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BULLYING PREVENTION & INTERVENTION PLAN Brockton Public Schools Mary Ellen Kirrane, MEd Dept. Head of Wellness K-8.

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Presentation on theme: "BULLYING PREVENTION & INTERVENTION PLAN Brockton Public Schools Mary Ellen Kirrane, MEd Dept. Head of Wellness K-8."— Presentation transcript:

1 BULLYING PREVENTION & INTERVENTION PLAN Brockton Public Schools Mary Ellen Kirrane, MEd Dept. Head of Wellness K-8

2 Steering Committee Members Michael ThomasMary Ellen Kirrane Jocelyn MeekJane Feroli Carol McGrathLaurie Silva Diane GosselinJanice Mead Kathleen MoranJohn Lynch David LewisVincent Cerce Mark St. LouisKathleen Buckley John SnelgroveJoanne Camillo Lorraine KuplastLinda Cahill Marsha EdlinKrystina Dubois Kay SealeJacqueline Pinto Steve ShawLt. Mills Donna NearyLeah McGunnigle Patricia O’Connor Kim Conlon Anthony Donegan Heather Arrighi Lisa Marske Nancy Leedburg Jane Stoleroff School MembersCommunity Members

3 Plan Components Professional Development PolicyProcedures Prevention Curriculum Special Education Requirements Counseling Services Parent Awareness

4 Timelines December 2010 June 2011 Model Plan Approved Policy Approved

5 New Bullying Prevention/Intervention Policy  Defines Bullying  Defines Cyber bullying  Prohibits Retaliation  Designates a reporting process and recipient of the reports for the district  Draft will be submitted to School Committee Subcommittee for review – December, 2010  Will be added to all Student/Parent Handbooks, 2011-2012 school year

6 Procedures  Each grade level will have a mechanism to receive a bullying report from a student  Elementary – added to office referral  Middle –added to office referral  BHS – added to behavioral referral choice on infinite campus  System wide Investigation form will be used by all administrators to investigate an alleged bullying incident  Includes interviewing target, aggressor, witnesses  If bullying is determined – Administrator will  Contact parents of target and aggressor  Take disciplinary action  Ensure a safety plan for target  Access counseling resources for both  Follow up with both target and aggressor ReportingResponding

7 Text a Tip BHS & Middle Schools Students will have the ability to anonymously report information via text about bullying and other activities that put them at risk

8 Prevention Curriculum Second Step Life Skills Character Education Social Competency Steps to Respect Second Step 6-8 MARC Curriculum Bully Prevention Second Step Steps to Respect MARC Curriculum Internet Cyber bullying Prevention

9 Meeting the Special Education Requirements Team meetings will include discussion of whether the student could be a target or aggressor Discussion of what social skills or lack there of might impact a students likelihood of becoming a target or aggressor Special consideration and planning for those students with autism spectrum disorders

10 Counseling Focus  Support will be given to targets and families of targets  Interventions strategies will be implemented for aggressors and families of aggressors  Collaboration between Special Education and Guidance will be ongoing to provide further support for those identified students with special needs

11 Professional Development January – June 2011 All BPS Staff Workshop * MARC Bullying & Cyberbullying Prevention Program * Use of the new reporting procedures * Access to BPS Wiki available for additional classroom resources Special Education/Counseling Staff Trainings * Specific training of evidence based social skill curriculum and interventions to meet the needs of special education students * Specific training of evidence based practices for counseling support and intervention

12 Parent Awareness  Parent Academy Programs will continue to be offered in the upcoming year focusing on all aspects of this Model Plan  Resources will be available at each school via the information tables, newsletters, etc.  Handbooks will be updated to reflect changes in policy and procedures  A new link will be added to the home page highlighting resources as they become available

13 Continued Focus  Chairperson will attend all ESE workshops focusing on this issue and inform the Superintendant of any additional regulations or resources the district should address  Steering Committee will continue to meet to evaluate each of the components of the model plan

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