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Flowers n Monocots. Flowers n -veins in most are parallel.

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Presentation on theme: "Flowers n Monocots. Flowers n -veins in most are parallel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flowers n Monocots

2 Flowers n -veins in most are parallel

3 Flowers n Monocots n -veins in most are parallel n -flower parts in 3’s or multiples of 3

4 Flowers n Monocots n -veins in most are parallel n -flower parts in 3’s or multiples of 3 n -vascular bundles are scattered in a cross section of a stem

5 Flowers n Monocots n -veins in most are parallel n -flower parts in 3’s or multiples of 3 n -vascular bundles are scattered in a cross section of a stem n -stems of most monocots do not grow thicker from year to year

6 Flowers n Monocots n -veins in most are parallel n -flower parts in 3’s or multiples of 3 n -vascular bundles are scattered in a cross section of a stem n -stems of most monocots do not grow thicker from year to year n -in roots bundles of xylem & phloem alternate in a circle

7 Flowers n Monocots n -veins in most are parallel n -flower parts in 3’s or multiples of 3 n -vascular bundles are scattered in a cross section of a stem n -stems of most monocots do not grow thicker from year to year n -in roots bundles of xylem & phloem alternate in a circle

8 Flowers n Dicots

9 Flowers n -veins in leaves form branching network

10 Flowers n Dicots n -veins in leaves form branching network n -flower parts in 4’s or 5’s or multiples of 4 or 5

11 Flowers n Dicots n -veins in leaves form branching network n -flower parts in 4’s or 5’s or multiples of 4 or 5 n -vascular bundles of stem are arranged in a ring

12 Flowers n Dicots n -veins in leaves form branching network n -flower parts in 4’s or 5’s or multiples of 4 or 5 n -vascular bundles of stem are arranged in a ring n -stems can grow thicker from year to year

13 Flowers n Dicots n -veins in leaves form branching network n -flower parts in 4’s or 5’s or multiples of 4 or 5 n -vascular bundles of stem are arranged in a ring n -stems can grow thicker from year to year n -single mass of xylem forms an “X” in root, phloem is located between arms of “X”

14 Flowers n Dicots n -veins in leaves form branching network n -flower parts in 4’s or 5’s or multiples of 4 or 5 n -vascular bundles of stem are arranged in a ring n -stems can grow thicker from year to year n -single mass of xylem forms an “X” in root, phloem is located between arms of “X”

15 Flowers n Flower Structure

16 Flowers n -flowers are actually miniature stems that produce four specialized leaves

17 Flowers n Flower Structure n -flowers are actually miniature stems that produce four specialized leaves –Sepals

18 Flowers n Flower Structure n -flowers are actually miniature stems that produce four specialized leaves –Sepals –Petals

19 Flowers n Flower Structure n -flowers are actually miniature stems that produce four specialized leaves –Sepals –Petals –Stamens

20 Flowers n Flower Structure n -flowers are actually miniature stems that produce four specialized leaves –Sepals –Petals –Stamens –Carpels

21 Flowers n Sepals

22 Flowers n -in many flowers are green

23 Flowers n Sepals n -in many flowers are green n -enclose the flower bud before it opens protecting the flower

24 Flowers n Sepals n -in many flowers are green n -enclose the flower bud before it opens protecting the flower n -all sepals together form the calyx

25 Flowers n Petals

26 Flowers n Petal n -second circle of flower parts

27 Flowers n Petal n -second circle of flower parts n -often brightly colored

28 Flowers n Petal n -second circle of flower parts n -often brightly colored n -all the petals form the corolla

29 Flowers n Petal n -second circle of flower parts n -often brightly colored n -all the petals form the corolla n -often used to attract insects

30 Flowers n Petal n -second circle of flower parts n -often brightly colored n -all the petals form the corolla n -often used to attract insects n -because sepals and petals do not form gametophytes they are called “sterile” leaves

31 Flowers n Stamens

32 Flowers n -next circle of leaves inside the petals

33 Flowers n Stamens n -next circle of leaves inside the petals n -has a long thin filament that supports the anther

34 Flowers n Stamens n -next circle of leaves inside the petals n -has a long thin filament that supports the anther n -male gametophytes are formed inside the anther

35 Flowers n Stamens n -next circle of leaves inside the petals n -has a long thin filament that supports the anther n -male gametophytes are formed inside the anther n -grains of pollen are formed on anthers

36 Flowers n Stamens n -next circle of leaves inside the petals n -has a long thin filament that supports the anther n -male gametophytes are formed inside the anther n -grains of pollen are formed on anthers n -pollen divides to form 2 sperm nuclei

37 Flowers n Stamens n -next circle of leaves inside the petals n -has a long thin filament that supports the anther n -male gametophytes are formed inside the anther n -grains of pollen are formed on anthers n -pollen divides to form 2 sperm nuclei

38 Flowers n Carpels

39 Flowers n -center most circle of flower parts

40 Flowers n Carpels n -center most circle of flower parts n -one or more carpels form the pistil

41 Flowers n Carpels n -center most circle of flower parts n -one or more carpels form the pistil n -the ovary is the base of the pistil, the style is the stalk, and the stigma is at the top of the stalk

42 Flowers n Carpels n -center most circle of flower parts n -one or more carpels form the pistil n -the ovary is the base of the pistil, the style is the stalk, and the stigma is at the top of the stalk n -ovules are located inside the ovary

43 Flowers n Carpels n -center most circle of flower parts n -one or more carpels form the pistil n -the ovary is the base of the pistil, the style is the stalk, and the stigma is at the top of the stalk n -ovules are located inside the ovary


45 Flowers n Pollination

46 Flowers n -transfer of pollen to stigma

47 Flowers n Pollination n -transfer of pollen to stigma n -self pollination - pollen can fall from anther to stigma on the same flower

48 Flowers n Pollination n -transfer of pollen to stigma n -self pollination - pollen can fall from anther to stigma on the same flower n -cross pollination - pollen must be transferred from one flower to an other

49 Flowers n Fertilization

50 Flowers n -in angiosperms double fertilization occurs

51 Flowers n Fertilization n -in angiosperms double fertilization occurs n -one sperm fuses with egg to become the zygote

52 Flowers n Fertilization n -in angiosperms double fertilization occurs n -one sperm fuses with egg to become the zygote n -other sperm fuses with 2 polar bodies to form a triploid (3N) endosperm

53 Flowers n Fertilization n -in angiosperms double fertilization occurs n -one sperm fuses with egg to become the zygote n -other sperm fuses with 2 polar bodies to form a triploid (3N) endosperm n -endosperm is the food source for the developing embryo (rice, corn, wheat)

54 Perfect Flowers n Contain both male and female sex organs

55 Imperfect Flowers n Contain only one sex on flower n Staminate – Male only n Pistillate – Female only

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