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Beta and particle decay spectroscopy at the Super FRS Zenon Janas Nuclear Spectroscopy Division Warsaw University.

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Presentation on theme: "Beta and particle decay spectroscopy at the Super FRS Zenon Janas Nuclear Spectroscopy Division Warsaw University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beta and particle decay spectroscopy at the Super FRS Zenon Janas Nuclear Spectroscopy Division Warsaw University

2 H. Weick, M. Winkler Branches of the Super FRS High-Energy Branch

3 Regions of interest 100 Sn 2 atoms / s 78 Ni 8 atoms / s 132 Sn 10 8 atoms / s 197 Fr 1 atom / s  heavy proton emitters  100 Sn region  r- process nuclei K.-H. Schmidt

4 207 Pa 209 Pa 201 Ac 203 Ac 918987918987 Experimental knowledge predicted p - emitters  - emitters Heavy proton emitters 197 Fr

5 Detection of fast p and  decays implantation  range focusing position correlation  high granularity time correlation  dedicated electronics Identified ions PA DSSD

6 Studies of r - process nuclei  - decay halflives  masses (Q , S n )  n emission probabilities  - strength distribution

7 High - resolution  n and  -ray measurements Identified ions segmented   - detectors  - particle tracking  - det. n  -  det.

8 Total Absorption Spectrometer  Transport tape  – detectors PMT NaI(Tl)  14   14  TAS energy  ph = 70% at 1 MeV

9 Q EC 98 Ag TAS CLU Total absorption vs. high-resolution measurements 6  Cluster detectors   = 19 % at 1.3 MeV

10 Total Absorption Spectroscopy at Super FRS  Transport tape  – dets. PMT NaI(Tl)  14   14  TAS energy Super FRS gas cell extraction system

11 Possible contribution of the Warsaw group setup for Total Abs. Spectroscopy measurements setup for  s - decay studies - dedicated preamplifiers - digital signal processing ion catcher (EU RTD Network) - gas flow simulations

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