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Do-Now: Yesterday we looked at the financial crisis and “Bail Out” proposal… many believe that for progress to be made, reforms are needed to better regulate.

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2 Do-Now: Yesterday we looked at the financial crisis and “Bail Out” proposal… many believe that for progress to be made, reforms are needed to better regulate the American economic system.BRAINSTORM: Define “Progress” How do you know if you’re making progress? What about at school? Soccer? Singing? Select one societal problem that means something to you. Social security? Health care? Education? Poverty? If you were recently elected to office, how would you help create “progress” in this area? Agenda: Do now Talk about tests Check / Discuss HW Discussion on Modern Progressive Reforms Notes on Progressivism September 30, 2008 Objectives: To become familiar with progressivism and the beginnings of the progressive era.

3 Make predictions: –Explain (1-to-2 paragraphs) how do you think the current financial crisis will shape the upcoming presidency? Create a T-Chart comparing: –What are the pros of having the government highly-involved in regulating our economy? –What are the cons / dangers of ‘too much’ government involvement? Formulate opinions: –What role do you believe the government should have in America’s capitalist economy? –NEED HELP: Use the provided article, check the news, ‘interview’ your parents, friends, bus driver, whom ever… Do you agree with their opinions on the matter? Yesterday’s Assignment Think & Free-Write

4 The Progressive Era Approximately 1890-1920 What is Progressivism? Goals of the Progressive Era

5 What is Progressivism? Progressivism is the reform movement concerned with curing the ills of society caused by industrialization Progressivism is the reform movement concerned with curing the ills of society caused by industrialization –Focused on Urban problems (in contrast to the Populist Movement which focused on rural problems)

6 Roots of Reform “The Ills of Society” Increasing gap between rich and poor Increasing gap between rich and poor Outgrowth of earlier reform movements Outgrowth of earlier reform movements –Populists Nativism, prohibition, settlement houses, social gospel philosophy, charities Nativism, prohibition, settlement houses, social gospel philosophy, charities Reaction to the effects of rapid urbanization, industrialization & immigration Reaction to the effects of rapid urbanization, industrialization & immigration –Unsafe working conditions –Overcrowded cities –Corrupt political machines

7 Goals of the Progressive Era Government should be more accountable to its citizens Government should be more accountable to its citizens –More democratic government –> Election reforms Government should curb the power and influence of wealthy interests Government should curb the power and influence of wealthy interests –Check on corporate power –> Legislation to prohibit monopolies

8 Goals of the Progressive Era Government should become: Government should become: –More efficient –Less corrupt Government should be given expanded powers so that it could become more active Government should be given expanded powers so that it could become more active –Solutions to social problems - Federal graduated income tax; 8 hr. workday, min. wages, safe working conditions

9 “Now, it is very necessary that we should not flinch from seeing what is vile and debasing. There is filth on the floor and it must be scraped up with the muck-rake; and there are times and places where this service is the most needed of all the services that can be performed. But the man who never does anything else, who never thinks or speaks or writes, save of his feats with the muck-rake, speedily becomes, not a help to society, not an incitement to good, but one of the most potent forces for evil.” -T. Roosevelt

10 It’s a Jungle Out there

11 Muckraker: A group of writers & journalists (middle class) who contributed to Progressivism; exposed political & social evils; inspired Americans to take action & join reform groups.


13 Key Writers, the “Muckrakers” Henry George Henry George –Progress and Poverty Uptown Sinclair Uptown Sinclair –The Jungle Ida Tarbell Ida Tarbell –The History of the Standard Oil Co. Lincoln Steffens Lincoln Steffens –The Shame of the Cities

14 Henry George Progress and Poverty Why should an advanced society be plagued by poverty? Why should an advanced society be plagued by poverty? Blamed: “Speculation” Blamed: “Speculation” –Buying real estate as an investment, prevents productive use of land Proposed: “single tax” on land Proposed: “single tax” on land –The gov’t could tax the value of the land itself, whereas before they taxed the use of land

15 Key Leaders & Groups Unions Unions Socialists Socialists National Consumer’s League National Consumer’s League Florence Kelley Florence Kelley Mary Harris Jones Mary Harris Jones

16 Example of the Work of Progressives Problem Problem –In 1900, the average laborer worked 10 hours a day, 6 days a week for only $1.50 a day.  Women and children were paid even less. Response of Progressives Response of Progressives –Florence Kelley: helped organize National Child Labor Committee –NCLC helped 39 states pass child labor laws –Progressives lobbied for  Laws limiting hours  Higher wages  Improvement in workplace safety *The turning point would be NYC’s Triangle Shirtwaist Co. fire

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