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 PRESENTATION  SSA management Meeting  Date: 24/10/2013  Vigilance Activity Period from 07/2013 to 09/2013.

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Presentation on theme: " PRESENTATION  SSA management Meeting  Date: 24/10/2013  Vigilance Activity Period from 07/2013 to 09/2013."— Presentation transcript:


2  PRESENTATION  SSA management Meeting  Date: 24/10/2013  Vigilance Activity Period from 07/2013 to 09/2013

3 COMPLAINTS AND DISPOSAL Total Written Complaints Received :16 11 complaints were regarding unsatisfactory working of Telephone. Vigilance has taken up the cases and closed the cases after proper restoration of service. Remaining 5 were against the staff which were investigated by the Vigilance and reported as below: 1. Misbehavior of staff at Kakayangad Xge. :The Complaint is mainly attributed to delay in reconnection of NPD number. Observation after Investigation: i). There was no abnormal delay in reconnecting number. ii) Alleged misbehavior is on the basis of family rivalry. However TM has been recommended to caution so that such complaint should not be come up in future against him.

4 COMPLAINTS AND DISPOSAL continued …. 2. Unauthorised blocking of SIM: After a preliminary investigation, the case has been forwarded to Mobile Vigilance for further investigation The Data received from Mobile Vigilance shows that the reason behind the incident is mismanagement of CSR Pass word. The investigation could not be completed by SSA Level. Hence the case referred to Circle vigilance for further direction in this case. Suggestion: Security in CSR password has to be ensured by the CSR in charges.

5 COMPLAINTS AND DISPOSAL continued …. 3. Complaint of M/s K.K. Builders regarding hacking of BB. Party changed the rental modem and connected Wi.Fi modem without setting security code at their own Risk. Hence BSNL staff can not be blamed for non setting of Password.

6 COMPLAINTS AND DISPOSAL continued  Recommendation: Customer has to bear the amount for any misuse /hacking. However Customer being CIS who pay to BSNL >1.5 lakhs per month towards rental/usage charges on our products through their different establishment; the case is recommended for settling under BB special relief Scheme “Samdhan” 4. Delay in attending fault. Complaint against JTO Cheruvathur. Investigation showed that the delay is due to breakage of cable consequent of heavy flow of water through drainage in the cable route and subsequent scarcity of cable to relay the same. Communication restored by pulling drop wire from cable breakpoint to party’s premise.. Party satisfied with the restoration of service. No action Recommended in this case

7 COMPLAINTS AND DISPOSAL continued. 5. Private Complaint against staff at Kasaragod for involving in anti social activities. Inquiry showed that no material evidence available to substantiate the above charge against the official. Hence complaint disposed by recommending to keep a watch on the official in his dealings in future. 6. Complaint of Callous and arrogant attitude of BSNL staff towards a subscriber at Panoor Xge. The case is investigated and report submitted for taking further action in this case.

8 INSPECTIONS SURPRISE:43 PREVENTIVE TECHNICAL INSPECTION : 35 CASES OF IRREGULARITIES NOTICED DURING INSPECTION:45 Main irregularities observed: 1. FAULT REPAIR: As per TRAI benchmark for QOS, the MTTR is to be 3 days. But MTTR in some of Exchanges are >300. It was reported that Main reason for huge MTTR is torrential rain and shortage of manpower. They would take care of lowering MTTR in future. 2. Suggestion: Responsibility has to be fixed in such cases.

9 OBSERVATION Continues>>> 3. Energy Saving measures in CDOT/5ESS Switches: It is observed that in many of the switches the working connections are very less against the equipped capacities. Hence much energy can be saved by rearranging the ports and switching off the frames which stands idle thereafter. Reports has been submitted to GM with copy to respective DEs in charges after identifying the stations. Compliance is awaited.

10 4. Exchange Batteries: In 5 Main stations including Kannur, the Battery condition is very critical. Batteries are also life expired. Reports submitted to GM with copy to the respective DEs to arrange immediate replacement of these life expired Batteries to avoid any catastrophe. OBSERVATION Continues>>>

11  Weak and damaged cells are to be replaced in 6 stations. 5. Engine Alternators: In 5 stations profuse oil leak is observed. In 2 stations Engines are kept idle for want of starting Batteries. Cases are reported to SSA for arranging rectifications. 6. Air conditioners: There are defective AC units (No proper cooling ) in 10 stations. Electrical wing has to OBSERVATION Continues>>>

12  Carry out proper AMC maintenance in this connection. 7. Building Problems.  In 2 stations the department building are heavily leak which has to be attended by Civil Wing. Report submitted to GM with copy to Civil section. OBSERVATION Continues>>>

13 8. Scrapping of unserviceable items:  A large quantity of AB posts, Window type units, Engine Alternators, Power Plant units,IFWT instruments etc are kept idle in various Xges which are to be scrapped and disposed for earning Revenue. 9. Unutilized cable laying in Xge premises. These cable has been brought to the notice of Planning wing for taking in stock of inventory for reissue. OBSERVATION Continues>>>

14 Inspection of CSCs  As per kannurnet the closing balance is much more than actual cash balance on hand found during inspection. It was reported that the amount to be recovered from DSA/Shoppe were also accounted as cash balance.Hence the difference.  Suggestion: More Efforts have to be taken to collect maximum amount on the same day of issue of cash cards/Ctop up to shoppe/DSA itself.

15  Circle vigilance has badly commended about the high cash balance shown in the net. Inspection of CSCs Continues >

16 VERIFICATION OF STOCK OF SIM/CASH CARDS IN CSRs  Stock of SIM/Cash cards are not tallying with the SSA figure. CSRs are asked to tally the balance with SSA figure before the next inspection.

17 Verification of IPR statements  It is reported that a few Executive staff are yet to be submit the IPR for the year 2012.  AGM Admn has to give letter to such staff for early submission failing which disciplinary actions are to be initiated against such off.  Total verified 146 as on date

18 Disciplinary cases &Monthly Review with SSA head.  Sri.M.P.Satheesan TM Perla is continuously absent for more than 8 months. Vigilance has recommended for starting Disciplinary proceeding against him under Rule-36 of CDA rule 2006. Charge sheet is framed and handed over to the Disciplinary Authority for further action in the case.  Disciplinary authority (DGM KSZ) has to start the disciplinary proceeding early.


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