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Modern Languages for Life and Work SCQF Levels 3 / 4 Launch Event 16 April 2013 Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow.

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2 Modern Languages for Life and Work SCQF Levels 3 / 4 Launch Event 16 April 2013 Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow

3 Available Documentation:  At both levels:  Award Specification for MLLW Award  3 x Unit Specifications  3 x Unit Support Notes  plus Award Support Notes* for MLLW covering Award at both levels 3 and 4 * revision under way

4 Modern Languages for Life and Work: Levels 3 / 4  The main purpose of these Awards is to study one or two modern languages in practical and relevant contexts for life and work, and identify, develop and demonstrate employability skills  Available across ten languages: Cantonese, French, Gaelic (Learners), German, Italian, Mandarin, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Urdu

5 Modern Languages for Life and Work: Levels 3 / 4  The Award aims to enable learners to:  develop talking and listening skills in one or two modern languages in the contexts of life and work (plus reading skills at Level 4)  develop knowledge of one or two modern languages in the contexts of life and work  develop employability skills

6 Modern Languages for Life and Work: Levels 3 / 4  Three Units together comprise Award at each level:  Existing Units: - Building Own Employability Skills (BOES) - (Modern Languages) for Work Purposes (MLWP)  New Unit: - (Modern Languages) for Life (MLL) * NB Language Units can be done in different languages

7 Units in the Award

8 Building Own Employability Skills: Levels 3 / 4 Aim:  to provide learners with the opportunity to acquire the skills needed in order to gain employment, by:  finding out about job opportunities and employers  finding out about the skills needed to apply for a job  combining these skills with language skills from one or both language Units

9 Building Own Employability Skills: Levels 3 / 4  Outcome 1 Learners will build their employability skills by: 1.1Finding information about suitable employment opportunities 1.2Practising the skills needed to apply for a job  Evidence Requirements detailed in Unit Specification and Unit Support Notes

10 Building Own Employability Skills: Levels 3 / 4  Unit Support Notes also provide detailed guidelines on:  approaches to learning, teaching and assessment

11 Aim:  to provide learners with the opportunity to develop basic skills in talking and listening needed to communicate in any vocational context using the language studied.  encourages learners to reflect on the skills required for employability  Is an existing Unit (launched 2008) (Modern Languages) for Work Purposes: Level 3

12  Outcome 1 Learners will take part in job-related discussions in the modern language  Outcome 2 Learners will demonstrate understanding of simple vocational texts spoken in the modern language

13 (Modern Languages) for Life: Level 3 Aim:  to provide learners with the opportunity to develop basic skills in talking and listening in practical and relevant contexts using the language studied  learners explore the culture and everyday life in countries where the modern language is used  Is a new Unit

14 (Modern Languages) for Life: Level 3  Outcome 1 Learners will take part in simple conversations in the modern language related to culture and everyday life  Outcome 2 Learners will understand simple language spoken in the modern language related to culture and everyday life

15 (Modern Languages) for Work Purposes: Level 4 Aim:  to provide learners with the opportunity to develop the skills in talking and reading needed to communicate in any vocational context using the language studied  encourages learners to reflect on the skills required for employability  Is an existing Unit (launched 2008)

16 (Modern Languages) for Work Purposes: Level 4 Outcome 1 Learners will take part in job-related discussions in the modern language Outcome 2 Learners will demonstrate understanding of straightforward vocational texts written in the modern language

17 (Modern Languages) for Life: Level 4 Aim:  to provide learners with the opportunity to develop skills in talking and listening in practical and relevant contexts using the language studied  learners explore the culture and everyday life in countries where the modern language is used  Is a new Unit

18 (Modern Languages) for Life: Level 4  Outcome 1 Learners will take part in straightforward conversations in the modern language related to culture and everyday life  Outcome 2 Learners will understand straightforward language spoken in the modern language related to culture and everyday life

19 Unit Assessment Support Packs (UASP) Introduction to new UASP for combined assessment of the Award

20 Unit Assessment Support Packs (UASP)  Unit Assessment Support Packs being published in June 2013  Available for both levels  French and Generic versions  Transferability of Generic pack to any of the ten modern languages

21 Unit Assessment Support Packs (UASP)  Focus on combining assessments  Encourages assessment approaches whereby all Outcomes for all three Units are overtaken by one combined assessment  Built-in flexibility allowing assessment of two of the three Units

22 Unit Assessment Support Packs (UASP)  At both levels UASP includes:  Outcomes and Assessment Standards for all three units  Overview of assessment and Evidence to be gathered  Re-assessment arrangements  Exemplification of Assessment grid, matching exemplar activities with Unit Outcome(s)  Judging the Evidence section  Candidate / Class Unit Assessment Records

23 Unit Assessment Support Pack: Level 3 French version:  three scenarios: - Colonie de Vacances (Holiday Camp) - Parc Astérix (Theme Park) - Chantiers Ados (Building Project)  transferability to other languages  element of potential realism  number of exemplar activities common to all three scenarios (BOES / MLL)  Generic version UASP also available

24 Unit Assessment Support Pack: Level 3 French / Generic versions:  seven activities for each scenario  some activities overtake more than one Outcome, and across Units  no requirement for all parts of an exemplar / scenario to be overtaken at same time

25 Unit Assessment Support Pack: Level 4 French / Generic versions:  one scenario - airport  chosen for transferability factor across languages  choice of three jobs  element of potential realism  more skill development in all exemplar activities

26 Unit Assessment Support Pack: Level 4 French / Generic versions:  BOES: more learner input required  MLWP / MLL: same topics, but more complex language  MLL: presentation by learner, with follow-up questions  detailed guidelines on judging evidence and making assessment decisions

27 Workshop Activities Look at:  component Units of the Award: - Outcomes and Assessment Standards -Evidence Requirements  Exemplification of Assessment

28 Modern Languages for Life and Work  Any questions?

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