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How to offer an International Experiential Learning Opportunity to every student Lois Brunet Coordinator, International Experiential Education College.

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Presentation on theme: "How to offer an International Experiential Learning Opportunity to every student Lois Brunet Coordinator, International Experiential Education College."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to offer an International Experiential Learning Opportunity to every student Lois Brunet Coordinator, International Experiential Education College of Engineering, Northeastern University November 2013

2 Who we are ➥ Founded in 1898 in Boston ➥ Private Co-op School ➥ A global, experiential, research university built on a tradition of engagement with the world. ➥ Joseph Aoun, president since 2006, has put the focus on global: an international experience for every student.

3 Who we are, by the numbers ➥ 5 year/3 co-op model ➥ Always 6 months All CollegesEngineering Undergraduate16,3853,000 Graduate4,202800 Undergrads on co-op7,2391,621

4 Resources for International Co-op International Co-op Office, established in 2007 ➥ Over 580 International Co-ops in 70 countries last year Services provided ➥ Job development for all colleges ➥ Student advising ➥ Full time visa specialist ➥ Presidential Global Scholarship ➥ Pre-departure and reintegration orientations ➥ 24 hour hotline 4

5 Strong results, but… 5 ➥ Knowledge of engineering ➥ Student appetite ➥ Pay rates Total Co-ops in 2012-2013 Total International Co-ops Percent International Co-ops All Colleges79685837.3% Business162125514.2% Engineering1796231.4% why so few in COE?

6 Organizational change at COE Have a dedicated resource in house for international ➥ Build student appetite ➥ Build a range of opportunities ➥ Collaborate with domestic coordinators Functions to remain centralized ➥ Full time visa specialist ➥ Scholarship administration ➥ Pre-departure and reintegration orientations ➥ 24 hour hotline 6

7 Student Appetite for International Intro to Co-op class module – make it relevant ➥ What is Global Competency ➥ What is Cultural Intelligence ➥ Range of opportunities, what is right for me? ➥ Employer panel Student to student communication ➥ International Co-op Fair ➥ Student panel presence ➥ Ambassadors – Street Team ➥ Postcard book 7

8 Range of opportunities ➥ 7 to 10 day Service Learning Trips ➥ 4 to 6 week faculty led Dialogue of Civilizations ➥ 4 month Study Abroad ➥ 6 month International Co-op 8

9 Service Learning ➥ Existing possibilities – 2 models – Alternate Spring Break – Engineers Without Borders ➥ Create new COE Alternate Spring Break options – Engineering related – Service vs. Learning ? ➥ Encourage faculty led within a class – Work on an engineering project during the semester – Travel to implement 9

10 Study Abroad ➥ Traditional Study Abroad ➥ Dialogue of Civilization ➥ Coupled with a 4 month co-op ➥ For job development 10

11 Job Development ➥ What has worked – Alums and families – Small companies abroad who want cultural diversity – Large firms focusing on international pipeline – International opportunities with domestic partners – Students making connections 11

12 Job Development, cont’ Other areas of opportunity – Leveraging faculty connections – Leveraging existing connections with other Colleges – Converting student developed co-ops – NGO’s, non-profits in the developing world Challenges – Economy – Decision making timelines – Competition – Regulations around internships 12

13 Thoughts, questions, comments…? 13

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