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Nematova Tamilla Ankara lyceum Baku, Azerbaijan.

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2 Nematova Tamilla Ankara lyceum Baku, Azerbaijan.

3 We thank Shohreh Modaresi and Nadeem Ghazi for participation in our project. When student demonstrates the inability to follow a classroom behaviour plan, it might be necessary to devise an individual behaviour plan for the student.

4 Shohreh’s students think “ bad student is the one who misbehave on other students in educational activities or in his friendship. He doesn’t respect teachers and school. He doesn’t listen what teachers are saying.”

5 Nadeem’s students think that We are interested in some questions.  Is it necessary to punish the students ?  How intense is the student’s behaviour?  When does the behaviour occur? How often?  How will the student be rewarded and for what? “ bad student is the student who is ill manner who doesn’t want to resolve the conflicts agree with the students who doesn’t respect teachers and school’s rules and regulation can be defined as the bad students.”

6 The students of Nadeem advice Shohreh’s students: “to treat those kind of students with motivation and making some rules and getting them followed stop their being bully. We must not give physical punishments.” “he must be punish, because he’ll stay on his mood and his bad behaviours will effect on his character in whole life. He must stop his bad habits and try to improve his personality. The best way to punish are: not attending the class for a few days; to remark his behaviour in students discipline notebook; to inform the parents and student and let to know him about what he is; leave the school in serious cases.” “he must be punish, because he’ll stay on his mood and his bad behaviours will effect on his character in whole life. He must stop his bad habits and try to improve his personality. The best way to punish are: not attending the class for a few days; to remark his behaviour in students discipline notebook; to inform the parents and student and let to know him about what he is; leave the school in serious cases.”

7 Environment plays a great role in our behaviour. It is necessary to reward the students One bad student leads bad things, makes follow the weak students after him

8 When one student enters the classroom the other students start screaming

9 Nadeem’s students: “we have to teach them the manners how they should react in the class and behave with other students and teachers. We should try to focus manner improvement strategic behaviour.” My students’ opinions are. : My students’ opinions are. : rewards can be conveniently managed through a special reinforcement program. most people won’t do anything unless you give them some incentives. the reward must be motivating. the behaviours can be used as rewarding activities.

10 We have made a list of rewarding  working on a bulletin board  passing out books  being captain of a team  helping correct work of others  watering plants  acting as a line leader  working on a bulletin board  passing out books  being captain of a team  helping correct work of others  watering plants  acting as a line leader You can continue this list.

11 The goal for earning the rewards should be discussed. If the student obtained the goal for the day he should be allowed to choose a reward from the reward menu. If he fails to obtain the goal he didn’t earn the reward. When the student’s behaviour improves to a desired level for a period of time the program can be in a number of ways. Conclusion. The function of the behaviour is very important in understanding how to assist the student. Developing an individual behaviour plan is a complex process. Many students need to practice their new skills in a controlled environment before trying out these skills in real life. Each student is different, unique.



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