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Consulting UpToDate in the pediatrics ward at the Rwinkwavu Hospital in Rwanda, February 2010 From right, Dr. Erick Baginizi and Dr. Corrado Cancedda consulting.

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Presentation on theme: "Consulting UpToDate in the pediatrics ward at the Rwinkwavu Hospital in Rwanda, February 2010 From right, Dr. Erick Baginizi and Dr. Corrado Cancedda consulting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consulting UpToDate in the pediatrics ward at the Rwinkwavu Hospital in Rwanda, February 2010 From right, Dr. Erick Baginizi and Dr. Corrado Cancedda consulting on Burkitt's Lymphoma for a patient who might have complications. © Elizabeth Arend, Partners In Health

2 On rounds, Rwinkwavu Hospital, June 2009 Dr. Irenée Umulisa (right) and Dr. Cancedda sharing information with a patient. Dr. Cancedda currently holds the position “Poorvu Family Faculty Fellow” for the country. © Bill Campbell, Partners In Health

3 “When I got to Malawi, originally with Partners in Health, there were only British textbooks from 1978,” recalls Dr. Molly McNairy, Global Health Resident at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston who helped coordinate training on the ground. Nurses and Clinical Assistants practice with UpToDate at the Neno District Hospital in Malawi, November 2008 © Molly McNairy

4 Practicing a search in UpToDate, Neno District Hospital, November 2008

5 Learning to navigate UpToDate, Neno District Hospital, November 2008

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