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Lesson 7 Customs and Conventions

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1 Lesson 7 Customs and Conventions
Vocabulary Words Lesson 7 Customs and Conventions

2 Ablution Noun A washing or cleansing of the body for religious reasons
Their ablution was performed in the sacred waters of India’s Ganges River.

3 Adage Noun A short proverb or saying
She repeated the adage, “Time heals all wounds.”

4 Ancestral Adjective Pertaining to ancestors or forebears
The old man traveled to Ireland to see his ancestral home.

5 Cavalcade Noun A colorful, ceremonial procession usually with horsemen or horse-drawn carriages. The royal couple rode to the cathedral in a cavalcade.

6 Commemorate Verb To honor the memory of someone or something
The statue in the town square was erected to commemorate those who died in the Civil War.

7 Cultural Adjective Pertaining to social, artistic, and intellectual activities of a community or population He enjoyed the cultural advantages of living in an international metropolis.

8 Decoration Noun An embellishment; an ornament
The clothing of the Puritan settlers was completely devoid of decoration.

9 Devout Adjective Deeply religious or pious
The devout family attended all sacred services at their church.

10 Enduring Adjective Lasting; continuing for a long time
Celebrating the arrival of spring is an enduring ritual for many groups of people.

11 Escutcheon Noun A shield or emblem bearing a coat of arms
The escutcheon at the entrance to the palace bore the Windsor crest.

12 Ethnic Adjective Characteristic of a religious, racial, national, or cultural group within a social system The Soviet Union was made up of many ethnic groups, including Lithuanians, Ukranians, and Latvians..

13 Fete Noun A festival or feast
The ambassador held a lavish fete each summer at his residence.

14 Idolatry Noun A blind admiration of or devotion to something or someone The people’s loyalty to their leader bordered on idolatry.

15 Irreverent Adjective Disrespectful
The article accurately described the ancient customs, but some of the author’s statements were irreverent.

16 Memento Noun A reminder of the past; a keepsake or souvenir
This scrapbook is a memento of my childhood.

17 Posterity Noun Future generations
The famous composer’s notes have been preserved for posterity.

18 Reminiscent Adjective
Having to do with something that recalls the past That painting style is reminiscent of the Dutch school.

19 Reverence Noun A feeling of profound respect and honor
A reverence for nature is one important aspect of Emily Dickinson’s poetry.

20 Sacrosanct Adjective Regarded as sacred; holy
Throughout history many cultures have believed that particular animals are sacrosanct.

21 Taboo Noun Something forbidden from use or mention
It is considered a taboo to speak during the ceremony.

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