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Pickle Plasma By, Drew Toma ALL info by Paul Thomas (one of my new idols right next to Nikola Tesla)

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Presentation on theme: "Pickle Plasma By, Drew Toma ALL info by Paul Thomas (one of my new idols right next to Nikola Tesla)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pickle Plasma By, Drew Toma ALL info by Paul Thomas (one of my new idols right next to Nikola Tesla)

2 First Step Of Plazmazation When you "plug in" the pickle to 120VAC (line voltage), electric current flows. Now I havn't actually measured the current flowing, (not following good scientific methods!!) but I estimate the current to be several amperes. It doesn't blow a 5 ampere fuse however. So, let's say 4 amperes and that would develop 400 to 500 watts. That power heats the pickle juice. Remember, the pickle juice is salty water (sodium Chloride, NaCl) mostly and is electrically very conductive.

3 Second Step Of Plazmazation OK, now the pickle is getting hot. If allowed to progress, the pickle juice turns to steam. Now, instead of simply conducting through a liquid, the electricity begins to spark between the tines of the fork. Gas at atmospheric pressure conducts by sparking, like lightning does.

4 Third Step Of Plazmazation The temperature (kinetic energy of the hot electrons in the arc channel) of the electrons in an arc discharge is typically very high. Electric arcs are used to melt and join metals (welding).

5 Fourth Step Of Plazmazation The high kinetic energy electrons collide with sodium chloride and causes the molecule to break apart. This is called "decomposition". Now you have free atoms of Sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl).

6 Fifth Step Of Plazmazation The free sodium atoms are also involved with colliding hot electrons and receive sufficient energy to cause one or more of the sodium's outer electrons to get bumped up to a higher orbit. Very quickly after this happens the bumped up electron returns to it's original orbit. In doing this the electron releases a photon of energy(a pulse of light). In scientific terms the sodium's electrons are excited (bumped up) and relaxed (bumpe down). And the process is called eletronic transition because the electron transitions from one orbit to another.

7 Sixth Step Of Plazmazation The photon energy (light) that is emitted is yellow and is characteristic of sodium.

8 The End For more information go to Paul Thomas wrote all of it I just added Plazmazation to all the slides I make the power point for educational purpose.

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