied 2-3 X/mo. or more 1 students had cyberbullied others 2-3 X/mo. or more (stated he was doing this several times per week) When asked HOW they cyberbullied (including those who had done it 1-2x) 3 students had done so on the cell phone and one student with both cell and internet

22 What are we doing to continue this positive trend? Staff Discussion Groups occur monthly and focus on refining and expanding our efforts Fifth Grade Anti- Bullying Club recognizes students making positive choices Planning for end of year activity Planning for the 2013 Back to School Activity

23 What can parents do to help support bullying prevention? Talk to your child about bullying and the importance of telling an adult at school and you. If your child reports bullying to you, contact his/her teacher so it can be addressed. Help your child determine how he/she can help stop bullying behaviors at school. (i.e. don’t support bullying behaviors by laughing or joining in, don’t spread rumors or repeat gossip, etc.)

24 Thank you for taking the time to learn more about your child’s school and the ongoing efforts of the staff to make school a safe and enjoyable place for learning. Your input is valued and appreciated!

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