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Double Jeopardy HepatotoxinsSensitizers (Skin) Sensitizers (Occ asthma/ HP) NeuropathyTeratogens 20 40 60 80 100.

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Presentation on theme: "Double Jeopardy HepatotoxinsSensitizers (Skin) Sensitizers (Occ asthma/ HP) NeuropathyTeratogens 20 40 60 80 100."— Presentation transcript:

1 Double Jeopardy HepatotoxinsSensitizers (Skin) Sensitizers (Occ asthma/ HP) NeuropathyTeratogens 20 40 60 80 100

2 Used for making phosphates, detergents, fertilizer. When ingested, causes smoking luminescent stools Phosphorus (yellow or white)

3 “Universal Solvent” Penetrates most plastics (makes them swell) Acrylic fiber production, paint strippers Dimethylformamide (DMF): CLN, steatosis

4 Heat transfer liquid (transformers/ hydraulic fluid) Fumigant in vineyards (don’t confuse with Bordeaux= copper sulfate) Hexachloro-1,3-Butadiene (HCBD): (hepatic fatty degeneration)

5 Halogenated hydrocarbon which clasically causes liver injury Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)

6 Paint remover, solvent for plastics (dissolves PVC) Dimethylacetamide (DMAC)

7 - Fumigant, solvent - Production of dye, lubricants, adhesives, drugs - Penetrates rubber - Sweet, chloroform odor has poor warning property Epichlorohydrin

8 Solvent in plastics/ rubber Ethylenediamine

9 Use in dyes, fungicides, veterinary antihelminthic O-Phenylenediamine (OPD): severe dermatitis

10 Polymer production Flocculator (separate solids from aqueous solutions in sewage) Acrylamides

11 Cross-linking properties Making: polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA= plexiglass) Acrylates

12 Uses: Producing polyurethane polymers VERY common cause of occupational asthma (HP) Toluene diisocyante (TDI)

13 Uses: dyes, solvent, emulsifier (skin creams/ latex) Ethylenediamine (EDA)

14 Enamels, bonding, synthesis of malathion In addition to occupational asthma, can cause hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) Maleic Anhydride Trimeletic anhydride

15 Plasticizing for vinyl, plastics (PVC)… Diethylhexyl Phthalate (DEHP):

16 Pyrethrum Chemical derived from the chrysanthemum Used as an insecticide Can cause hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP)

17 -Polymer production, flocculator (separate solids from aqueous solutions in sewage) - Water treatment, paper, oil, grout Acrylamides

18 Uses: Photographic, hot tub chemicals, fumigants... Bromides (methyl bromide)

19 Volatile organic solvent Cold vulcanization of rubber, rayon Carbon disulfide

20 Used in plastics, styrofoam, insulation, paint Styrene

21 4 Different Agents: 1.Halogenated hydrocarbon, industrial solvent/ degreaser which causes a myelinopathy rather than axonopathy 2.Plasticizer in lacquer, hydraulic fluid (Jake leg) 3.Used as a solvent in paints, lacquers, ink thinners, glues, and resins. Acetone odor. 4.Industrial solvent classically causing axonopathy 1. Trichloroethylene (myelinopathy) 2.Triorthocresyl phosphate (TOCP) 3.Methy-n-butyl ketone (MnBK) 4.n-hexane

22 Polymer production Flocculator (separate solids from aqueous solutions in sewage) Acrylamides (rodents: tibial & optic nerve degeneration)

23 Volatile organic solvent Cold vulcanization of rubber, rayon Carbon disulfide (heart, CNS, craniofacial)

24 A solvent used as a fluid in transformers, capacitors, and as a coolant A persistent organic pollutant, banned in US in 1979 PCB’s: Cola-colored skin IUGR Skull calcifications

25 Sources of this toxin are primarily from environmental release of elemental mercury Methylmercury (CP-like syndrome)

26 Carbon monoxide is a teratogen (cerebral atrophy, MR, death). What organic solvent is metabolized to CO-? Methylene chloride

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