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Middle School Mathematics SY 2015-16 & 2016-17. Mathematics Review  In the autumn of 2014, a Mathematics Review Committee was formed to make recommendations.

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1 Middle School Mathematics SY 2015-16 & 2016-17

2 Mathematics Review  In the autumn of 2014, a Mathematics Review Committee was formed to make recommendations for updating and aligning our mathematics curriculum.  Committee consists of administrators and teachers from the Puxi and Pudong campuses.  Representing grades 7-12.

3 Mathematics Consultant  Erma Anderson:  Former high school math and physics teacher  Albert Einstein Distinguished Fellow in the U.S. Senate  Christa McAuliffe Fellow for National Foundation for the Improvement of Education  Math/Science Consultant for the Council of Overseas Schools AEROS Project

4 Integrated Math  Students better able to see the connections between algebra, geometry and statistics.  Provides additional opportunities for real-life application of mathematics.  When students learn algebra and geometry together, they are less likely to forget the previous year’s content.  Encourages integrated thinking about math.

5 Depth vs. Memorization What colleges want from their student applicants:  Critical thinking and reasoning skills  The ability to apply knowledge and skills in novel situations.  The ability to communicate mathematical reasoning in speech and in writing.  Being able to carry out a formula or procedure is NOT enough. Students must know when and where they should use it.

6 Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset  Brain plasticity: the brain can grow in response to effort  Growth Mindset: “intelligence” can change over time.  Fixed Mindset: “intelligence” is static  With effort and belief and growth mindset you can get “smarter” in math and other area.  Frustration, cross-brain tasks, and making mistakes leads to learning. Being “pushed” leads to growth.  Forum. Jo Boaler. Ability and Mathematics: the Mindset Revolution That is Reshaping Education. vol. 55, no. 1 (2013)  Mindset: the New Psychology of Success, Carol Dweck (2006)

7 Heterogenous Groups vs. Tracking  Taking advanced mathematics in high school is strongly associated with successful completion of college. (more important than GPA or SES)  Study of “Misplaced students”: saw significant improvement when placed in a track above their presumed ability.  91% successfully completed advanced high track class

8 Heterogenous Groups vs. Tracking  “Low Ability” students saw significant improvement  “Average” students see significant improvement:  “High Ability” students continue to improve at expected levels.  Improvement measured by:  Taking Trigonometry or higher in high school  Iowa Test of Basic Skills  Sequential Mathematics I Regents Examination  Advanced Placement Calculus Examination  High School Mathematics Courses  American Educational Research Journal. Carol Burris et al. Accelerating Mathematics Achievement Using Heterogeneous Grouping. vol. 42, no. 1 (Spring 2006)

9 SY 2015-16  6 th Grade: 6 th Grade Math  All sections  7 th Grade: Accelerated Math  All sections  Both teachers of record  Algebra, Geometry, Statistics blended  8 th Grade:  Pre-Algebra (1 section)  Algebra (multiple sections)  Geometry

10 SY 2016-17  7 th Grade: 7 th  Accelerated Math  8 th Grade:  8 th Grade Math (1 section) Integrated Math I available freshman year  Integrated Math I (all other sections) This allows students to access IB HL/SL Math (Grades 11- 12)

11 Beyond 2016-17  Students will need to complete Integrated Math 2 and Integrated Math 3 in their freshman and sophomore years to take IB Math.

12 7 th Grade Accelerated Math  How will we support students at different levels of readiness?  Pre-testing  Two teachers of record  Flexible grouping  Differentiation as needed.

13  Becky Read, Principal:  Fay Leong, Ed Programs:

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