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Regional ‘ Think 20 ’ Seminar ‘ The G20 Leaders ’ Process Five Years On: An Assessment From an Asian Perspective ’

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Presentation on theme: "Regional ‘ Think 20 ’ Seminar ‘ The G20 Leaders ’ Process Five Years On: An Assessment From an Asian Perspective ’"— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional ‘ Think 20 ’ Seminar ‘ The G20 Leaders ’ Process Five Years On: An Assessment From an Asian Perspective ’

2 Susan Harris Rimmer, Asia-Pacific College of Diplomacy Coherence and Humility Development Priorities for the G20

3 Asia-Pacific College of Diplomacy3 Two bold propositions 1. Inclusive development needs to be at the heart of the G20 agenda and part of the ‘growth’ message for the G20 if it wants to survive and thrive as the premier forum of international development cooperation. 2. Lack of attention to gender analysis, lack of women’s representation in G20 processes and little attention to issues of gender equality must be remedied. Investing in gender equality will lead to Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth G20 + W = SSBG

4 Asia-Pacific College of Diplomacy4 Three assumptions 1. Development as freedom – not just economic growth but opportunities for the poorest. 2. Global governance theory - G20 is like a great dinner party ( or ‘lever for progress’). Opportunities for leadership. 3. Accountability to G20 agenda/promises important… but so is accountability to citizens of G20 countries, non-G20 countries and especially the world’s poorest people.

5 Asia-Pacific College of Diplomacy5 Six recommendations 1. At least, do no harm. The Development Working Group should explicitly monitor the economic implications of G20 core actions in fiscal, financial, trade, exchange rate and environmental policies for non-G20 countries, esp LDCs. 2. A development pillar/column should be added to the mutual assessment framework. 3. The G20’s future lies in the ’beyond aid’ agenda (trade facilitation, labour mobility, gender equality, climate finance, migration, technology etc), and the aim should be policy coherence for development.

6 Policy Coherence/Beyond aid Asia-Pacific College of Diplomacy6

7 7 Six recommendations 4. Greatest leadership challenge in 2013-2014 is the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and making sure something decent comes next. 5. Leaders Declarations need to speak to inclusive growth and acknowledge poverty and inequality challenges within G20. 6. G20 is not a credible development actor without paying serious attention to gender equality issues. The new Development Action Plan must be informed by serious gender analysis and indicators.

8 Asia-Pacific College of Diplomacy8 Inclusive development

9 Inequality on the rise Asia-Pacific College of Diplomacy9

10 10 Gender equality and the G20: The third billion

11 Outreach and political leadership Asia-Pacific College of Diplomacy11

12 Outreach and leadership Asia-Pacific College of Diplomacy12

13 Outreach and leadership Asia-Pacific College of Diplomacy13

14 Stay tuned for ‘Troika Diplomacy’ Thank you.

15 Regional ‘ Think 20 ’ Seminar ‘ The G20 Leaders ’ Process Five Years On: An Assessment From an Asian Perspective ’

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