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The Period 4 transition metals. Colors of representative compounds of the Period 4 transition metals titanium oxide sodium chromate potassium ferricyanide.

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Presentation on theme: "The Period 4 transition metals. Colors of representative compounds of the Period 4 transition metals titanium oxide sodium chromate potassium ferricyanide."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Period 4 transition metals

2 Colors of representative compounds of the Period 4 transition metals titanium oxide sodium chromate potassium ferricyanide nickel( II ) nitrate hexahydrate zinc sulfate heptahydrate scandium oxide vanadyl sulfate dihydrate manganese( II ) chloride tetrahydrate cobalt( II ) chloride hexahydrate copper( II ) sulfate pentahydrate

3 Aqueous oxoanions of transition elements Mn(II)Mn(VI)Mn(VII) V(V) Cr(VI) Mn(VII) One of the most characteristic chemical properties of these elements is the occurrence of multiple oxidation states.

4 Effects of the metal oxidation state and of ligand identity on color [V(H 2 O) 6 ] 2+ [V(H 2 O) 6 ] 3+ [Cr(NH 3 ) 6 ] 3+ [Cr(NH 3 ) 5 Cl ] 2+

5 Linkage isomers

6 An artist’s wheel


8 The five d-orbitals in an octahedral field of ligands

9 Splitting of d-orbital energies by an octahedral field of ligands  is the splitting energy

10 The effect of ligand on splitting energy

11 Electronic Spectroscopy of Transition Metal Complexes Chemistry 412 Experiment 1

12 What is electronic spectroscopy? Absorption Absorption of radiation leading to electronic transitions within a molecule or complex UV=higher energy transitions- between ligand orbitals visible=lower energy transitions- between d-orbitals of transition metals - between metal and ligand orbitals UV 400  nm (wavelength) 200700 visible Absorption ~14 00050 00025 000 UVvisible  cm -1 (frequency)  [Ru(bpy) 3 ] 2+ [Ni(H 2 O) 6 ] 2+ 10 10 4

13 Absorption maxima in a visible spectrum have three important characteristics 1.number (how many there are) This depends on the electron configuration of the metal centre 2.position (what wavelength/energy) This depends on the ligand field splitting parameter,  oct or  tet and on the degree of inter-electron repulsion 3.intensity This depends on the "allowedness" of the transitions which is described by two selection rules

14 Energy of transitions molecular rotations lower energy (0.01 - 1 kJ mol -1 ) microwave radiation electron transitions higher energy (100 - 10 4 kJ mol -1 ) visible and UV radiation molecular vibrations medium energy (1 - 120 kJ mol -1 ) IR radiation Ground State Excited State During an electronic transition the complex absorbs energy electrons change orbital the complex changes energy state

15 [Ti(OH 2 ) 6 ] 3+ = d 1 ion, octahedral complex white light 400-800 nm blue: 400-490 nm yellow-green: 490-580 nm red: 580-700 nm 3+ Ti A / nm This complex is has a light purple colour in solution because it absorbs green light max = 510 nm Absorption of light

16 egeg t 2g oo h d-d transition [Ti(OH 2 ) 6 ] 3+ max = 510 nm  o is  243 kJ mol -1 20 300 cm -1 The energy of the absorption by [Ti(OH 2 ) 6 ] 3+ is the ligand-field splitting,  o An electron changes orbital; the ion changes energy state complex in electronic Ground State (GS) complex in electronic excited state (ES) GS ES GS ES egeg t 2g

17 Electron-electron repulsiond 2 ion egeg t 2g xyxzyz z2z2 x 2 -y 2 egeg t 2g xyxzyz z2z2 x 2 -y 2 xz + z 2 xy + z 2 lobes overlap, large electron repulsionlobes far apart, small electron repulsion x z x z y y These two electron configurations do not have the same energy

18 3P3P 3F3F  E  E = 15 B B is the Racah parameter and is a measure of inter-electron repulsion within the whole ion States of the same spin multiplicity Relative strength of coupling interactions: M S =  m s > M L =  m l > M L - M S Which is the Ground State?

19 2Eg2Eg 2 T 2g Effect of a crystal field on the free ion term of a d 1 complex 2T22T2 2E2E 6 Dq 4 Dq 2D2D tetrahedral fieldfree ionoctahedral field d 1  d 6

20  2Eg2Eg 2 T 2g 2D2D Energy ligand field strength,  oct Energy level diagram for d 1 ions in an O h field For d 6 ions in an O h field, the splitting is the same, but the multiplicity of the states is 5, ie 5 E g and 5 T 2g

21 A / cm -1 - 30 00020 00010 000 d 1 oct [Ti(OH 2 ) 6 ] 3+ E LF strength Orgel diagram for d 1, d 4, d 6, d 9 0   D d 4, d 9 tetrahedral T 2g or T 2 d 4, d 9 octahedral E g or E d 1, d 6 tetrahedral E g or E d 1, d 6 octahedral 2 E g  2 T 2g 2Eg2Eg 2 T 2g 2D2D  

22 A / cm -1 - 30 00020 00010 000 [Ti(H 2 O) 6 ] 3+, d 1 2 T 2g 2Eg2Eg 2 B 1g 2 A 1g The Jahn-Teller Distortion: Any non-linear molecule in a degenerate electronic state will undergo distortion to lower it's symmetry and lift the degeneracy d 34 A 2g d 5 (high spin) 6 A 1g d 6 (low spin) 1 A 1g d 83 A 2g Degenerate electronic ground state:T or E Non-degenerate ground state: A

23 Racah Parameters d 7 tetrahedral complex 15 B' = 10 900 cm -1 B' = 727 cm -1 [CoCl 4 ] 2- [Co(H 2 O) 6 ] 2+ d 7 octahedral complex 15 B' = 13 800 cm -1 B' = 920 cm -1 Free ion [Co 2+ ]: B = 971 cm -1 B' = 0.95 B B' = 0.75 B Nephelauxetic ratio,   is a measure of the decrease in electron-electron repulsion on complexation

24 - some covalency in M-L bonds – M and L share electrons -effective size of metal orbitals increases -electron-electron repulsion decreases Nephelauxetic series of ligands F - < H 2 O < NH 3 < en < [oxalate] 2- < [NCS] - < Cl - < Br - < I - Nephelauxetic series of metal ions Mn(II) Re (IV) < Fe(III) < Ir(III) < Co(III) < Mn(IV) cloud expanding The Nephelauxetic Effect

25 Selection Rules Transition  complexes Spin forbidden10 -3 – 1Many d 5 O h cxs Laporte forbidden [Mn(OH 2 ) 6 ] 2+ Spin allowed Laporte forbidden1 – 10Many O h cxs [Ni(OH 2 ) 6 ] 2+ 10 – 100 Some square planar cxs [PdCl 4 ] 2- 100 – 10006-coordinate complexes of low symmetry, many square planar cxs particularly with organic ligands Spin allowed10 2 – 10 3 Some MLCT bands in cxs with unsaturated ligands Laporte allowed 10 2 – 10 4 Acentric complexes with ligands such as acac, or with P donor atoms 10 3 – 10 6 Many CT bands, transitions in organic species

26 egeg t 2g egeg weak field ligands e.g. H 2 O high spin complexes strong field ligands e.g. CN - low spin complexes I - < Br - < S 2- < SCN - < Cl - < NO 3 - < F - < OH - < ox 2- < H 2 O < NCS - < CH 3 CN < NH 3 < en < bpy < phen < NO 2 - < phosph < CN - < CO The Spectrochemical Series The Spin Transition  

27 Tanabe-Sugano diagrams E/B  /B 2 T 2g 4 A 1g, 4 E 4 T 2g 4 T 1g 4 T 2g 4 T 1g 2 A 1g 4 T 2g 2 T 2g 6 A 1g 2Eg2Eg 4 A 2g, 2 T 1g 2 T 1g 2 A 1g 4Eg4Eg All terms included Ground state assigned to E = 0 Higher levels drawn relative to GS Energy in terms of B High-spin and low-spin configurations Critical value of  d5d5 WEAK FIELDSTRONG FIELD

28 Tanabe-Sugano diagram for d 2 ions E/B  /B [V(H 2 O) 6 ] 3+ : Three spin allowed transitions 1 = 17 800 cm -1 visible 2 = 25 700 cm -1 visible 3 = obscured by CT transition in UV 10 000  30 000  cm -1  10 20 000 5 25 700=1.44 17 800  /B=32 3 = 2.1 1 = 2.1 x 17 800  3 = 37 000 cm -1 = 32

29 E/B  /B = 32 1 = 17 800 cm -1 2 = 25 700 cm -1 1 2 E/B = 43 cm -1 E/B = 30 cm -1 E/B = 43 cm -1 E = 25 700 cm -1 B=600 cm -1  o / B=32  o =19 200 cm -1

30 Tanabe-Sugano diagram for d 3 ions E/B  /B [Cr(H 2 O) 6 ] 3+ : Three spin allowed transitions 1 = 17 400 cm -1 visible 2 = 24 500 cm -1 visible 3 = obscured by CT transition 24 500=1.41 17 400  /B=24 3 = 2.1 1 = 2.1 x 17 400  3 = 36 500 cm -1 = 24

31 Calculating 3 E/B  /B 1 = 17 400 cm -1 2 = 24 500 cm -1 = 24 E/B = 34 cm -1 E/B = 24 cm -1 When 1 = E =17 400 cm -1 E/B = 24 so B = 725 cm -1 When 2 = E =24 500 cm -1 E/B = 34 so B = 725 cm -1 If  /B = 24  = 24 x 725 = 17 400 cm -1

32 TiF 4 d 0 ion TiCl 4 d 0 ion TiBr 4 d 0 ion TiI 4 d 0 ion d 0 and d 10 ion have no d-d transitions [MnO 4 ] - Mn(VII)d 0 ion [Cr 2 O 7 ] - Cr(VI)d 0 ion [Cu(MeCN) 4 ] + Cu(I)d 10 ion [Cu(phen) 2 ] + Cu(I)d 10 ion Zn 2+ d 10 ion extremely purple bright orange d 0 and d 10 ions white orange dark brown colourless dark orange white Charge Transfer Transitions

33 Ligand-to-metal charge transfer LMCT transitions Metal-to-ligand charge transfer MLCT transitions Md LL LL LL t 2g * eg*eg* d-d transitions

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