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CODE 210 ENTERPRISE SHADOWING PROGRAM What is the Enterprise Shadowing Program? The Enterprise shadowing program is an opportunity during which a Code.

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3 What is the Enterprise Shadowing Program? The Enterprise shadowing program is an opportunity during which a Code 210 employee will accompany and observe another Code 210 employee and/or “working” team during performance of a procurement related activity.

4 What is the Purpose of the Shadowing Program? Gain a better understanding of procurement activities. Learn work practices through first-hand experience. Develop and apply communications skills. Understand the correlation between GSFC policy, FAR, and NFS regulations. Obtain advice and information from Senior Procurement personnel. Navigate the procurement community. Build awareness, confidence, and skills.

5 Potential Areas for Shadowing Acquisition Strategy/RFP Development Pre-PSMs Pre-Proposal Conferences Solicitation Review Board (SRB) Contract Award Source Selection Briefing Bid Opening Debriefings SEB Protests

6 Potential Areas for Shadowing Contract Administration Post Award Conference Performance Evaluation Board (PEB) Fee Determinations Change Order Negotiations Monthly Status Reviews (MSR)

7 Potential Areas for Shadowing Policy File Reviews Template Creation PMR Corrective Action Resolution Training Program Coordination Procurement/Legal Quarterly Monthly Policy Telecon Monthly Procurement Officer Telecon Monthly Training Telecon

8 Next Steps... Work with Associates to identify shadowing opportunities and generate schedules for specific enterprise activities. Finalize procedures for requesting shadowing opportunities and matching the observer with the lead personnel for those activities. Establishing methods for ensuring effectiveness of the shadowing program for both the organization and the observer.

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