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Presentation to Caribbean Connect

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1 Presentation to Caribbean Connect
Jagdeo Initiative Presentation to Caribbean Connect a High Level Symposium on the CSME Bridgetown, Barbados 29 June, 2006 H. Arlington D. Chesney Director of Operations and Integration for the Caribbean Region OBJETIVO: Tratar de ilustrar y clarificar temas de interés muy importantes para ustedes y nosotros, como el trabajo regional potencial el trabajo hemisférico. Para ello, tenemos que hablar de dos Direcciones. Ambas son unidades para mejorar la coordinación y el trabajo integrado de la cooperación técnica 1.- PROPOSITO: Contribuir a la coordinación y articulación de las agendas nacional, regional y hemisféricas y a afianzar el modelo de Cooperación del Instituto. 2.- Por lo tanto, el mandato de ambas direcciones: Hemisférico, Regional y países; y actúan en las dimensiones: técnica, administrativa y política 3.- EL FUNDAMENTO DE ELLAS ES: En la experiencia Decisiones de política institucional Necesidad de una efectiva coordinación interna, mediante el trabajo en equipo e intertemático.

2 Origins Agriculture - buckling under pressures of trade reform, natural disasters and policy deficiencies. RTP - poor implementation track record Result – agriculture not providing region’s food security nor covering growing food import bill “. . .at this stage, we need a policy and strategy which will allow us to decide on what sort of institutions and mechanisms are needed to reposition agriculture” President Jagdeo - Lead Head responsible for Agriculture in CARICOM

3 Origins IICA and FAO asked to assist to develop a framework towards a common regional agricultural repositioning strategy. CCS included Situation & Outlook Report (May/03) – established the challenges and requirements of repositioning Ministers of Agriculture Forum (June/03)– supported the renewed call for action and JI 25th CHG (July/04) – Heads endorsement of 1st Proposal, which contained the JI’s vision, scope, focus and process.

4 Jagdeo Initiative must be influenced by some critical elements:
Be a very practical instrument; Operationalise the Regional Transformation Programme for Agriculture (RTP) / The Community Agricultural Policy; Agriculture is a business. Agriculture is holistic, spanning the entire agri-product with organic links to tourism, health, education and services. Increasing importance of value-added food products and non-food products. Emphasise national activities. Build on existing actions to reduce duplication. The Caribbean’s initial response to the mandates, Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), World Food Summit (WFS), Agro Plan, , Community Agricultural Policy.

5 The Relationships Global Visions: MDGs & WFS
Hemispheric Agro 2015 Plan CSME-CAP, articles 56,57 & 58-62 Regional The Initiative National Vision & Plan The Initiative is consistent with national, regional, hemispheric and global visions, that a prosperous agriculture is key to rural prosperity, poverty reduction, food security, social equity and sustainable development.

6 Millenium Development Goals
Extreme poverty and hunger (50% reduction by 2015); ** Universal primary education; √ Gender equality; ** Reduced child mortality; √ Reduced Maternal mortality; √ Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, etc.; Ensure environmental sustainability; ** Establishment of a global partnership for development. √

7 THE CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK AS DEFINED IN THE AGRO PLAN: SYSTEMIC AND HOLISTIC APPROACH TO AGRICULTURAL AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Sustainable Development of Agriculture and Rural Milieu Rural Prosperity + Food Security + International Positioning Strategic Objectives Governance XI X Political-institutional Equity VIII VII Sociocultural-human Sustainability V IV Ecological Environment Competitiveness III II I Production-Trade Dimensions National and International Context Agricultural Production-Trade Chains Rural Territories Categories VI IX XII

8 Vision By 2015, agriculture will have made substantial progress in its contribution to sustainable growth, within a framework of transparent institutions and good governance that enables the transformation of its products and processes, encourages investment, drives entrepreneurship and assures an acceptable and consistent level of food security.

9 Scope to define and implement Interventions to address (3-4) Key Binding Constraints within the context of: The policy framework of the RTP/Community Agricultural Policy; Existing and planned complementary initiatives undertaken by national, regional and international organizations; Emphasis on non-traditional products, value-added and intensification of diversification; Practical programmes with achievable targets.

10 Process Bottom up, All inclusive, Participatory, Continuous Involvement of Ministers and Heads (Cabinet not Ministry responsibility) Reg. Briefing meeting: established the context, scope and output of consultations, 2004; National Consultations: redefined the challenges, opportunities and requirements, 2004; Reg. Workshop: consensus on Key Binding Constraints, framework of Interventions and draft of 2nd Proposal to CHG 2004; Validated by Regional Private Sector, Jan. 2005; Endorsed by Ministers, Jan 2005; Agreed by Heads, Feb. 2005; Inventory of Interventions at National and Institutional Levels, 2005/2006.

11 Constraints (Not new nor exhaustive … creates enabling business and economic environment for sustainable development) Limited Financing and Inadequate Levels of New Investments. Outdated and Inefficient Agricultural Health and Food Safety (AHFS) Systems. Inadequate Research and Development. A Fragmented and Disorganised Private Sector. Weak Land and Water Distribution and Management Systems. Deficient and Uncoordinated Risk Management Measures. Inadequate Transportation Systems, Particularly for perishables. Weak and Non-Integrated Information and Intelligence Systems. Inadequate Marketing Arrangement. Lack of Skilled and Quality Human Resources.

12 The Inter-relationships among the 10 KBCs
They must both operate in an appropriate culture, buoyed by an enabling environment, built on the other 8 elements of the pyramid. Skilled, motivated human resource and an engaged private sector must form the base to drive the development process.



15 Management Responsibilities
HEADS OF GOVERNMENT (President Jagdeo) MINISTERS OF AGRICULTURE (COTED, ALLIANCE) CO-CHAIRS (CCS, IICA) CORE GROUP (Institutions, Ministerial Delegates, Other Stakeholders)

16 Ministerial/Agency Responsible by Key Binding Constraint
Lead Minister/Agency Limited Financing and Inadequate Levels of New Investments Barbados/CDB Outdated and Inefficient Agricultural Health and Food Safety (AHFS) Systems Trinidad and Tobago/CARICOM Secretariat Inadequate Research and Development Guyana/CARDI A Fragmented and Disorganised Private Sector St. Vincent and the Grenadines/CABA Weak Land and Water Distribution and Management Systems St. Lucia/FAO Deficient and Uncoordinated Risk Management Measures Antigua and Barbuda/IICA Inadequate Transportation Systems, Particularly for Perishables St. Kitts and Nevis/CARICOM Secretariat Weak and Non-Integrated Information and Intelligence Systems Jamaica/CARDI Inadequate Marketing Arrangement Lack of Skilled and Quality Human Resources Dominica/UWI

17 Conclusion Jagdeo Initiative Not a perfect Instrument
Not a scholarly piece of work Is the first phase Is evolving Is a work in progress Provides a kick start Provides a vision and framework for all Suriname can use a basis for programmes to meet regional needs Provides a benchmark for measuring progress

18 Future Activities National Activities Food Needs Study
Integration of Projects’ Listing (FAO, CDB, Countries, etc) Determination of Further Needs Determination of Characteristics and Modalities of Agri-Modernisation Fund Investment / Donors Conference The Establishment of the Caribbean Agricultural Health and Food Safety Agency (CAHFSA) Development of Strategy and Action Plan for: Technology and Innovation Disaster Mitigation and Management Monitoring and Evaluation Information System Restructure and Integrate Agricultural education curricula. Caribbean Week of Agriculture

19 Thank you…

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