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ACJRD/Barnardos Juvenile Justice: Criminal and Welfare Concerns 2001 – 2011 Geoffrey Shannon Camden Court Hotel 8 November 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "ACJRD/Barnardos Juvenile Justice: Criminal and Welfare Concerns 2001 – 2011 Geoffrey Shannon Camden Court Hotel 8 November 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACJRD/Barnardos Juvenile Justice: Criminal and Welfare Concerns 2001 – 2011 Geoffrey Shannon Camden Court Hotel 8 November 2011

2  Children Act 2001

3 ‘special care unit’ means premises, or a part of premises, comprising secure residential accommodation in which a child, in respect of whom a special care order or an interim special care order has been made, is detained for the purpose of the provision to that child of special care and includes accommodation and facilities required for the provision of special care; ‘special care unit’ means premises, or a part of premises, comprising secure residential accommodation in which a child, in respect of whom a special care order or an interim special care order has been made, is detained for the purpose of the provision to that child of special care and includes accommodation and facilities required for the provision of special care;

4  S.23B  High Court

5 Criteria for a special care order  the child has attained the age of 11 years;  the behaviour of the child poses a real risk;  other care provisions do not adequately address the child’s needs;  the child requires a level of care that can only be provided with a Special Care order;  consultations have been carried out with relevant parties;  a family welfare conference has been convened if necessary S.23F(6);  the child requires special care for the purposes of their welfare;  it is in the best interests of the child.

6  The interaction of Special Care procedings and criminal procedings  Child charged with an offence  Child charged with offence during period order has effect  Child remanded in custody  Where custodial sentence imposed

7  Notice - parent having custody of the child - person acting in loco parentis - guardian ad litem - where HSE considers appropriate relative of child - Garda Síochána

8  3 months

9 Review  each 4 week period  maximum two applications to extend  directions hearings

10  Interim special care order before determination  Interim special care order – 14 days  Interim special care order ex-parte – 8 days

11  Failure to find a child within 3 days  Appeal

12  Functions of the HSE

13 Discharge and Variation

14  HSE Guidelines admission and discharge from special care admission and discharge from special care absconding absconding aftercare services aftercare services

15 Guardian ad litem Aftercare - court may give directions relating to service of documents - role of guardian ad litem - may appoint a solicitor and counsel - HSE only obliged to pay costs reasonably incurred - absence of statutory guidelines Voice of the Child

16 Dissolution of Children Acts Advisory Board

17  Interagency Cooperation

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