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PERALTA ECONOMIC & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Update to the District Education Committee November 21, 2014 Dr. Karen Engel Director of Economic & Workforce.

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1 PERALTA ECONOMIC & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Update to the District Education Committee November 21, 2014 Dr. Karen Engel Director of Economic & Workforce Development

2 AFT’s Workforce Devt Summit last week “We are in a global competition for jobs; the single best weapon is CTE. We need to out-skill the competition.” Nicholas PinchukNicholas Pinchuk, chairman and CEO of Snap-on ToolsSnap-on Tools  Surveyed educators stress that they need 21st-century technology and equipment in order to match what’s in today’s business settings.  Partnerships with industry are critical as is sustained, consistent funding.

3 Agenda  CTE Sub-Committee Update (files in DEC DropBox)  Adult Education Planning Process  CDCP non-credit issue  Career Pathways Trust  Pathway Action Teams  Transitions: assessment, placement, dual and concurrent enrollment policies and practices  Job Placement for Peralta Students  BOG: Task Force on Workforce, Job Creation and a Strong Economy – opportunities for input  Grant Opportunities We are Tracking

4 CTE Sub-Committee Update  Program Marketing  Strategic Planning session planned for January  Defining a Pathway  Essential for measuring outcomes  To be continued in December  Work-based Learning & Industry Engagement strategies (also in December)

5 AB 86 Adult Education  Career Development College Preparation (CDCP) Noncredit funding rate increasing to Credit rate in 2015  CDCP Enhanced Funding Categories:  ESL  Math and English basic skills  Short-term CTE courses with high employment potential  High school diploma or high school equivalency certificates  Workforce preparation courses  Programs for apprentices  Important on-going collaboration on our Regional Adult Education Plan with our K12 Adult School Partners: December 4, 4-7 p.m. at Merritt College  Align assessment and placement & student supports? 

6 Career Pathways Trust  December 4 CPT meeting is critical  Assessment, placement, multiple measures  Early college credit: dual and concurrent enrollment  Pathway Teams: course sequences  Champions: CTE faculty leads; math & English leads; Counselors; VPs; CTE Deans 

7 Job Placement  College Career Centers  Better partnerships with Workforce Investment Boards (WIBs), One Stop Career Centers, local Chambers, and others  College programs on the ETPL  Looking at on-line career devt/job search tools:  Peralta CTE website  CCCCO Career Café  CCCCO pilot: LaunchPath  CalPASS+ LaunchBoard  CalJOBS  Work-based Learning (Coop Ed; Apprenticeships)

8 BOG Task Force on Workforce  How do we dramatically increase the number of community college students who earn quality industry- valued credentials?  How do we ensure that community colleges work better and in a timelier manner with industry to assure that students leave with appropriate skills for high value and good paying jobs?  How do we make funding for workforce programs and structured CTE pathways more sustainable especially during budget downturns?  Regional Meeting: Monday, December 1 at CCCD in Martinez, 10-3.

9 Grant Opportunities We are Tracking  CA CTE Enhancement Funds (60%, 40%)  Higher Education Innovation Awards  UCB/Peralta  Peralta/CPT Consortium/East Bay STEM Network  American Apprenticeship Initiative  Advanced Manufacturing (Laney/DSN lead)

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