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World Class Education 1890s-1920s 1 Topic 10.

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1 World Class Education

2 1890s-1920s 1 Topic 10

3  Unregulated capitalism  Corruption in city, state, and federal governments  Poverty in American cities  Consumer protection  Environmental protection  Search for order in a changing America 2

4  Economic Reform  Moral Reform  Political Reform 3

5  Urban Middle Class Reformers  Journalists and Writers – “muckrakers”  Political Leaders  Farm and Labor Supporters 4

6  Samuel “Golden Rule” Jones – Mayor of Toledo  Robert La Follette – Governor of Wisconsin  Hiram Johnson – Governor of California  Teddy Roosevelt – President of US (1901-1909)  Woodrow Wilson – President of US (1913-1921) 5

7 Muckrakers  Jacob Riis, How the Other Half Lives  Ida Tarbell, History of the Standard Oil Company  Frank Norris, The Octopus  Lincoln Stevens, Shame of the Cities  Upton Sinclair, The Jungle  Thomas Nast, cartoonist Kindle Edition Image 6

8  Secret Ballot  Initiative  Victorian Moral code  Referendum  Americanization of immigrants  Government ownership of utilities  End to child labor  Recall  Direct Primary  Prohibition  Pure Food and Drug Act  Meat Inspection Act  Federal Reserve Act  Sherman Anti-Trust Act  Clayton Anti-Trust Act  Amendments: 16 th,17 th,18 th,19 th  Woman suffrage Report on Child Labor in Mississippi, 1911 7

9 Populist Movement Progressive Movement New Deal 8

10  Samuel P. Hays, The Response to Industrialism, 1885-1914  Richard Hofstadter, The Age of Reform  Elisabeth Israels Perry and Karen Manners Smith, eds. The Gilded Age & Progressive Era: A Student Companion  Robert. Wiebe, The Search for Order, 1877-1920  The New York Tenement Museum website: 9

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