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Superior Consumer Lenders During the Great Recession by Ben Rogers Research Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Superior Consumer Lenders During the Great Recession by Ben Rogers Research Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Superior Consumer Lenders During the Great Recession by Ben Rogers Research Director

2 2 Why Are We Here?

3 3 Today’s Environmental Factors Auto Lending In 2006, new auto loans were 18.1% of CU loan originations. In 2010: 10.7% CUNA Mutual forecast: 2% vehicle loan growth in next two years. Captives are back. Bottom line: Focus on recapturing loans; deepen relationships with dealers Sources: Federal Reserve; CUNA Mutual; Interviews

4 4 Today’s Environmental Factors Credit Card Lending Revolving credit fluctuated through summer 2011 but trending up. Credit unions capturing share. Credit card direct mail solicitations doubled in 2010 from 2009 levels. Credit unions win on rate, but rewards are the most compelling driver for new accounts Bottom line: Focus on no-fee balance transfers; promote cards as next product to indirect members. Sources: Federal Reserve; Acxiom; Bankrate; MSNBC

5 5 7 Habits of Highly Effective Lenders Sales Culture Consistent Underwriting Refinancing Market Power Symbiotic products Direct Lending Indirect Lending

6 6 Successful Consumer Lending

7 7 Methodology Isolated CUs >$50M 5% consumer loan growth in 2008, 2009, 2010 (used/new auto and credit cards) 24 credit unions qualified with just auto 11 credit unions qualified with all three 3 CUs showed volatile ROA 11 agreed to be interviewed. All case studies appear in the full report

8 8 Successful Consumer Lending?

9 9 Successful Consumer Lending.

10 10 7 Habits of Highly Effective Lenders Sales Culture Consistent Underwriting Refinancing Market Power Symbiotic products Direct Lending Indirect Lending

11 11 1. Sales Culture 11

12 12 2. Consistent Underwriting 12

13 13 3. Refinancing 13

14 14 4. Market Power 14

15 15 5. Symbiotic Product Lines 15

16 16 6. Direct Lending 16

17 17 7. Indirect Lending 17

18 18 3 Case Studies Hutchinson Credit Union $170M - Kansas Baton Rouge Telco Credit Union $194M - Louisiana Acadia Federal Credit Union $95M - Maine

19 19 Hutchinson Credit Union $170M - Kansas Sales Culture Consistent Underwriting Symbiotic products Direct Lending

20 20 Hutchinson Credit Union $170M - Kansas “Sales conversations” -- Across the desk or on the phone; avoids direct mail Detailed product sheets with FAQs for each employee (cross selling factors, relationship suggestions, what to listen for, etc.) Cash incentives for mortgages, “stealing” loans, fourth-product sale, GAP, etc. “No-no’s” policy Superior rates for Tier 2 borrowers Emphasis on mortgage <10% indirect

21 21 Baton Rouge Telco Credit Union $194M - Louisiana Sales Culture Refinancing Indirect Lending

22 22 Baton Rouge Telco Credit Union $194M - Louisiana New loan manager in 2008 with Wells Fargo sales experience. Indirect through a local six-credit union CUSO; Baton Rouge Telco buys deeper than others. Anything indirect loan less than 650 FICO is an exception; past auto loan key driver of exceptions A-paper indirect borrowers get pre-approved credit card offer with welcome letter: 6.9% with no balance transfer fee. Active data mining on outgoing payments.

23 23 Baton Rouge Telco Credit Union $194M - Louisiana Employees pull soft credit report with new checking “Needs-based” selling “Pinching the tail” contests offer employees social rather than monetary rewards. Cash rewards for GAP and credit life/disability (“only” $20 to fend off hard sells to members)

24 24 Acadia Federal Credit Union $95M - Maine Sales Culture Refinancing Market Power Direct Lending

25 25 Acadia Federal Credit Union $95M - Maine Small town means loan officers know lenders and vice versa. Teaching loan officers how to ask, then asking why they didn’t ask. Only 10% of auto loans are indirect. Cross selling earns tokens redeemable for corporate wear. GAP and warranty sales earn cash. Occasional targeted promotions. Interest rebates to drive loyalty. Word of mouth is more effective than traditional advertising.

26 Thank You!

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