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Community Language Learning Lecture # 14. CLL Review of the last lecture CLL takes its principles from the more general Counseling-Learning approach.

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1 Community Language Learning Lecture # 14


3 Review of the last lecture CLL takes its principles from the more general Counseling-Learning approach developed by Charles A. Curran. Curran Studied adult learning for many years. Curran is of the view that adult adults feel threatened by the change inherent in learning and by the fear that they will appear foolish. Curran believes that a language counselor could deal with students’ problems well.

4 Community Language Learning Observation 1: The Teacher greets the students….. Principle: 1.The teacher starts a friendly relationship. Observation 2: TT tells what are they going to do…. 2 The teacher’s explanation of the activities brings security.

5 Community Language Learning: Observation and Principles SS have conversation 3. Language is for communication. TT stands behind the students 4. The teacher’s standing position can be effective in reducing tension and fostering interaction.

6 Community Language Learning: Observation and Principles TT translates what the SS want to say in chunks 5. The teacher is caring about the students limitations and fears. They learn with different paces. TT tells them that they have a few minutes for conversation 6. Student feel more secure when they know the limits of an activity.

7 Community Language Learning: Observation and Principles SS are invited to talk about how they felt during the conversation 7. The teacher and students are whole persons (Affective + Cognitive factors).

8 Community Language Learning: Observation and Principles Teacher accepts what each student says 8. Each learner is a unique learner. Learners have different strategies, paces and styles of learning. The teacher makes them feel relaxed (Affective factors). TT understands what the SS say 9. The teacher is a counselor. Negative feelings block learning. The teacher show them he is really listening to them and understands what they are saying The SS listen to the tape and give the Indonesian translation 10. L1 is part of the process of learning. Understanding should be guaranteed.

9 Community Language Learning: Observation and Principles TT asks SS to make a semi circle in front of the class to see activities easily 11. Activities should be clear /clarified (Affective factors). The TT reassures the students that they will have time later on to copy the sentences 12. Learning is facilitated initially, if the tasks are given one by one to reduce the barriers.

10 Community Language Learning: Observation and Principles Before the teacher puts in the Indonesian equivalents, he pauses if no one volunteers the meaning, he writes it himself 13. Students go from total dependence on the teacher to independence and initiative. TT reads the transcript three times. SS relax and listen. 14. Relaxed reflection and thinking fosters the process.

11 Community Language Learning: Observation and Principles SS choose which phrase they want to practice pronouncing ; the teacher, following the student’s lead repeats the phrase until the they are satisfied 15. Having a choice results in developing an inner wisdom. SS have to listen carefully to see if what they say matches what teacher is saying 16. Careful listening is needed to learn to discriminate and see the similarities and differences.

12 Community Language Learning: Observation and Principles SS work in groups of three 17. Group work and cooperation is preferred to competition. SS sense themselves in a community and learn from each other and also from the teacher. TT corrects by repeating correctly the sentence the SS have created 18. Indirect correction reduces tension. Non-threatening way

13 Community Language Learning: Observation and Principles SS read their sentence to the other members of class 19. Interaction among the peers (students) leads to trust and less threat. The TT plays the tape while the students listen 20. Learning takes place if the task neither too new nor too familiar. Retention will best take place somewhere in between novelty and familiarity.

14 Community Language Learning: Observation and Principles SS are once again invited to talk about the experience they had that evening 21. Thinking about learning experiences is as positive as reflecting on L2. Other activities with the transcript of the first conversation occur. Then learners have a new conversation 22. In early stages, the syllabus is learner dependent (oriented). The show their interest more to the work, they have created themselves.

15 What is Non-defensive learning? Curran: there are six elements for nondefensive learning: Security, aggression (assertiveness), attention, reflection, retention (integration), Discrimination

16 Evaluation Evaluation in CLL is not fixed, but it should be in line with the principles. The test is mainly integrative, not discrete point. Self evaluation is also valued.

17 Culture and Language In CLL culture and language are inseparable. The teacher and students form a community (learning is persons). They trust each other and the process.

18 Summary The teacher starts a friendly relationship. The teacher’s explanation of the activities brings security. Language is for communication. The teacher’s standing position can be effective in reducing tension and fostering interaction. The teacher is caring about the students limitations and fears. They learn with different paces. Time limits are revealed; security follows!

19 Great job Students! You have been attentive throughout this session. I expect the same from you in the remaining lectures. I appreciate your participation, which is the demand of this course. Keep on working hard, you will be successful TEFL students. Help each other in studies. Discuss TEFL topics in your community, I am sure you have one. If not, please make one…..

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