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Microwave semiconductor devices

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Presentation on theme: "Microwave semiconductor devices"— Presentation transcript:

1 Microwave semiconductor devices
Microwave Tubes Microwave tubes 1 MW 1 KW 1W 1mW Higher power Limited life time High vacuum High potential Average power Microwave semiconductor devices Lower weight Smaller size Longer life time Frequency (GHz)

2 Two possible methods of achieving high output power in microwave system
High power tube oscillator Low power semiconductor oscillator High power tube amplifier

3 Important Parameters Peak power • Average power Efficiency • Gain
Bandwidth • Frequency Harmonic and spurious power • Intermodulation products Manufacturability at low cost Relative complexity of operation Relative operating voltage Relative spurious level Gain (dB)  (%) Relative BW (%) Type 1 Low 2 6-15 20-50 1-10 Gridded tube High 40-60 30-70 1-5 Klystron 3 30-50 20-40 30-120 Helix tube 5-40 Coupled cavity tube

4 Average power Peak power Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz)
10 MW 1 MW 100 KW 10 KW 1 KW 100 W Frequency (GHz) Average power Klystron Coupled cavity TWT Helix TWT Gridded tube 1000 MW 100 MW 10 MW 1 MW 100 KW 10 K W Frequency (GHz) Peak power Coupled cavity TWT Klystron Gridded tube Helix TWT

5 Klystron Microwave input Microwave output Electron beam Beam collector
Electron Gun Intermediate cavity


7 Major applications for TWTs include:
Amplifiers: Space applications Radar Electron Counter Measure Missile Driver for other high power RF amplifiers

8 Missile TWTs for Active Seekers
Features that influence the design include: Minimal size and weight; Narrow-to-moderate bandwidths;. Off-to-fully-operational turn-on times of one second or less; High efficiency; High reliability after long inactive storage periods. Normally, these TWTs are of the periodic-permanent-magnet (PPM) focused helix variety. They normally utilize unique cathode-heater designs to provide the very fast warm-up required. They typically have multiple stage depressed collectors with conduction cooling.

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