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Raleigh Section 1113 Case Study of Storyboarding March 20, 2007.

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1 Raleigh Section 1113 Case Study of Storyboarding March 20, 2007

2 ASQ Standard Strategy Planning  ASQ National Defined Goals:  Increase Member Retention  Increase Member Value  Increase Member Satisfaction  ASQ Strategic Management Process (SMP)

3 2005-2006 Results  ASQ Total Quality Award  Completing the SMP  Only 75 Sections Achieved in 05-06  ASQ Silver Excellence Award  Meets 2 of 3:  Satisfaction, Loyalty and Retention  Only 27 Sections Achieved in 05-06

4 Planning Program Dedicated Core Team Leadership From Board ASQ National (Infrastructure & Services) SMC Planning Session Team Broad Experience Of Charter Members Large Membership Good Core Strength of Talent Professional Development Diverse Experience And Talents Good Financial Resources Dedicated Volunteers representing Local Member Base (Hi Tech, Skilled) Conference Turnout Knowledgeable People Experienced Leadership Friendly Environment forming leveraging supporting applying conducting participating (as the) focusing driving funding promoting (participation from our) characterizing committing and participating (as our) Interest in Networking Member Participation - Meeting attendance - sharing best practice - volunteer for leadership Provide Extensive Networking to Membership Website & On-line Systems More Networking To Attract Member Participation Participate with Local Colleges Provide Knowledge of ISO Quality Fields (cross industry) Strong Annual Section Conference Community Services Acquire new Members t o area (Growing Region) Increase Quality of QMS via ISO Between Industries Growing Area (& thus Growing Chapter) Resource for Professional Development Corporate Interest in Community Improvement enabling stimulating fostering resulting (in) positioning (us as the) promoting (interest in) increasing (overall) allowing (us to) allowing (us to) capitalizing (on the) creating (our ability to) furthering (our ability to) Other Raleigh Quality Groups Dwindling Membership Complacency Of Members Inadequate Process Visibility Perception of Quality as Boring Fiscal Irresponsibility Dropping Membership Counts Disconnect With ASQ - HQ Numerous Venues Of Training Potential Weaker Economy External Commitments & Demands Job Outsourcing Causing Job Loss Open Board Positions promoting driving (the) necessitating (a) accelerating compelling initiating resulting (in) driving (the) necessitating (a) inspiring Communication (internal – board External – members) Coordination of Logistics during Program Events Volunteer Commitment Priority Setting Poor Communication Little Use of $$ Resources Member Communication Process Volunteers (not enough) Volunteers Are not Urgent Ability to Obtain Volunteers Lack of Membership Participation New Member Welcome Process restricting (in our) Low Board Membership Leaders Get Overwhelmed (Conflicting Priorities) Not Enough Networking New Members Quitting Not Meeting Deadlines resulting (in) creating (the situation where) (which is) deteriorating resulting (in our) adding (to) forcing contributing (to) resulting (in) inhibiting (execution of) challenging (effective) perpetuating (lack of) resulting (in) CSF #1 CSF #2 CSF #3 CSF #4 Strengths Opportunities Weaknesses Threats 4 Critical Success Factors

5 ASQ Raleigh Strengths  Local Member Base (Hi Tech, Skilled)  Conference Turnout  Knowledgeable People; Friendly Environment  Large Membership  Dedicated Core Team  Leadership from Board  Experienced Leadership  ASQ National (Infrastructure and Services)  Broad experience of Chapter Members  Good core strength of talent  Diverse Experience and Talents  SMC Planning Session Team  Planning Programs  Professional Development  Good Financial Resources  Dedicated Volunteers  Money  Diversity of Members in various industries  Experienced Board Members  Diverse industry base Strength

6 Strength Themes  Two themes  Culture – ‘friendly environment’ combined with ‘knowledgeable people’ filled with ‘dedicated team builders’ that creates the core culture.  People – Creates an environment where supporting the staff in all aspects of personal and professional growth is inherently present.

7 ASQ Raleigh Opportunities  Utilize outsourcing to accomplish goals  Education (Revenue, opportunity to serve)  Hi-Tech Area  Many untapped opportunities  Website and on-line systems  Interest in networking  More networking to attract member participation  Strong annual section conference  Participate w/local community colleges  Increasing commonality of QMS via ISO between industries  Corporations interests in community improve  Community Service  Resource for professional development  Member participation (meeting attendance; sharing best practices; volunteers for leadership)  Provide extensive networking to membership  Provide knowledge of ISO quality fields (auto, med, electronics, etc.) for job mobility  Acquire new members to area – growing region  Growing area Opportunity

8 Opportunities  Creating the ability to ‘Provide Extensive Networking to Members’  Furthering our ability to ‘Provide Knowledge of ISO Quality Fields (cross industry)’  Allowing us to ‘Acquire new Members to area (Growing Region)  Capitalizing on the ‘Growing Area (& thus Growing the Chapter)

9 ASQ Raleigh Weaknesses  Communication  Members not on top of other fields  Coordination of logistics during program events  Little use of $$ resources  Lack of membership participation  Ability to obtain volunteers  Communication (internal – board, external – members)  Volunteers – not enough  Low board membership  Priority Setting  Poor Communication  Volunteers are not urgent  Member communication process  New member welcome process  Not enough networking  New members quitting  Volunteer commitment  Leaders get overwhelmed (conflicting priorities)  Not meeting deadlines Weakness

10 ASQ Raleigh Threats  Lack of volunteers  Economy – member loss due to loss of employment  Other professional organization  Lack of commitment  Fiscal Irresponsibility  Inadequate process visibility  Complacency of members  Perception of ‘Quality as Boring’  Other Raleigh quality groups  Numerous venues of training – education  Open Board Positions  External commitments & demands  Potential weaker economy  Disconnect with ASQ – HQ  Dropping Membership counts  Dwindling membership (economy)  Job outsourcing causing job loss Threat

11 Weaknesses & Threats  Themes:  Culture  Despite a Strength, also lacked the ability to recruit volunteers  Process  Timely Communication  Commitment to Task Execution

12 Critical Success Factors 1.Communication 2.Prioritization 3.Volunteerism 4.Financial Management

13 Following ASQ’s SMP Process

14 Linking Our Strategy to National

15 Results  Members volunteering!  Arrangements, Publicity & Placement Chairs Filled During Year  Candidates for Treasurer & Secretary  2 Volunteers for both Good Works and Website for 2007-8 Year  Financials In Shape!  No longer operating at loss this year.

16 Results  Members Joining!

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