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1 지식구조의 시각적 표상 정 미 애정 미 애. 2 지식표상의 원리 (Davis, Shrobe, & Szolovits (1993) a. 지식표상은 대용물 (surrogate) 이다. b. 지식표상은 존재론적 개입 (ontological commitment) 이다. c.

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Presentation on theme: "1 지식구조의 시각적 표상 정 미 애정 미 애. 2 지식표상의 원리 (Davis, Shrobe, & Szolovits (1993) a. 지식표상은 대용물 (surrogate) 이다. b. 지식표상은 존재론적 개입 (ontological commitment) 이다. c."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 지식구조의 시각적 표상 정 미 애정 미 애

2 2 지식표상의 원리 (Davis, Shrobe, & Szolovits (1993) a. 지식표상은 대용물 (surrogate) 이다. b. 지식표상은 존재론적 개입 (ontological commitment) 이다. c. 지식표상은 지능적 추리에 대한 단편적 이론 (a fragmentary theory of intelligent reasoning) 이다. d. 지식표상은 효율적인 계산을 위한 매개체 (a medium for efficient computation) 이다. e. 지식표상은 사람들의 언어표현의 매개체 (a medium of human expression) 이다.

3 3 2. 지식표상 방법 (Luger, 2002) 1. 선언적 표상 (declarative representation) - 술어논리 2. 절차적 표상 (procedural representation) 3. 의미망 표상 (network representation) 4. 구조적 표상 (structural representation) - 프레임, 스크립트

4 4 2.1. 논리기반 지식표상 a. All men are mortal. Socrates is a man. Therefore, Socrates is mortal. b. ∀ x(M(x) → D(x)) M(a) ∴ D(a)

5 5 Frege 도식 : ∀ x ¬∀ y(Pxy → ¬ Pyx) Visual Predicate Logic Representation x y Pyx Pxy man eatsman Peirce 존재도식 (EG): ∃ x ∃ y(man(x) ∧ eat(x,y))

6 6 ~( x)( y)(farmer(x) donkey(y) owns(x,y) ~beats(x,y)) = (x)( y)((farmer(x) donkey(y) owns(x,y)) beats(x,y))

7 7 2.2. 의미망에 의한 지식표상 Collins & Quillian(1969)

8 8 의미망 유형 (sowa 2002) 1. 정의적 (definitional) 의미망 2. 단언적 (assertional) 의미망 3. 함축적 (implicative) 의미망 4. 실행적 (executable) 의미망 5. 학습 (learning) 의미망 6. 혼종적 (hybrid) 의미망

9 9 1. Definitional semantic networks Porphyry: Supreme genus: Substance Differentiae: Subordinate genera: Differentiae: Subordinate genera: Differentiae: Proximate genera: Differentiae: Species: Individuals: Material Immaterial Body Spirit Animate Inanimate Living Material sensitive Insensitive Animal Plant rational Irrational Human Beast Socrates Plato Aristotle etc.


11 11 2. Assertional (propositional) semantic networks Semantic Network Processing System (SNePS): Sue thinks that Bob believes that a dog is eating a bone.

12 12 2. Assertional (propositional) semantic networks (cont’d) Conceptual Graph : Sue thinks that Bob believes that a dog is eating a bone.

13 13 3. Implicative semantic networks

14 14 4. Executive semantic networks Petri Net:

15 15 5. Learning semantic networks Neural Network: 6. Hybrid semantic networks

16 16 2.3. Frame 에 의한 지식표상

17 17 2.4. Script 에 의한 지식표상

18 18 3. 컴퓨터를 이용한 시각적 지식표상도구 Computational tools for visual knowledge representation class hello{ public static void main(String args[]){ System.out.println("Hello"); } class hello{ public static void main(String args[]){System.out.println("Hello");}} vs.

19 19 3.1. CmapTools

20 20 3.2. Inspiration

21 21 Concept Maps I. Effectiveness A. Cognitive domain II. Visual domain III. Advantages A. Information synthesis B. Conceptual understanding C. Performance IV. Metacognitive learning skills V. Knowledge Management System VI. visual A. Design Elements B. Non-verbal Communication C. Visual Symbols D. Visualizing Knowledge E. Design Principles VII. Cognitive Research & Theory A. Holistic representation B. Structural Knowledge 1. Knowledge VIII. Meaningful Learning A. Aid Meaningful Learning 1. Learning tool IX. General Applications A. Assess understanding B. Communicate complex ideas C. Design complex structures D. Brainstorming E. Creativity tool

22 22 3.3. SMART Ideas

23 23 3.4. Axon Idea Processor

24 24 3.5 CharGer

25 25 3.5 CharGer

26 26 4. 자연언어 처리를 위한 지식표상 도구의 활용 4.1. 간접조응의 시각적 지식표상

27 27 John bought a Mustang.

28 28 John bought a Mustang. The radiator was shiny.

29 29

30 30 CharGer 의 database 를 이용한 간접조응 해결

31 31

32 32

33 33 a. b. CmapTools 를 이용한 다양한 간접조응 John bought a pantechnicon. He adores the vehicle.

34 34 Mary got some picnic supplies out of the car. The beer was warm.

35 35

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38 38 I bought a bicycle. The frame is extra large.

39 39

40 40

41 41 John walked into the room. The chandelier sparkled brightly.

42 42 John walked into the room.

43 43 John walked into the room. The chandelier sparkled brightly.

44 44

45 45

46 46 John walked into the room. The chandelier sparkled brightly.

47 47 I went to a wedding last weekend. The bride was a friend of mine. She baked the cake herself.

48 48

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50 50 4.2. 담화구조의 시각적 지식표상

51 51

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57 57

58 58 Graesser & Clark (1985) Structures and Procedures of Implicit Knowledge

59 59 Graesser & Clark (1985) 의 예에 대한 의미망 표상

60 60 1.William is a teacher and reports directly to Elizabeth. 2.William and Elizabeth are adult people. 3.William and Elizabeth work in the English Department of Ballybefore School. 4.Elizabeth is Head of Department. 5.All employees of the school get great long holidays. 6.The school is in the area of the BELB. Heads of Department get a huge salary, teachers get a pittance.

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