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MSc Project Suggestions William Marsh

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1 MSc Project Suggestions William Marsh

2 Outline Who I am Research interests General ideas Specific ideas

3 About Me Risk and Information research group Teaching Operating systems (year 2) Real-time and critical systems (MSc) Interests Decision support Risk and critical systems

4 Research Interests Decision support Bayesian networks Knowledge and data Medical applications Safety and critical systems Hazards Risk models

5 General 1. BN decision support: prediction or diagnosis Expertise is a problem area – uncertain reasoning; Relevant data 2. Statistical Data from the Web Lots of public data 3. Real-time Programming using Cortex-M3 STM32F4 Real-time applications An interesting software technology (such as Lustre or Atom) Happy to discuss project ideas Typical student: MSc S/W Eng; MSc CIS

6 Display/Editor for the Evidence-base of a BN Evidence ontology for BN knowledge developed using OWL Enhance existing system for display Develop an editor for composing the knowledge. Display/Editor for the Evidence-base of a BN Evidence ontology for BN knowledge developed using OWL Enhance existing system for display Develop an editor for composing the knowledge. Specific Ideas Safety Hazard Editor/Browser New structured approach for analysing hazards Formalise using OWL Build a database and editor industry examples Database capable of handling OWL and queried using SPARQL. Safety Hazard Editor/Browser New structured approach for analysing hazards Formalise using OWL Build a database and editor industry examples Database capable of handling OWL and queried using SPARQL. Modelling Care Pathways After Surgery Heart operation followed by 3 stages of care How to organise? Initial work by a surgeon; data collected Combine / compare models: (i) Discrete event simulation models and (ii) BN Modelling Care Pathways After Surgery Heart operation followed by 3 stages of care How to organise? Initial work by a surgeon; data collected Combine / compare models: (i) Discrete event simulation models and (ii) BN Safety and Bridge Deterioration State change models of assets (e.g. bridge) Impact on safety? Interface to existing model; combine with event tree/BNs Safety and Bridge Deterioration State change models of assets (e.g. bridge) Impact on safety? Interface to existing model; combine with event tree/BNs Explaining Predictions of a BN BN from expert knowledge makes prediction How is prediction explained Graphical interface to show reasoning leading to a prediction The interface should work with any BN Explaining Predictions of a BN BN from expert knowledge makes prediction How is prediction explained Graphical interface to show reasoning leading to a prediction The interface should work with any BN

7 More Information More detail (incl. this presentation) Available on Tuesday 26 th, 12 - 3pm Complete doodle poll to book a meeting

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