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 ATLAS is for “gamers” & “techies” › ATLAS is for students with a wide variety of interests and skills. Skills in technology are not a prerequisite!

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2  ATLAS is for “gamers” & “techies” › ATLAS is for students with a wide variety of interests and skills. Skills in technology are not a prerequisite!

3  ATLAS is an LD program › Even though a large number of the students have LDs, we are a program for struggling learners with a variety of exceptionalities. › Student does not necessarily need an IEP › The program is not for students with LDs who are currently succeeding in their regular class.

4  ATLAS students are stupid › Most are mid-high intelligence or hard working and have a desire to improve/succeed.

5  ATLAS is a behaviour program › ATLAS is not a behaviour program. It is not geared towards students that are not reaching their potential as a result of attitude or behaviours impacting their learning.

6  Experiencing difficulty reaching their academic potential  Needs are not currently being met in the “traditional” classroom  Work produced does not reflect their understanding/knowle dge

7  Willing learner – enjoys learning new things  May demonstrate low self-esteem, frustration with school, and self- advocacy challenges

8  ATLAS is not a program for students with major behavioural needs unrelated to academics.  Sometimes students exhibit behaviour challenges as a result of un-met learning needs. We have accepted these types of students. In ATLAS our aim is to facilitate individual student achievement and academic success.

9  Students in ATLAS have high learning needs and many are anxious about the school environment. It is difficult to meet these needs effectively, if students with significant behavioural challenges demand an excessive amount of the attention and time of the teacher or support staff.

10  The main focus of the program is to build student self-esteem, confidence in learning, and to foster a growth mindset as they prepare for high school.  Focus on strategies to overcome academic and learning challenges. (Organization, time management, perseverance etc.)

11  Use of assistive technology to enhance their work to better reflect their knowledge/understan ding and to ease frustration in communication areas  Provides hands-on opportunities and alternate methods of assessment to meet student’s learning styles.

12  Create a safe, collaborative and productive learning environment where students begin to feel safe taking risks. They are amongst peers who learn similarly to them!

13  Students are assessed in writing, reading, and math.  Interactions with peers and student demeanor/attitudes are observed during group work and hands on activities.  Students are briefly interviewed to provide the assessment team with insight on their learning profile. The interview will also allow the student to reflect on the expectations and demands of students in the ATLAS program.  Students will also present a 2 minute Share and Tell on a topic of personal interest.  There will be NO gym or recess on these days!

14  Thursday February 27 @ 7:00 PM – ATLAS info night at LCVI Cafetorium  Friday March 21 – All applications due  Monday March 31 – Wednesday April 2 – ATLAS for a day candidate workshops

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