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Job Corps More than 2.6 million youth trained and educated

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2 Job Corps More than 2.6 million youth trained and educated
More than 60,000 new students enrolled each year More than 100,000 youth receive training and post-program services annually Self-paced, open-entry/open-exit

3 To attract young adults, teach
Job Corps’ Mission To attract young adults, teach them relevant skills needed to become employable and independent, and help prepare them for success in life by securing meaningful jobs or opportunities for further education

4 124 Centers Nationwide

5 What Job Corps Offers 1. Career Technical Training
More than 100 career training programs 2. Academic Training Emphasis on high school diploma or GED attainment 3. Career Success Standards Focus on social, employability, and independent-living skills

6 Training For Success Career Technical Training
100-plus career training areas Advanced training in specific areas National training contractors State-of-the-art tools and technology Select career areas offer training in “green” practices

7 Career Pathways Advanced Manufacturing Automotive and Machine Repair
Construction Finance and Business Health Care Homeland Security Hospitality Information Technology Renewable Resources and Energy Retail Sales and Services Transportation

8 Green Initiatives Throughout
Green-collar job training Enhance, Expand, Develop, Sustain Green practices in facilities and center culture Construction, Technology and Performance, Internal and External Outreach, Fleet Efficiency Green Collar Job Training: Job Corps’ green efforts support students gaining a global competitive edge and credentials attainment in the pursuit of good jobs. Job Corps’ initial green training efforts focused on program enhancement, expansion, development and sustainability in three industry areas: Advanced Manufacturing ( Machining, Manufacturing Technology, and Welding) - greening these trainings involved OSHA and EPA requirements for pollution reduction and worker safety; new skills include students learning how to reduce shop waste, using environmentally friendly products during clean-up procedures, and learning to reduce raw material waste in the manufacturing process. Welding shops are also significantly reducing energy use and raw materials consumption by utilizing new, high-tech welding simulators that also improve student welding performance through instant technique feedback Automotive Technology - Students learn both environmental practices to green the shop and an introduction to hybrid and alternative vehicles. Construction - Job Corps offers training in 18 different construction trades. Green building is perhaps the most visible green market and Job Corps students are training to work on green building projects by learning trade-specific materials and techniques so that they are prepared to work on LEED and other green building rated projects, as well learning basic environmental awareness and skills they can transfer to conventional building projects Green Practices in Facilities and Center Culture: Job Corps’ green initiatives span throughout our operations. The initiatives execute green strategies in training, physical facilities, technology, fleet vehicles, and center culture.

9 Developing New Training in Emerging Occupations
Green Jobs Fitting Job Corps’ Training Profile Biomass Collection, Separation and Sorting Technician Deconstruction Laborer Electronic Health Records Specialist Environmental Sampling Technician IT Recycling Technician Recycling Technician Recycling Center Operator Renewable Energy Machinist (Geothermal, Wind, Hydro, Solar, Biomass) Renewable Energy Plant Technician (Geothermal, Wind, Hydro, Solar, Biomass) Solar PV and Thermal System Installer (Residential) Solar PV and Thermal System Installer (Commercial) Smart Grid Technician Overhead Line Construction Underground Residential Distribution Smart Meter Technician Water Service Maintenance Technician Weatherization Technician Once we enhanced Manufacturing, Automotive, and Construction programs, we began to examine job profiles to identify potential new areas of training in emerging, green occupations. About 25 training options were identified through the California Green Jobs Guidebook, engaging other government agencies (DOL-BLS, DOE, EPA, etc), researching timely ARRA investments in new technologies, and reviewing existing green trainings to ensure a complete list. Potential trainings were identified to meet Job Corps training profile – matching a high school diploma or GED and a trade training level to employment requirements. 6 new training offerings were developed: Electronic Health Records Specialist, Solar PV and Thermal System Installer, Overhead Line Construction, Underground Residential Distribution, Smart Meter Technician, and Weatherization Technician. After a year, these pilot programs will be reviewed and then opened to additional Job Corps centers for expansion.

10 Training For Success Educational Opportunities High school diploma GED
Qualified instructors Technology-focused Post-secondary and advanced training

11 Training For Success Career Success Standards
Workplace Relationships & Ethics Information Management Multicultural Awareness Personal Growth & Development Interpersonal Skills Communication Independent Living Career & Personal Planning

12 Our Students Ages 16 through 24
From an economically disadvantaged background (below the poverty level) A U.S. citizen, U.S. national, legal resident, or permanent resident alien willing to sign a Zero Tolerance contract and commit to the opportunities Job Corps provides

13 Our Students The typical Job Corps student:
Has not completed high school Reads slightly below the eighth-grade level Has never had a full-time job Is 18 years old and is from an economically disadvantaged family In an effort to achieve diversity, we also focus recruitment efforts on reaching non-traditional Job Corps students, including females and Hispanics.

14 Life On Center Each center offers recreational and
leisure-time opportunities for students, such as: Student Government Association Career area leadership opportunities Community service opportunities Local cultural outings Clubs Sports Art & entertainment

15 Career Development Services System
How Job Corps Works Career Development Services System Designed to help students achieve their career objectives Four stages of CDSS build on one another: Outreach and Admissions (OA) Career Preparation Period (CPP) Career Development Period (CDP) Career Transition Period (CTP)

16 Job Corps’ Future Standards-Based Education & Training
Program undergoing major transformation from traditional training model to a standards-based education and training system New delivery system based on the industry/technical, academic and social standards that will enable graduates to compete and succeed in the 21st century economy New model currently being field tested at 3 Centers for Excellence (CFE) before program-wide rollout

17 Job Corps Works Placement Rate 78% Employment 64% Education 14%
PY 2008


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