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The Russian Revolutions, 1900-1924 The role of the individual in changing history.

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Presentation on theme: "The Russian Revolutions, 1900-1924 The role of the individual in changing history."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Russian Revolutions, 1900-1924 The role of the individual in changing history

2 What and who Tsarist system 1905 Revolution Feb 1917 Revolution Oct 1917 Revolution (a.k.a. Bolshevik revolution) Civil War Communist system Tsar Nicholas II Alexander Kerensky V.I. Lenin Leon Trotsky

3 Four men who changed history

4 Schedule Study the period and make notes/discuss Just before half-term, go back through the period looking at the primary sources in detail Tell you the exact question and discuss different answers – always a “how far?” q 22 Nov onwards, write your essay in class, on computers

5 The Tsar’s supporters and critics Diagram summing up Russian government in 1900 Questions about why people were unhappy and the changes they wanted The Russian wedding cake cartoon (p.180) BY NOW YOU SHOULD UNDERSTAND WHY RUSSIANS WANTED CHANGE

6 The tsar and his critics/opponents 1. Explain the ways in which Russian government was backward, repressive and unfair. 2. This system had existed for about 150 years. Was Nicholas II to blame for the state Russia was in? 3. What specific change did each group in the diagram want? 4. Which (illegal) political party represented each group? 5. Why was it impossible to force the tsar to change? 6. The wedding cake cartoon: a) which group do you think produced it? b) does it show Russia accurately? c) do you think it’s blaming Nicholas II personally?

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