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Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA Tips for Recruiting Exceptional Faculty Kelvin Droegemeier.

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Presentation on theme: "Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA Tips for Recruiting Exceptional Faculty Kelvin Droegemeier."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA Tips for Recruiting Exceptional Faculty Kelvin Droegemeier 2 October 2014

2 Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA Hiring faculty is THE MOST IMPORTANT thing we do, even more so than recruiting students, selecting deans and executive officers A job for LIFE: Tenured Faculty = Article III Federal Judges Every hire MUST be STRATEGIC Every search MUST be seen as an opportunity for BIG ACHIEVEMENTS and advancing the program as a WHOLE, not filling a vacancy We should NEVER hire someone we feel has ANY chance of FAILING, or for whom support is not EXCEPTIONALLY strong We should always hire people BETTER, or with greater POTENTIAL, than those we now have We recruit the FAMILY, not just one person, into the OU Family & broader community + no such thing as a “trailing spouse” General Notions 2

3 Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA We should ALWAYS know who we want to hire (individual or a group of possibilities) BEFORE we begin the search Choose search committee MEMBERS/CHAIR carefully and serve with enthusiasm; include a grad and undergrad student > 2 concurrent searches in a single program generally is a bad idea NEVER EVER assume someone will turn us down or is immovable!!! (Berrien Moore, Rick Luce, Alicia Knoedler, Glenn Leshner,...) Intellectual capability gets you in the door. LEADERSHIP gets you the job (fit, personality, vision, collaborative mindset, attitude toward students/teaching) Do not get hung up on minor details – play in the big leagues Write an EXCITING job announcement, not a legal document General Notions 3

4 Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSABefore... 4

5 Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSAAfter... 5

6 Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA This is about “selling” the University, which many feel uncomfortable doing. Selling means being positive but honest, not slimy! Think beyond your department in all phases of the process Know the landscape of prospective candidates (senior leaders, post docs, graduating doctoral students, your colleague friends who are producing stars) Avoid creating islands – build clusters of strength within the department and within the University (VPR Office can help) Strategically align with departmental, college and national directions (VPR Office can help) Pay close attention to candidates who already have strong collaborative networks, domestically and internationally Confidentiality is VITALLY IMPORTANT, especially for people already in academic or even corporate positions General Suggestions 6

7 Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA When seeking applicants, be VERY CAREFUL with messaging!! Be careful to avoid suggesting they have special favor UNLESS they do! The person you want most likely won’t be looking for a job or even considering leaving their current position Do NOT be discouraged with “no” the first or second times – but also be sensitive and do not push to hard Some outstanding people want to be courted – confidentiality again!! Identify a short list of candidates and then go after the TOP PERSON first Offer a quiet visit to campus – no seminar, just informal meetings Think about special incentives (e.g., signing bonus) Work with senior administrators and avoid surprising them For High Profile/Special Cases 7

8 Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA Do not run the candidate ragged!!! If a spouse is involved, do a parallel itinerary Understand spouse and children interests and accommodate them (arts, sports, schools – meetings with the LEADERS) You are “selling” not just OU but the area – quality of life in Norman, OKC Provide a nice packet of materials (magazines, OU materials) in advance of the visit Provide a bag of goodies at the hotel when they arrive (shirt, mug, personalized note, copy of the President’s book) Give a windshield tour/oral history of OU plus visit key buildings (Art and History Museums, Library, National Weather Center) Use the University Club for meals/receptions During the Campus Visit 8

9 Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA Introduce candidate to potential collaborators (VPR Office can assist) Talk about space/facility and equipment needs and existing resources they might use (VPR Office can assist) In addition to meeting with the Provost and Dean, have candidate meet with the VPR, CRPDE, ORS, even if not in a science and engineering discipline!! FOLLOW UP TO OBTAIN THEIR INPUT!!!! Have candidate meet privately with students (both grad and undergrad) Have candidate give a scholarly seminar plus a classroom lecture Use the Research Campus video Take candidate/family to Oklahoma City/Bricktown and possibly an event (baseball, basketball, opera, theatre) During the Campus Visit 9

10 Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA Do not be afraid to think big in recruiting. Small thinking leads to small resources. Failure to ask leads to nothing. Closing Thought 10

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