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 Period of Peace and Prosperity (27 B.C. to 180 A.D)  Empire was size of U.S.A. with 70-90 mil people  Augustus implemented this time of peace by returning.

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Presentation on theme: " Period of Peace and Prosperity (27 B.C. to 180 A.D)  Empire was size of U.S.A. with 70-90 mil people  Augustus implemented this time of peace by returning."— Presentation transcript:


2  Period of Peace and Prosperity (27 B.C. to 180 A.D)  Empire was size of U.S.A. with 70-90 mil people  Augustus implemented this time of peace by returning to old values: simplicity, sober conduct, patriotism

3  Used a common currency (the denarius), making trade easier throughout different part of the empire  Removed tariffs between provinces making trade more successful  Built roads: one of the most important and lasting aspects of Rome  Also discovered & engineered aqueducts to cities, making them more inviting for trade centers


5  Senators kept titles and salaries, but no real power  Gave most work of running the city to Plebeians and Slaves  These were salaried positions needed to keep the empire running and strong: road repair, postal work, grain supply, etc.  These jobs prevented slaves from revolting

6  Four emperors all from family lineage of Caesar  None as talented as Augustus but maintained the peace of the Pax Romana

7  Who was to rule once an emperor died and whose decision was it?  Dying emperor?  Senate?  Succesful military leader?  Praetorian Guard (guards of the city of Rome and body guards to the emperor)?  Arguments, disagreements, civil war, and murder often ensued  In one 18 month period, they were 4 emperors due to constant assassination

8  Each chose their successor before death  Transition occurred for 85 years without bloodshed  Only some were actually “good” leaders, but called Good Emperors because avoided turmoil for the state  Last Good Emperor, Marcus Aurelius, died in 180 A.D. bringing an end to the Pax Romana


10  Greek inspiration led to strong Roman writers  Augustus expected Patriotism  Livy: Wrote patriotic history of Rome  Virgil: Epic Poet who wrote most famous body of Latin work, The Aeneid (copied style from Homer and even traced Roman history back to the Trojan War)

11  Criticism replaced patriotism  Satire  Juvenal: satirical writer who wrote morals of individuals in Rome  Tacitus: satirical writer who condemned Rome’s government  No punishment for satire because Rome was so secure and thriving, not threatened by disapproval

12  Based on stoicism  Innocent until proven guilty  Right to face your accusers and defend yourself  Reasonable Doubt = innocent  Ability to change laws  Influenced throughout Western Civilization until current day

13  Wealthy threw large parties with so many courses of food they built a vomitorium in their home  Poor lived in awful, rat-infested, conditions  Empire provided food and housing for those in need, however



16  Greco-roman gods no longer believed in but were symbolic of loyalty to the empire  Religious toleration as long as respected tradition of the gods and held emperor acclaimed as a god  BIG problem for monotheists: Jews and Christians

17  Jews not willing to worship emperor as god  Romans were fairly tolerant of Jews allowing freedom of religion and excused from worshipping emperor  Jews still opposed Roman rule and Zealots rebelled in 66 A.D.  Romans defeated rebellion and ended Jewish state for 2,000 (but religion endured)

18  Jesus was a Jew  Began ministry at age 30  He was a wondering prophet and teacher  Not impressed by wealth or status, so became very popular among the poor  He valued morals and ethics  He was hailed as a Messiah  Many Romans believed he threatened Roman authority and he was crucified

19  Never knew Jesus  Most profoundly influenced spread of Christianity  Paul traveled freely throughout empire to spread word due to stability of Pax Romana  Claimed Jesus was son of God  Believers will be saved by faith in Gog and grace of God  Christianity was open to all– Jews and non-Jews

20  Nero persecuted the Christians  Then many emperors persecuted Christians upon fall of the Pax Romana  Emperors wanted to be gods  Christians could recant their belief or maintain their beliefs and be tortured and killed  This showed weakness of Empire (think satire)  By 200 A.D., about 10% of Empire was Christian

21  Disciple selected by Jesus  Served as Rome’s first bishop  Later there were bishops in all major cities, but the bishop of Rome was considered most important  Eventually the Roman bisho become Pope  This belief in a pope become the Petrine Doctrine

22  The decline happened in three stages  “Crisis of the Third Century”  Political, economic, and military problems  Division of the Empire  Empire divided into east and west  Barbarian Invasion  Empire collapses in 476 A.D.

23  Economic  Trade routes ended due to barbarians and pirates  Gold and silver gone from buying luxuries in foreign lands  Inflation due to coins no longer having value of silver  Agriculture declined, possibly from over-worked soil

24  Military  Losses to the Goths  Loss to Persia  Began using mercenary soldiers

25  Political  Lack of loyalty due to lack of political participation  Those that did serve were required to collect taxes; if unable, they had to pay themselves  Armies became interested in politics and tried to use force to govern the empire

26  Diocletian  Became Emperor in 284 A.D. for 21 yrs.  Greatly attempted reform to restore strength to the empire  Doubled size of army  Price and wage control to halt inflation  Restore old gods, persecute Christians  Split the Empire into East and West for manageability  These reforms were not all successful but did halt the decline of Rome during his reign

27  Constantine  Military commander who was fighting for control of empire after Diocletian’s rule  Implemented Edict of Milan (freedom of religion) after winning Battle at Milvian Bridge  He then gained control of both eastern and western halves  Moved capital to eastern half and named it Constantinople  Empire still split, but eastern half now more powerful

28  Invasions for a century by Germanic tribes  Germanic tribes feared the Huns who moved west from Asia, forcing them south into Rome  Huns came to Rome but Pope Leo I convinced Attila to leave  14 yr. old, Romulus Augustulus, was last emperor who lost to Odoacer

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