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Published byGyles Doyle Modified over 9 years ago
Assessment Update Dr. Chun-Wu Li Assessment and Accountability Services
Accountability Release Dates Tentative Accountability Release Dates Accountability LEA Preview: October 3, 2012 Webinar: October 8, 2012 Accountability Public Release: October 11, 2012
Percent Proficient Targets School Level 2011 ELA 2012 ELA 2011 Math 2012 Math Elementary and Middle 67.6%78.4%68.5%79.0% High66.7%77.8%66.1%77.4% 4
Impact of Safe Harbor Number of LEAs and schools that made their 2011 AYP through safe harbor Type Made AYP Made AYP Through Safe Harbor Schools3,3981,511 (44.5%) LEAs212102 (48%) 5
Continuous Enrollment Title 5 Regulations In January 2012, the SBE adopted regulations that define continuous enrollment for accountability purposes. These regulations do not, in any way, mandate local policies about enrolling or exiting students in the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS). California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 5 Section 1039.2, specifies that a student is considered continuously enrolled if the student was enrolled in the same school or LEA from Fall Census Day to the first day of testing without a gap of enrollment of 30 or more consecutive calendar days. This definition was first applied with the 2011 Base API. 6
Continuous Enrollment Important Dates Continuous enrollment is determined by using enrollment and exit code data from CALPADS. For the October 2012 accountability release, data was extracted from CALPADS on August 15, 2012. The CDE will extract CALPADS enrollment and exit code data on two more occasions. The tentative schedule is: – December 20, 2012 – February 26, 2013 The CDE will use the extracted data, along with corrected demographic data, to update AYP and API Reports. 7
Reassignment of Test Scores SB 219 requires assessment and other accountability results of some students enrolled in an Alternative Education Program (AEP) to be assigned back to a school or LEA of residence in the calculation of the API. In January 2012, the SBE adopted CCR, Title 5, Section 1039.3, which specifies how students’ STAR and CAHSEE test scores will be reassigned. STAR and CAHSEE results are assigned to a non-AEP school and/or a non-AEP LEA of residence if both of the student: – Was referred after Fall Census Day to an AEP school (i.e., exited using student exit code T167 in the CALPADS) and – Took the STAR and/or CAHSEE at the AEP school. 8
Five-Year Cohort Graduation Rate In January 2012, the SBE approved an amendment to California’s Consolidated State Application Accountability Workbook to add the use of a five-year cohort graduation rate for 2013 AYP determinations. In February 2012, the SBE and CDE submitted the amendment to the U.S. Department of Education (ED) for approval The updated January 2013 AYP reports will include the 2012 five-year cohort graduation rates and growth targets for the 2013 AYP determinations. Meeting the four-year or five-year cohort graduation rate will qualify as meeting the graduation rate criteria for AYP The five-year cohort graduation rate will be used as an alternative method for meeting the graduation rate criteria if the eligibility criterion is met. 9
New API Indicators The CDE will convene the Public Schools Accountability Act (PSAA) Advisory Committee to discuss incorporating the following indicators into the API: – High school graduation rates. – Middle school dropout rates (grade 8, and grade 9 for schools where grade 9 is the highest grade offered). 10
Senate Bill 1458 Senate Bill 1458 was sent to the Governor’s desk on August 29, 2012. If signed, the bill would require: – Assessments constitute 60% of a high school API beginning with the 2016 API calculations. – New variables be incorporated into the API one full academic year after the state board approves the addition of a new variable. 11
Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR)
13 Testing Windows November Election and Proposition 30 School Year Calendars Test windows can be changed if orders are not in an Approved Status. Once the orders have been placed, testing windows are fixed and cannot be changed. Set up test administrations only after number of instructional days and school calendars are finalized. Orders still must be placed and approved by December 1, 2012.
14 Demographic Data Corrections STAR Module Available October 1, 2012 – November 9, 2012 Webcast September 27, 2012 Fields That May Be Corrected Exception: – CALPADS “Continuously Enrolled”
15 STAR In-Transition Activities Alignment to Common Core State Standards Planning to provide CCSS-aligned results on STAR Student Reports Planning to align CST released test questions (RTQs) with California’s Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
16 STAR In-Transition Activities (cont.) Expedited Return of Individual Student Results After QC of test results, CST and CMA student scores electronically delivered within 10–12 working days of the receipt of test materials. Preliminary scores in an electronic format. Include scale scores and performance levels. Student record labels, individual student reports, and district data CD will be sent out with paper reports in July-August. Writing results for grades four and seven. – Will be reported separately. – Will not be a part of the scale score.
17 STAR In-Transition Activities (cont.) Paperless Aggregate Reporting Data Manager for California STAR This tool is a browser-based graphical user interface for analysis. Interactive tool presents results in views of lists, tables, and charts. Develop ad hoc reports and download data for import into other programs. Focus Group/Pilot Testing in October 2012.
California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE)
19 Options for Meeting the CAHSEE Requirement Take the test with or without accommodations and pass both English–language arts (ELA) and mathematics portions. (California Education Code [EC] Section 60851[a]). Take the test (ELA and/or mathematics portion) using a modification and score at least 350 and obtain a local waiver (EC Section 60851[c]). Utilize the exemption (EC Section 60852.3) On behalf of a student with disabilities (SWD), the local educational agency (LEA) or special education local plan area (SELPA) may submit a streamlined waiver request (EC 56101).
20 CAHSEE Exemption The exemption was enacted through the 2009–10 Budget Act and is established in EC Section 60852.3. Eligible SWDs are exempt from meeting the CAHSEE requirement as a condition of high school graduation. At its July meeting, the State Board of Education (SBE) adopted permanent regulations extending the implementation date for alternative means to January 1, 2013. This extension also will, in effect, extend the exemption. Assembly Bill (AB) 1705 (Amended by Stats. 2012, Ch. 192, Effective January 1, 2013.) amends California Education Code (EC) sections 60852.1 and 60852.2. On January 1, 2013, the implementation date of the alternative means will be postponed until July 1, 2015. AB 1705 also authorizes the SBE, through regulation, to extend this date up to one year.
21 Streamlined Waiver Eligibility requirements: Student has an operative IEP or Section 504 plan that indicates that he or she is an eligible SWD, has an anticipated graduation date, and is scheduled to receive a high school diploma on or after July 1, 2012; Has attempted to pass both portions of the CAHSEE (ELA and mathematics) at least once and has not passed; Has satisfied or will satisfy all other state and local requirements for a high school diploma; and Has attained a performance level scale score of 300 (basic) or above on the California Standards Test (CST) for ELA in grade ten or CST for Algebra I without the use of a modification or a scale score of 350 (proficient) or above on the California Modified Assessment (CMA) for ELA in grade ten or CMA for Algebra I. Pursuant to EC Section 60851(b), all SWDs shall take the CAHSEE in grade ten for the purpose of fulfilling the accountability requirements of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
California English Language Development Test (CELDT)
23 CELDT Administration Educational Data Systems will continue as the 2012– 15 CELDT primary contractor. Subcontractors – Educational Testing Service (ETS) – Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) – MetriTech
CELDT Administration (cont.) Separation of K–1 Test Educators’ meeting: October 11, 2012 Item writing activities: January–April 2013 Content and bias and sensitivity reviews: May 2013 Item pilots: May–June 2013 Field test: 2014–15 Projected separation: 2015–16 24
25 Transitional Kindergarten (TK) TK students whose primary language is other than English must be administered the CELDT. 2012–13 Edition: – Mark the “K” bubble for grade. – Include date of birth. 2013–14 Edition: – “TK” bubble for grade may be added to the answer book. 25 CELDT Administration (cont.)
Scoring rubrics revised – Revisions to Oral Vocabulary, 4-Picture Narrative, Sentences, and Short Composition Increased precision in scoring. Improved alignment with common student responses. More consistent gradations between score points. Released Test Questions (RTQs) – Updated RTQs to be posted at – Will include the revisions to the scoring rubrics. 26 CELDT Administration (cont.)
CELDT Reporting New report: CELDT Test Results by Prior Overall Performance Level – Current CELDT overall performance and most recent previous CELDT overall performance. – State, county, district, and school levels. DataQuest Web page 27
CELDT Reporting (cont.) 28 CELDT Results by Prior Overall Performance Level (Sacramento County)
CELDT Reporting (cont.) 29 CELDT Results by Prior Overall Performance Level (Sacramento County)
30 CELDT Reporting (cont.) CELDT Results by Prior Overall Performance Level (Sacramento County)
Title III Accountability 31
32 AMAOs 1 and 2 Results Percent of LEAs/Consortia Meeting AMAOs Source: June 2012 update
Release of AMAOs 1 and 2 Results Analysis of AMAO 1 Results Student level AMAO 1 performance improved over 7% from prior year 33Source: September 2012 update
Release of AMAOs 1 and 2 Results Analysis of AMAO 2 Results Percent students meeting AMAO 2 34 Source: March 7, 2012 update
California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS)
CALPADS Assessment Data Data Loads2008/092009/102010/112011/12 STAR√√√ In Progress CELDT√√√√ CAHSEE√√√√
Accountability Reports Academic Performance Index Adequate Yearly Progress Individual-Level Results Assessment History
Current Use of CALPADS Data Enrollment Counts English Learner Counts Graduation and Dropout Counts Teacher Counts Title I & Homeless Student Counts Suspensions and Expulsions Courses Offered, credits and grades earned Some Funding Calculations Federal and State Reporting
Increasing Reliance for Accountability In coming years, the CDE will use additional CALPADS data for API and AYP reporting: – Race and Ethnicity – English Learner Status – Socioeconomically Disadvantaged – Special Education – Gender
Assessment and Accountability Related Items
SBAC Pilot Test Pilot Test in early 2013. More than 10,000 items and performance tasks. Open to all schools in the Consortium Two million students. 22% of students from each Governing State 41
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