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Pre-accession Assistance – 2014-2020 (IPA II)
The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance – (IPA II) SCOPE OF ASSISTANCE
The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance – 2014-2020 (IPA II)
Supporting candidate countries and potential candidates on their path towards Union membership
The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance – 2014-2020 (IPA II)
Driving TRANSFORMATION and anchoring STABILITY though democratic and economic reforms improving the rule of law and fundamental rights building bridges between neighbours
The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance – 2014-2020 (IPA II)
Creating a climate conducive to economic growth and encouraging compliance with EU standards … for the benefit of citizens and businesses in both the Enlargement region and the EU
Beneficiaries Scope of assistance IPA II REG ANNEX I
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 Serbia 2 Montenegro 3 Scope of assistance Kosovo (*) 4 Albania 5 the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 6 Turkey 7 Iceland 8 (*) This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence
Pre-accession Assistance – 2014-2020 (IPA II)
The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance – (IPA II) STRATEGIC PLANNING
Objectives of assistance
IPA II REG. art. 1 General objective To support the beneficiaries in adopting and implementing the political, institutional, legal, administrative, social and economic reforms required in order to comply with the Union's values and to progressively align to the Union's rules, standards, policies and practices, with a view to Union membership Scope of assistance Specific objective support for political reforms … 1 Specific objective support for economic, social and territorial development, with a view to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth … 2 Specific objective strengthening the ability of beneficiaries to fulfil the obligations stemming from membership and alignment to the EU acquis … 3 Specific objective strengthening regional integration and territorial cooperation … 4 IPA II REG. art. 2(1)
Policy areas Scope of assistance IPA II REG. art. 3
Socio-economic and regional development Policy area 1 Reforms in preparation for Union membership and related institution- and capacity building Policy area 3 Employment, social policies, education, promotion of gender equality, and human resources development Scope of assistance IPA II REG. art. 3 Policy area 4 Agriculture and rural development policy area 5 Regional and territorial cooperation
Country Strategy Papers - content
Country situation basic facts; political and economic situation; etc. Context for planning assistance priorities and challenges; description of relevant strategies; conditions for managing IPA II funds; mapping of donor coordination; etc. Areas of assistance priorities and sequencing of assistance throughout the years; planned types of financing; etc. Annual allocations per policy area and sector Context and sector indicators including relevant baselines, milestones for 2017 and targets for 2020 STRATEGIC PLANNING
Country Strategy Papers - sectors
Governance & rule of law Competitiveness & growth Democracy and governance Rule of Law and fundamental rights focus on: public administration reform public finance management economic governance protection of minorities, incl. Roma freedom of the media fight against corruption and organised crime ... Environment and climate action Transport Energy Competitiveness and innovation Education, employment and social policies Agriculture and rural development Regional cooperation and territorial cooperation STRATEGIC PLANNING
Financial envelope Scope of assistance
IPA II REG art. 15 Financial envelope IPA II 2014–2020 (EUR millions) MFF data, Sept.2013 IPA 2007–2013 (EUR millions) 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1573.8 1605.2 1637.4 1670.1 1703.5 1737.6 1771.1 Total amount for IPA II Scope of assistance 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 1263.2 1501.4 1541.6 1591.3 1796.8 1876.0 1956.3 Total amount for IPA
Country Strategy Papers – indicative allocations
1. Democracy & governance 2. Rule of law & fundamental rights 3. Environment & climate action 4. Transport 5. Energy 6. Competitiveness & innovation 7. Education, employment & social policies 8. Agriculture & rural development 9. Regional & territorial cooperation TURKEY SERBIA MONTENEGRO fYR of MACEDONIA KOSOVO* Bosnia & Herz. ALBANIA TOTAL only In MILLION EUROS 649.4 Multi-country 92 69 44 / 56 68 97 223.5 165.8 38 63.8 33 31 664 106 53 73 113 83 123 270.5 52.4 28.1 21.2 32.1 37.5 52.3 46.9 1508 210 190 105 125 175 160 265 278 4453.9 912 435 345 93.5 442.8 644.6 624.9 956.5 645.5 79.7 94.2 133 100 111.3 STRATEGIC PLANNING
Country Strategy Papers – indicative allocations
Pre-accession Assistance – 2014-2020 (IPA II)
The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance – (IPA II) DELIVERY MECHANISMS
(main) Implementation channels WHO DELIVERS ASSISTANCE? Member States Agencies National and regional authorities Commission EU Delegations … DELIVERY MECHANISMS International organisations IFIs … National authorities mainly Specific IPA II structures IPA II Beneficiaries
Methods of implementation
SHARED management International Organisations IPA II beneficiaries Member States Community Agencies International Financing Institutions European Commission Member State Agencies Executive Agencies DIRECT INDIRECT management EU Delegations Spec. Community bodies EIB, EIF DELIVERY MECHANISMS
EU & Commission level Strategic dialogue Rural Development Programmes EP DG AGRI IPA II Committee Examination procedure MEMBER STATES Territorial Cooperation with Member States OVERALL COORDINATION DG REGIO DG NEAR INSTITUTIONAL SET-UP Programming and implementation Management of specific programmes or actions ENLARGEMENT DELEGATIONS OTHER LINE DGs
Programme architecture
Types of programmes COUNTRY / MULTI-COUNTRY TERRITORIAL COOPERATION RURAL DEVELOPMENT COUNTRY (1) (Sector) action programme* Cross-border cooperation between IPA II beneficiaries themselves and with ENI countries Cross-border cooperation between IPA II beneficiaries and Member States Rural Development Programme (RDP)*** COUNTRY (2) Sector Operational Programme** Programme architecture MULTI-COUNTRY action programme DG NEAR DG REGIO DG AGRI (*) incl. sector support (fully-flegded or sector-oriented) and/or stand-alone Actions (***) Successor to 'IPA I' Component V (**) Successor to 'IPA I' components III and IV
Calls for proposals, direct award, Twinning ... Art , Art , 277 BUDGET SUPPORT ONLY IN DIRECT MANAGEMENT Only Sector Reform Contracts under IPA II if conditions are met Art. 186 Art. 258 PROCUREMENT Services | Supplies | Works Art , Art , FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS ONLY IN INDIRECT MANAGEMENT Equity or quasi-equity investments, loans, guarantees, other risk sharing instruments Art Art DELIVERY MECHANISMS UNION TRUST FUNDS Currently NO Union Trust Fund targeting the Enlargement region Art. 187 Art. 259 Financial Regulation No 966/2012 Rules of Application of the Financial Regulation No 1268/2012
Multi-Country Strategy Paper
Support to reforms and investments in line with identified key challenges and in complementarity with assistance provided under the Country Strategy Papers Horizontal support 1 TAIEX, statistics, civil society & media, Erasmus + incl. youth dimension, advisory functions of international organisations, etc. M. EURO 922 STRATEGIC PLANNING Regional structures and networks 2 ReSPA (public administration), ECRAN (environment & climate action), SEETO (transport), CEFTA (trade), etc. M. EURO 134.5 Regional investment support 3 WBIF, EDIF, GGF and other blending instruments, Regional housing programme M. EURO Territorial cooperation 4 Cross-border cooperation in Western Balkans, territorial cooperation with Member States, etc. M. EURO 395.2
Types & forms of programmes Programme architecture
TERRITORIAL COOPERATION * Cross-border cooperation between IPA II beneficiaries themselves and with ENI countries Cross-border cooperation between IPA II beneficiaries and Member States (single) ANNUAL [direct or indirect management] MULTI-ANNUAL (with split commitments) [shared management] Types & forms of programmes Programme architecture DG REGIO MULTI-ANNUAL (combined annual) [direct or indirect management] DG NEAR (*) Successor to 'IPA I' component II
Cross-border cooperation in the Western Balkans (IPA-IPA)
Programme architecture
Cross-border cooperation with Member States
Programme architecture
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